InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The....? ❯ prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

What the...?
Prologue: Surprise in The Morning
Early morning at Sengoku jidai, Inuyasha woke up first and yawned silently. His eyes still closed when his tongue curled up in his mouth and his doggie ears twitched back and front. Then he looked down to his pack, checking if everything's allright... But, there's something wrong... Something inside his red haori blocking his view. Confused, he opened his white hakama with both hands and saw a perfectly, big, round breast with pink rose nipples stood proudly on. After blinked his eyes twice, his rough feminim scream filled the silent forest. “AAAARRGH!!!”
Hm... Done for now...
I want to know if anyone on the net want me to continue this fic. Send your review to me, ok?
Ja ne!