InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the crap ❯ one ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Well ok everyone this is my attempt at writing a story. So umm I hope u enjoy it.

Disclaimer: nope no dog demons 4 me :-/

NOTE! -Characters are VERY OOC!


One sunny summer morning, a girl by the name of Kagome Higurashi stepped outside her door ready to conquer the world. In other words…she's ready to go to her first day of her sophomore year of high school. She had on white shorts, a pastel green tank top, and white slide on tennis shoe with her light brown hair tied up in a high ponytail. She never wore any makeup cause she never really needed it. She was very attractive and caught the attention of a majority of the guys in the school. Her hourglass figure added to her great tan, sparkly green eyes, double rows of eyelashes, and pink kissable lips.

"Well stupid pointless high school, here I come" and with that said she started walking to her least favorite place in the world.

She got to the bottom of the shrine steps and grabbed her bike out of the garage and headed for school.

When she got there she was only about 5 min. early so she went to her homeroom to get her schedule.

"Mrs. Kunja? Can I have my schedule please?" she said to her advisor who merely took a pile of papers and said, "find it then go to your first class. I am very busy getting ready and I don't need little sophomores raining my charade!"

Mrs. Kunja was the drama teacher and very dramatic. The first conversation you have with her you can already tell that she is because of how loud she talks and how drawn out her words are.

Kagome looked through the stack of papers until she found hers then gave the stack back to her advisor.

"Here you go thanks Mrs. Kunja see you later!" she said as she left the classroom heading for her first class.

"See ya later hunny!" she yelled back.

Kagome looked at her schedule and cringed at her first class. Physics. Oh how she dreaded that class. And most of all the teacher. She just hoped that she had at least one friend in that class with her.

She stepped into the classroom and was VERY glad to see that her best friend Sango was in there.

Sango and her had been best friends since kindergarten and will always be. Sango had long dark brown hair that was all the way down flowing down her slender shoulders and light chocolate brown eyes. She had on a jean skirt with a dark green 3-quarter length shirt and dark brown flip-flops. She wasn't as pretty as Kagome but she was definitely close.

Kagome quickly as possible walked over to the desk next to her and immediately started chattering.

"Oh my gosh Kagome I am so glad that we have this class together! This is gonna be so much fun!" Sango said turning to face her friend.

"Yah I know! I just hope we don't get in trouble as much as we did last year in biology.

"Oh who cares at least we had fun!"

"Yah that's always true."

Kagome looked up and saw another one of her close friends' walk in. It was Kanju. Her and Kanju have been close friends since third grade. She is extremely pretty with shoulder length dark brown hair, light blue eyes, and a great tan. The only problem with her is that she is extremely shy and not very social. But she has some friends. Kagome and Sango included.

"Hey Kanju! Over here!" Kagome waved Kanju over to an empty desk that was behind her. Kanju smiled and walked over to the desk and sat down.

"Hey Kagome hey Sango! I am so happy that I have a class with you guys! I was afraid that no 1 else would be in here." She said making sure to whisper so she wouldn't get in trouble.

Before Sango or Kagome could say anything else the teacher, Mrs. Weller stood up in front of the class and started calling the role. Mrs. Weller was an overweight teacher who never taught and always sat in the back of the classroom at her desk eating while she gave the class busy work.

Unknown to Kagome but there was a certain silver headed boy sitting behind Sango staring at Kagome.

This boy would be the cause of a lot of stress this semester and she hasn't even met him before.


Ok guys this was a VERY slow chapter. And I am VERY sorry. Hopefully it will speed up soon. But at the end of this story there will be a surprise for everyone that they have no clue about. :-x. lol. Well until next time!