InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Eyes Can't See ❯ Like Two Identical Bowls ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
What Eyes Can't See
Chapter 5 Like Two Identical Bowls
Author : Sami-chan (AKA Belldandy-chan ^^)
Rating : G
Author's Notes : Ohiyo Minna-san! How are things going?? Well here's chapter 5 of my little story ^^ I'm kinda proud of this one so I hope you all like it ^^ I'm making this a special dedication to my husband who just got shipped out ^^;; Hope you're ok hunny! I'd also like to thank all of you that have reviewed so far! I had a couple questions on word meanings so let me clearify a bit...

jii-chan : Grandpa
nee-chan or onee-chan : sister
nii-chan or onii-chan : brother
ja ne : see ya
hanyou : half breed
youkai : demon
jaki : evil air/that stuff that Naraku's always throwing around ^^;;

I think that's enough to get you all through this story.. those are the basics anyway.. If there are any more I'll make sure I post them too! If I missed any let me know ^^ Anywho! I'm gonna get going! I hope you all enjoy the chapter! R/R if you got the time! I love comments, good or bad ^^ Every little bit helps!
Ja ne for now!
Disclaimer : I don't own Inu yasha ^^ Though.. if Takahashi-sama is looking to get rid of it...


Kagome ran as quickly as she could to the village and informed the small and still slightly confused group that she and Inu yasha would be staying in her time to wait for the new moons arrival. After a quick explanation on what would need to be done in order to hopefully cure the hanyou's vision problems, the young miko head back towards the well, though at a much slower pace.

She still moved at a pretty quick pace but left enough time between herself and the well for her to think. To think about the day's earlier events.

She and Inu yasha had kissed. At first it had been a total accident but when neither of them had moved away and the kiss began to deepen, it took on a whole new meaning.

As if the first kiss hadn't been enough of a system shock for the still reeling miko, she had had the nerve to kiss him *again*. It was only a soft peck on the cheek but she had done it so easily and so instinctively that it kind of scared her. What had she been thinking?

She sighed and her paced slowed a bit more to accommodate her every whirling thoughts.

It wasn't like she had been the only person enjoying the kiss. From what her still baffled mind could remember Inu yasha had also leaned deeper into the kiss. He had even pulled her into his lap at some point, though whether that was at the beginning or end of the kiss she couldn't recall. Did that mean he had *wanted* her to kiss him? Had it been a look into some deeper feeling he usually kept well hidden?

Kagome was sure that Inu yasha had some feelings for her. With as often as he was saving her from youkai and natural disasters he must at least care a little. The question was in what way did he care? Were they friends or was she nothing more then a jewel detector? Maybe there was more then she was seeing in this foggy picture. Then another thought crawled its way out from the darker depths of her mind.


Maybe Inu yasha had not been kissing her at all but the woman she was reincarnated from. This caused a pain deep in Kagome's chest, making it slightly harder to breath. A mistake she could take, a heat of the moment kind of thing that had gotten out of hand she could deal with but mistaken for *her*? Kagome shuddered at the thought.

The well came into view and Kagome realized her time for thinking was running short.

Sitting on the lip of the old well and swinging her legs over the edge to dangle into it Kagome gave herself a mental pat on the back. "Right!" she said holding a determined fist in front of her. "I'll just wait until either he makes his intentions clear or he makes another move."

Smiling and determined in her decision, Kagome pushed herself off the edge of the well and disappeared into the bluish light of time.


Kagura stood before the dark, shrouded figure of her master as he awaited her report. She smirk, enjoying the annoyance her very presences gave the hanyou.

Yes, hanyou. While she couldn't say it aloud because he would most certainly kill her, in her mind she knew him as he really was. A worthless hanyou.

Kanna appeared beside her younger sister, an image of the young miko girl known as Kagome running from the village displayed in her mirror.

"Ah," The young lord smiled. "So it seems she and the hanyou have gone into hiding as I thought they would. No doubt they will be trying to remove the poison from his sight soon." He turned dangerous red eyes on his subordinate, a smile playing on his lips. "Please offer them an invitation to our little party in their honor."

The sisters bowed before disappearing into the darkness leaving their master to hideously insane laughter.


Like two identical bowls.

Inu yasha adjusted himself until he was lying stretched out on the couch. His fingertips reached up and lightly traced the curve of his lower lip; remember the other pair of lips that had just left them moments before. Laying there, blinded eyes fixed on the ceiling, a thought had entered his mind.

They were like two identical bowls.

While on the outside Kagome and Kikyou were hard to tell apart, once you moved your gaze inwards it was like looking into a bowl of stew and one of water. Suddenly there was a difference in their presence and aura that was so blatantly obvious you wonder how you could have missed it.

Kikyou was like a bowl of water. While it was thrust quenching, water is bland and tasteless. She had never really been a people person. Though she had given herself over to helping the village, it was often clear that she resented them for it. Her mannerisms and attitude towards the poor unfortunates that sought out her guidance was often cold and on the side of annoyance.

Kagome, on the other hand, reminded Inu yasha of a bowl of stew. She brought such flavor to his life and nourished his very soul. She gave to everyone freely, never asking anything in return except for their happiness. How many times had she held a crying friend though she herself was also in pain? Or offered her support to the battle wary hanyou when all he had ever done was offered her pain?

A sound from the front door caught the hanyou's attention and he quickly closed his eyes, veining sleep rather then confront Kagome's modern world for the moment. He heard the door open and the careful shuffling of feet as one moved up the stairs and the over just passed him into the hall.

His eyes remained closed as his thoughts returned to two women that occupied his every waking thought as of lately.

He had an obligation to Kikyou. To put her to rest. He owed her at least that in retribution for not having more faith in her but didn't she owe him as well? He had not been the only one whose faith had faltered in that moment of Naraku's treachery. To fulfill his obligation to the woman he loved, and yes in some way he loved her though he wasn't totally sure what way that was, did he really have to die?

A picture of Kagome entered his mind, heavy with pups and smiling as she leaned against the doorframe of a small hut. He could live like that with her, he thought.

With Kikyou pups had never seemed a possibility though he had always wanted it to be. He had tried then as he did now to picture the two of them together and happy in a small hut, settled securely in the village but he could never get passed the way he pictured himself.

As a human.

He couldn't imagine himself as a human for more then a few moments before it became too disdainful for him to bear. And though he couldn't picture himself as a human, nor could he see himself as a full demon without the image giving way and faltering in his mind. Neither of the image seemed right to him mind's eye.

With Kagome he knew it didn't matter how he pictured himself and that, he believed, was what made all the difference.

She didn't care as long as he was happy.

Inu yasha gave a small start as something soft and warm fell over his body. His eyes didn't open but he felt as his someone was smiling at him and he couldn't help but smile back as he retreated under the covers.

'Ah,' he thought as he heard Mrs. Higurashi disappear into the kitchen. 'So that's where she gets it.'


Inu yasha sat on Kagome's bed, brooding silently as he attempted to glare at the young miko who expertly ignored him.

As she soon as she had returned from the well she had had a very in depth conversation with her mother about Inu yasha's 'current condition' and this had not settled well with the overly edgy hanyou. Kagome had brushed it off like it was no big thing and retreated to her room to study for a test leaving the hanyou to make his own way to her room.

It wasn't difficult. He merely followed her scent until he reached the appropriate room and took a seat on her bed to pout, hoping that eventually she'd get the hint and apologize.
So far, he was unsuccessful.

Kagome hummed happily as he tiny walkman played in her ear, her pencil tapping on the beat on her open math book. Maybe if he could have seen the concerned looks she tossed his way every now and then he might have felt better but for now all he felt was very annoyed.

"Oi." he called.

Kagome removed her headphones and turned with a cheerful smiled to the man on her bed. "Hai?" she asked happily.

Inu yasha growled lightly. "What are you so happy about?"

Kagome pouted. Obviously he didn't remember. She shrugged, now a bit down trot ten, "Nothing I guess."

"Good." he huffed. If he couldn't be happy then neither could she.

No, that was a lie.

He really wanted her to be happy because if she was happy so was he. As it was he was concentration with all his will power to stay angry with her but that power was slipping away fast.

"Oi," Inu yasha felt a weight shift onto the bed and crawl over to sit next to him. "I was thinking."


Kagome frown but continued on, ignoring his comment. "I was thinking about this book we were reading in English class last year. It's about this woman named Helen Keller."

"And she would have what to do with me?"

"Hear me out. You see she was born blind and deaf and in order for her to communicate and get around in the world they had to teach her a whole new way to communicate."

Inu yasha stayed silent so she continued on.

"I was thinking that it might help if we came up with easier ways for you to get around the house on your own. That way if I have to go out to school or something you don't have to be stumbling around."

Inu yasha nodded. "What did you have in mind?"

Kagome scratched her chin. "Hum, well... What about counting steps?"

"Counting steps?"

"Yeah!" Kagome leapt up, carefully pulling Inu yasha with her. "Like," she paused and searched the room. "Like say counting the number of normal steps between here and the door to my room."

Inu yasha raised an eyebrow in confusion. "And how is this suppose to help me?"

"That way you can just count your steps as you walk and know where you are in the house. With that and scenting you should be mobile in no time."

Inu yasha nodded. "Sound good."

Kagome smiled in triumph. "I know! So let's start with me room and then move on to the rest of the house, ne?"

Inu yasha nodded again. He felt Kagome's hand slip causally into his and couldn't help but blush.

"Inu yasha?"

Inu yasha turned away quickly. "Let's get on with it! I don't wanna be at it all day!"


Kagome never realized how big her house really was. She and Inu yasha has started their little 'project' sometime just after lunch and continued on into late evening, stopping briefly for dinner. They had skipped the obvious places like momma's room, jii-chan's room and the back storage room, places Inu yasha never went, keeping mostly to rooms and places the hanyou visited often. This way there wouldn't be too many numbers to remember. Kagome had even made a special effort to help Inu yasha locate the Goshinboku, his favorite place to brood in modern or feudal times.

Letting out a loud sigh, Kagome flopped back on her bed. She turned her head and looked disdainfully at the cheerful alarm clock next to her bed. She let out an unlady-like grunt as she rolled to her side and grabbed the offending object, set it for the appropriate time and then replaced it on her nightstand. Nodding in satisfaction, she pulled the covers down and crawled the rest of the way into her bed. She closed her eyes and prepared for sleep.

She groaned as someone knocked on her door. She tried to ignore it, turning over and burying her face in her pillow but a loud squeak echoed from the old hinges and a soft whispering voice reached her ears. "Kagome?"

She sighed into her pillow before turning over and sitting up. "Hai Inu yasha?"

She watched as he entered, shutting the door behind him and began taking deliberate steps towards the bed. She smiled in amusement as he finally reached a hand out to make sure the bed was where it was suppose to be before taking a seat at her feet.

There was a long moment where neither spoke. The nighttime crickets chirped happily outside the window and a warm spring breeze floated in through the miko's open window but still silence dominated the room.

Kagome tossed the covers off her legs stood up. "You know Inu yasha," she reached out and took his hands, guiding him into a standing position before leading him towards the door. "As much as I would really like to just sit here with you, I do have to go to school tomorrow."

"Can I stay with you?"

Kagome blinked for a moment, unsure if she had heard him correctly. She stopped and turned back, a questioning gazed fixed on the hanyou.

His arrogant attitude returned under her questioning gaze but the blush that covered his cheeks ruined the effect. "It's just I know how much trouble you can get into and if I'm down stairs, well, it'll take too long for me to get up here to save your ass."

Kagome covered her mouth to hold back the giggle that threaten to escape. So that's the way he wanted to play it ne? Mr. I'm-a-hardass-nothing-scares-me? Kagome cleared her throat, a mischief twinkle that was lost on the blind hanyou entering her eyes.

"Nah that's ok. I'm sure I'll be just fine."

Inu yasha's face fell. It was so slight that if she hadn't known him she would have never noticed but it was there. The sudden look of a lost little boy fluttering briefly through his sightless eyes.

He didn't mean to let the whimper in his throat escape and blushed as it bounced off the walls of the dark and quiet room.

"Inu yasha." He felt her hand caress his cheek. "Are you scared?"

"Keh! As if!" He pulled his face away from her touch, instantly regretting the movement. "I'm just looking out for your clumsy ass!"

Kagome frowned. "Fine!" She pushed the irritating hanyou the final few steps until he was standing in the hallway. "Oyasumi nasai!" She moved to slam the door in his face but a hand stopped her.

"Kagome," he whispered softly, "Please don't.."

Kagome's anger melted as she stared at him. He didn't want to say it but he was scared. He was like a little boy locked in a dark room and all he wanted was comfort. And here she was being a total bitch.

Sighing in defeat, Kagome released the door and allowed him to push it back open. "Momma will kill me if she finds you in here." She cleared her throat to hide the giggle that threaten her when Inu yasha let another whimper slip from his throat. "We'll just have to sleep in the living room." she finished quickly and watched as the hanyou's face instantly lightened.

"Wait here a moment." She quickly dashed back into her room and collected her pillow and blanket, making a special side trip to grab her alarm clock and toss it too onto the small pile. She returned a moment later to her waiting companion and led him down stairs.

She gently pushed Inu yasha back, causing him to plop down onto the couch before moving over to the hall closet. She returned a moment later with a few more blanket and proceeded to pile them on the floor into a make shift futon. She threw her pillow down at one end and set her alarm clock on the coffee table that had been pushed up against the TV.

Grabbing her blanket, Kagome laid down on her make shift bed and pulled the covers over her body. She turned a smiling face to the hanyou sitting on the couch, "Oyasumi Inu yasha." She closed her eyes and turned onto her side, finally ready to get some much needed rest.

Something rustled behind her and she felt a hand touch her shoulder, "Kagome?"

She didn't open her eyes, "Hai?"

"Why are you sleeping on the floor?"

"Because you're sleeping on the couch."

"I can sleep on the floor."

Kagome smiled. "That's ok. I'm fine down here."

After a moment she didn't feel Inu yasha move away and allowed herself to glance back at him. He sat as he usually did when he slept, back against the couch and arms folded against his chest. His eyes were closed but it was easy to tell he was still awake. She smiled and gently patted his knee in a reassuring jester.

"Its really ok Inu yasha. You can sleep on the couch."

He merely shook his head, his usual 'keh' his only reply. Kagome giggled. In a quick movement, she leaned up and gently kissed his cheek before snuggling back down into her makeshift bed. She closed her eyes and fell quickly to sleep.

Inu yasha's hand reached up and gently touched his cheek where her lips had been. A small smile touched the corner of his lips as he felt the tiny wet spot beneath his fingertips. His mind drifted back to his thoughts from earlier that day and his smile grew.

His future with Kagome was looking much brighter.
