InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the fans think ❯ Starberry's Opinions ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

LOTSHA: these are from Starberry

Starberry: >.< Here we go! By the way, this is a pretty cool idea! Rock on!

Inuyasha: LOVE LOVE LOVE! *gush* *gush* He's my dream guy!

Kagome: My favorite character! E! She's so awesome! Inu + Kag forever!

Miroku: Dang, he is one hot cookie. I may have to grab his butt.

Sango: Well, she has some issues. Yeah.

Kikyo: Uh... I don't really hate her, I feel bad for her. I liked her when she was alive.

Sesshomaru: Very hot. Love those muscles! Oh baby!

Shippou: Quite annoying. He never does anything except for like... twice.

Kaede: I wonder if she ever got married? Does she have any kids? I dunno, she's really nice.

Naraku: I hate him more than Kikyou (gah! I know, it's true). I have two words for him- hair cut.

Myoga: Jeez, annoying little flee.

Jaken: I've spent hours trying to figure out what exactly this guy is suppose to be. A toad? A fish? Who can tell for sure?

Rin: Very sweet. I think her and Kohaku should get together. >.<

Kouga: I don't know, but if I was Kagome, it'd be hard to say no. Yep, sure would. *major drool action*

Kagura: I don't know much about her. Oh, well. Her and Sesshoumaru should get together, though.

Kanna: Seems so... shell like.

That's it! ^.^ -Starberry