InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the fans think ❯ lady kareema's Opinions ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Inuyasha: he is pretty cool I love the attitude and his cute little ears (aw)

Kagome: is a naive bitch I have never seen any one whine that much but all in all I she is kinda cool (stress on the kinda)

Miroku: one word hentai other words I fucking like that

Sango: cool other then the fact that she needs to stop hitting Miroku

Kikyo: bitch bitch bitch bitch she should be tied to a rock and thrown in a damn lake

Sesshomaru: yummy is all I have to say but what is with the tail or boa whatever that thing is

Shippou: he is so cute but enough with the toys already

Kaede: needs to die already she is too old

Naraku: completely insane one track mind in major need of a shrink to get over the whole killing his enemies and getting the jewel obsession

Myoga: anoying I would squish him too

Jaken: that damned staff he carries around needs to be used on him (yeah burn toad burn)

Rin: she is so cute but who in there right minds would fallow Sesshomaru around

Kouga: awsome what I would not give to tie him to my bed so I could fuck him over and over like the energizer bunny

Kagura: needs to get some nerve

Kanna: can you say creepy