InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Brings ❯ New Enemy, Kaida ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 3 - New Enemy, Kaida
Inuyasha woke up dizzily. He scratched his head and rubbed his eyes but still the room remained pitch black. He wasn't sure where he was or how he got there. Inuyasha heard movements around him, unaware that it was Kagome and the others who also blacked out and were brought to this mysterious place. He got up and walked, trying to find even the slightest ray of light to examine where he was. Inuyasha tripped over something, but caught his balance before he could hit the ground.
“Inuyasha, is that you?” Kagome whispered.
Inuyasha let out a sigh of relief to know that Kagome was there with him and she was okay. A small streak of light appeared allowing them to see each other slightly.
“Yeah, its me”, he answered back. “Where are the others?”
“I wish I knew. Where are we?”, Kagome asked in a rather confused tone.
“I don't know, I can barely see a thing in here. I wonder where -” Inuyasha didn't finish his sentence. He became distracted by the figure standing behind Kagome. Its eyes shone bright red and its fangs quite clearly were showing.
“Inuyasha? What's the matter?” Kagome asked looking alarmed.
Inuyasha didn't answer. He grabbed Tetsusaiga out as quickly as possible and swung it right over Kagome's head at the demon behind her, killing it in one swing, with only ash and dust of the demon remaining.
“Well, you would've been if I hadn't swung my sword at that demon behind you. I'll take the yelling at me as a thank you”, Inuyasha blurted, fed up with Kagome's attitude.
“This place is full of demons”, Inuyasha said.
“We have to find Sango and Miroku. I know they can take care of themselves but I don't trust Miroku alone with Sango at all” Kagome said while Inuyasha nodded in agreement.
“Sango?? Sango?!” Where are you??” Miroku shouted out.
“I'm over here Miroku!” Sango yelled back.
Miroku ran over to Sango who was lying on the ground of the dark forest. He helped her off the ground and watched her as she dusted herself off.
“What is it?” Sango asked at the now gawking Miroku.
“Nothing, my dear Sango. I was just so worried about you”.
Before she even had a chance to respond to Miroku, he did it. He groped her. Even at a time like this where they blacked out and woke up not knowing where they were, he groped her. Sango didn't have words to describe her anger. Miroku didn't need to hear words to know that she was furious. The boomerang that she bashed into his head was proof enough.
“The price you pay for a little public display of affection”, Miroku whispered to himself while rubbing his head.
“Uh Miroku … where are Inuyasha and Kagome?”
Miroku looked around but the area was too dark to make out anything except Sango and a faint light that surrounded the forest.
“I'm not exactly sure, but I'm certain Inuyasha must be with her. He will watch over her.” Miroku said reassuringly.
The two of them walked around aimlessly trying to find Inuyasha and Kagome, hoping to find a way out along the way. They eventually spotted two figures heading in their direction.
“Sango!!! Miroku!!” Kagome screamed in excitement.
“I'm so glad to see you two are okay. We were so worried.” Sango rejoiced.
“How did we even get here?” Kagome wondered.
They all looked around, aware of the evil aura that surrounded them so intensely. This place wasn't a safe area to be wandering in. Suddenly, a girl wearing a purple kimono with red eyes, fangs, and bluish colored hair appeared before them.
“I come on behalf of Naraku”, the girl said forebodingly.
“Who the hell are you?!” Inuyasha jumped forward, preparing to make use of Tetsusaiga.
“Oh so you don't remember me? You swung your pathetic sword at me not too long ago. My name is Kaida”.
“What?! But you turned to ash and dust…How could that be?!”
“Yes, if you haven't realized that's my defense mechanism. You didn't come close to hitting me which gave me time to turn into dust. It's also the way I got all of you here. The ash and dust I can turn into also contains powder used to make you lose consciousness which worked extremely well to my advantage”, Kaida retorted. “I used that dragon demon to cause chaos in the village so that I could let the powder knock all of you out.”
The group stood there with a shocked expression upon all of their faces. Inuyasha instead had an angry look written plainly across his face. He wasn't going to stand there and let this wench live for much longer. Inuyasha grabbed Tetsusaiga and smashed it against the ground.
Kaida moved out of the way just in time. Any later she had moved would she have been hit with wind scar from Tetsusaiga.
“I see your pretty handy with that sword half-demon. But it is nothing compared to my power!”
Kaida quickly jumped up in the air and clutched the sword that hung in the case on her belt. She aimed at Inuyasha and swung, missing him by merely an inch. He dodged her attacks on him, but she was too quick. He didn't have enough time in between dodging her sword to use wind scar. Inuyasha quickly ran into the forest.
“Haha, I knew that half demon would give up eventually. This isn't the end of this battle.” Kaida assured.
She looked around in search for Inuyasha. For he is not one to take off in the process of a battle. A branch cracked from above, sending the whole limb to fall flat in front of Kaida, startling her in the process. She looked up to see Inuyasha staring at her from one of the branches above her.
“You didn't think I'd flee that quick did you?” Inuyasha smirked.
He jumped down holding Tetsusaiga, pointing the blade outward toward Kaida's body. Before she even had time to think, Her body was sliced in half from the impact of Tetsusaiga. Her body turned to ash and was taken aloft by the breeze, floating away into the night sky. Kagome and the others ran over to Inuyasha, who was panting out of breath.
“Inuyasha! I knew you would never flee from battle. I'm glad you're alright. For someone who talked as if she was so powerful, she was pretty easy to defeat.” Kagome pointed out while grabbing his hand from the excitement of the victory. They both blushed slightly.
“I have a feeling that's not the last of her. I mean, she did say her body turned into ash and dust.” Miroku mentioned.
“Well anyway, I think we should find a way out of this forest before we run into even more trouble”, Sango suggested.
They all nodded in agreement and walked in the night while that stray ray of light still shone upon them. They eventually came to a halt when they saw an open field out of the forest. But something stopped them from leaving. The bright light that shone upon them was a reflection of the barrier that hovered over them from above. They were trapped inside.