InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ The First Day of School ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Seven: The First Day of School

Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and Kagome sat in the principals office. After much arguing, Kagome had finally agreed to miss another day of school so that Rin and Shippo could be placed in school. She looked at the two brothers and sighed.

This was not supposed to happen. Then again, none of this was supposed to happen. They should be in the feudal era. That was where they belonged.

Kagome watched as Rin and Shippo sat quietly behind them. The principal was tapping his pen against his jaw. That was very annoying.

"So, Taisho Rin and Shippo will be attending my school. And you three are their parents?" he asked, seemingly both bored and confused at the idea.

What part of that did he not understand? And who cared who Rin and Shippo's parents were? Why did it matter if they would be going to school?

"It's not that hard to figure out," Kagome said for the upteenth time.

"It's just... such an odd situation," he told her.

Kagome gave a short laugh and nodded in agreement. "I know what you mean, but surely you wouldn't ban the children from your school just because of parentage?"

"They are adopted, you said?" he asked her, looking down at the registration papers Kagome had filled out.

Was this guy stupid or something? How did he become the principal of a school?

"She already told you everything you need to know. Now, are they going to school or aren't they?" Inuyasha demanded, irritated and tired. He did not like being in this building and wanted to get out as quickly as possible.

"What grades are they in? That question was left unanswered on the application. This was why I called you in here," the principal stated, showing them the part of the application that he spoke of.

Kagome sighed, "I honestly didn't know what to put. They've never been in school before, so I didn't know what grade either of them would be in."

"So, what you are telling me, Ms. Higurashi, is that they both need to take assessment tests? So that we can assess them and put them in the right grade?" he offered, the look on his face telling her what he thought of her.

Kagome ignored the arrogant look on his face. She was sitting between the two most arrogant people in the world. In a sense, she was used to arrogance and had learned to ignore it. She nodded as if that had been what she was trying to say the whole time. Better to act arrogant when dealing with an arrogant person.

The principal looked at the two young children sitting across the way. Rin kept her gaze on Sesshomaru, watching him, wishing she were over there instead of in this cold seat. Shippo kept looking around, trying to take everything in at once, but finding himself bored with the aspects.

The principal tapped on his phone and picked up the reciever. To Sesshomaru's astonishment, the principal began talking.... to no one. The taiyoukai had heard of mortals going crazy, but he did not think the principal would be dumb enough to show his insanity in front of clients.

Before the taiyoukai could say anything, Kagome placed an unwelcomed hand on his shoulder. She bent over and whispered in his ear, "It's a phone. People use it to talk to other people that are far away or in another building or room. It's a form of communication that's simular to smoke signals, only you can actually hear what the person is saying and they can hear what you are saying as well."

The dog demon looked at her and then looked at her hand. His soft growl informed her that her hand was in an unwelcomed spot. She quickly removed it.

The principal looked at the couple curiously, but kept his comments to himself. It seemed strange that the woman mothered both of the men's children. But, he wasn't paid to find out why a woman would choose such a life. It wasn't his business.

A secretary walked in and smiled at the principal. She then looked at the two children. "I'm going to take you for your assessment tests. Come with me," she told the children, holding out her hands so that they could take them.

Rin looked at Sesshomaru expectantly. She wasn't used to going off with strangers and she did not like the idea of leaving the dog demon for a moment. "Lor... D-addy?" she asked, stumbling over the foriegn word. Are you coming with me?"

Sesshomaru stood up, ready to follow the small girl. Kagome rolled her eyes and stood up, stopping the dog demon. The young woman walked to the child. "Rin, you have to go do this yourself. Your daddy can't go with you," she explained to her.

Rin looked at Kagome curiously. "Why not?"

Kagome gave her a soft, kind smile. "He can't be with you all the time. You have to be a big girl and go with this nice lady on your own. Don't worry, she won't hurt you. Nor will she let anyone hurt you. Trust me."

Rin looked almost as if she was ready to cry. Kagome opened her arms and wrapped them around the girl. Rin clutched Kagome's shoulders, returning the hug and stifling her tears. Kagome let go and looked into Rin's large brown eyes. Those eyes were so much like her own. She sighed and touched the child's cheek. "Be a good girl. Promise?"

Rin nodded and walked up to the strange lady. She looked up at the woman in the business suit. "What's your name?"

The woman told her and then smiled, taking Rin's small hand. Rin turned to look at Sesshomaru one more time, before following the woman. Shippo went without argument, though he didn't like the idea of leaving Kagome behind.

"You should have let me go with her," Sesshomaru said the moment the children were gone.

Kagome turned on the demon lord. "You can't always be there for her, Sesshomaru. She has to learn to be able to take care of herself. The more you cradle her, the harder it's going to be for her to do just that," she reprimanded him.

Sesshomaru's eyebrows went up at Kagome's tone. Never had he been scolded for anything. Especially not by some mere mortal. "I believe you forget who you are talking to."

Kagome scoffed, "No, I don't. You are Inuyasha's brother. And you tend to be worse then Inuyasha. See? I remember. But, my thoughts and words remain the same."

"How did you put up with this for so long?" he asked his younger brother.

Inuyasha shrugged, but looked out the window. "I got used to it. There's no winning with her, so I wouldn't even try it," he warned his older brother.

The principal watched all this with some amusement. Apparently, the older brother wasn't used to dealing with Rin's mother. It was an odd occurance, but amusing nonetheless.

"How long will this assessment take?" Kagome asked the principal.

"A couple hours, but not long at all. There are still some things we need to discuss. I have here the dress code. When they get back, I will give you the appropriate supply list, but I have a basic one here," he handed Kagome the two sheets of paper.

She nearly laughed aloud when she saw "shoes" highlighted. She had forgotten to put shoes on the children's feet. He then handed her a handbook for the school along with the school rules. She knew most of this stuff already, for Souta went to this school as well.

She handed Inuyasha the papers and took a seat next to him. The room became silent as the four adults waited for the children to return. Kagome glanced down at her hands and began playing with the seam of her blouse. She was bored, but did not say anything.

Inuyasha was busy reading over the paperwork Kagome had handed him. He didn't understand half of it. Eventually, the hanyou got annoyed and looked up at Kagome... to find her watching him.

"What?" he demanded, not liking the idea that he was being stared at.

"You looked confused," she responded.

He nodded and showed her the paper. They spent the next hour discussing the school rules and what they meant. The principal was shocked. To him, it almost seemed as if the man had never been around civilization. The fact that the man's brother listened with enthusiasm, made the principal even more surprised.

Finally, the children came back. Rin had a large smile on her face and ran to Sesshomaru. She held up a large piece of construction paper with an odd drawing on it. "Look, my lo... D-addy," she stammered, "it's Jaken. Ms. Homagatchi wanted me to draw something good, so I drew him."

Sesshomaru looked at the drawing. It was nothing more then a stick figure, but he knew Rin had did her best. He nodded and took the drawing from her. Rin smiled even more and jumped into his lap. Normally, he would've scolded her for such behaviour, but he knew he had to pretend to be a father to her. That meant pretending he cared. He reclined in his chair as the little girl bounced in his lap and enthusiastically told Kagome about the drawing. He did not miss Rin's thoughtfulness to call Kagome "Mommie."

Sesshomaru didn't think he would ever get used to being called "Daddy." Especially not by a mortal. However, had it been any other mortal, he didn't think he would have been able to tolerate it. He admitted to himself that he had some feelings for the small child, but he would never openly admit that. At least, not purposefully.

Shippo entered the room shortly after. He had a confused look on his face as he walked up to Kagome. "Momma?" he began, unlike Rin, Shippo had no difficulty calling Kagome that name. "Why do we have to go to school again?"

At first, Kagome didn't register the name. Then, she thought about his question and smiled. "Well, Shippo, all children have to go to school. That way, they can get smarter and get jobs when they get older."

Shippo nodded and climbed into Kagome's lap. He looked over to Inuyasha and through the hanyou a mischievous grin. "Hi, Daddy," he said, finding amusement in Inuyasha's frown.

The principal did not miss the exchange between father and son. "They are adopted, correct?" he asked.

Kagome looked at him curiously. "Why do you keep asking that question? Do I look old enough to bear two children that are the same age as my little brother?" she asked incredulously.

The principal shook his head. "I just keep watching the children and noticing little things. That's all."

Kagome sighed, "You have to understand something. We have been very lax with the children up to this point. We have only recently started to become more firm in our rules."

The principal nodded, though not quite understanding. "Just remember, Ms. Higurashi, children need stablity and discipline above everything else."

Inuyasha grinned at this, flashing a look that meant trouble to Shippo, "Discipline?"

Kagome groaned. She knew where this was going before the principal even answered the half demon, "Yes, Mister Taisho, discipline. Making sure the children know how to live in a society of rules and ethics. Surely, you have shown your son the difference between right and wrong? To respect his elders and peers?"

"We have been teaching Shippo all of that," Kagome interrupted before Inuyasha could answer. "But, like I said, up til this point, we have never enforced those rules or beliefs."

The principal nodded, "Be sure you do, Ms. Higurashi. This school does not tolerate misbehaviour among the children."

Kagome did not like the tone of the man's voice, but kept the comment to herself. Sesshomaru looked at the mortal dangerously, daring him to speak further. Inuyasha just shrugged, not really worried one way or the other.

The secretary returned with the results of the tests. The principal thanked her and looked over the papers. "Well, it looks as if Rin and Shippo will be attending the same grade... first grade. But, for safety's sake, we will put them with different teachers. Shippo seems to be a little bit more advanced then Rin anyway."

Kagome nodded in agreement. After all, while Rin was really smart, Kagome knew that Shippo had spent more time peeking over Kagome's shoulder while she studied. Therefore, it was only natural that he would know more.

The principal dug through a file cabinet and handed Kagome the correct supplies list for the children and went to his computer. He drummed on the keys a bit. Two pieces of paper came from the printer, and he retrieved them. Handing them to Kagome, he stated, "This is the information the children need to get to their classrooms tomorrow. It also includes phone numbers to their teachers in case you and your... " he gestured to the men, not sure what they were to Kagome. He continued as if he had said what they were, "would like to set up appointments to meet and such. This way, you can keep track of the childs' progress in class and their interaction with other students."

Kagome smiled and nodded. "Thank you very much."

"If you would like, you may come with the children tomorrow to meet their teachers. But, be forewarned, you will not be invited nor allowed to stay. Furthermore, the children must come fully dressed in proper school uniform and with all their supplies. The teachers will give them the necessary school books."

Kagome had been through all of this before with her own teachers. So, she nodded and again thanked the principal. The odd family walked out of the school building and Kagome pulled out her cellphone. She dialed a few numbers and put it up to her ear.

She told her mother they were ready and hung up. They walked over to a bench and Kagome sat down. The children each sat next to her, one on either side. The males stood to the side, glaring at each other every once in a while.

Kagome sighed as she began to play with Rin's hair. Mrs. Higurashi pulled up and the family got into the van. Kagome showed her mother the lists and Mrs. Higurashi nodded. She dropped Sesshomaru and Inuyasha off at the shrine, telling them they were not ready to go shopping yet and really, they didn't need to be there.

Sesshomaru began to argue, but Kagome stopped him. "You cannot baby her forever. Besides, as her mother, I think I deserve to spend some time alone with her," she argued.

The dog demon was taken aback by her words. "You are not her mother," he reminded her.

"Yeah, well, if I have to tell everyone and their grandmother that I am, I might as well act like it! Rin is coming with me to go shopping and you are staying here. You've embarrassed me enough today Sesshomaru. Give me a moment's rest," she told him.

Embarrassed? He had embarrassed her? How? If anything, she had embarrassed him. His eyes narrowed. "Go now, but know this, Kagome," he growled through clenched teeth. "We are not finished with this discussion."

"At least we agree on that," she shot back, slamming her door and rolling up her window.

"Kagome?" her mother's voice came to her.

Kagome turned to her mother. "Mom?"

"My dear, I know how hard this must be for you. Try looking at it for Sesshomaru's point of view. Rin is his life, Kagome," Mrs. Higurashi told her. "He worries that something may happen to Rin and he won't be there to stop it. Surely you can understand his concern?"

"It's not that I don't understand, Mom," Kagome sighed. "It's just... well, there's two of us now. He doesn't have to do it alone anymore."

Mrs. Higurashi smiled. "Yes, but he doesn't know you that well. Especially if everything you've told me about him is true. You are his brother's companion. A brother that he cares little for. How can he trust that you won't do something to Rin to spite him?"

Kagome looked at her mother, stunned. How could her mother even think that? Her own mother?! Kagome turned in her seat to look at Rin. The precious child sat, staring out the window. There was no doubt Rin knew and understood everything Kagome and Mrs. Higurashi were talking about.

What would she tell Sesshomaru? Will Rin voice out any doubts or concerns to him? Kagome had no way of knowing the answers to these questions, but the mere idea of doing anything to Rin appalled her. Surely Sesshomaru knew this? He had to know this.

The two mothers and the children did their shopping. Kagome giggled when she had seen Shippo in his school uniform. It was so odd to see the kitsune dressed in modern clothing.

"Hey, Kagome," he fussed, "it's not funny."

Kagome suppressed another giggle and then touch her fingertips to his mouth. "I am your mother. Remember? You have to call me 'Mom' now."

Shippo sighed, "I'm sorry. I forgot. I'm so used to calling you 'Kagome.' How much longer am I gonna have to call you 'Mom'?"

Kagome shrugged. "Inuyasha and I have been trying the well, but it's not letting us through. We are going to try again tonight as well. And every night until it lets us on the other side."

Rin looked absolutely adorable in her school uniform. "Mommie?" she asked, stumbling yet again over the word. "Why do I have to wear these things?" She held up a pair of small black Mary Janes.

Kagome bent down and began putting them on Rin's feet. "Because, that's part of your uniform. If you don't wear them, they won't let you into school."

"But, they cover my feet," Rin complained.

Kagome offered her a kind smile. "That's ok, Rin," she assured her. "At least you don't have to worry about hurting your feet when you are playing with the other children."

Rin shrugged and stood up. She looked in the ceiling to floor mirror at herself. "Is that really me in there?" she asked, intrigued by the mirror.

Kagome nodded and placed her hands on either of Rin's shoulders.

Rin gave a bright smile. "You know, that principal was right," the little girl said, "we do look alike."

Kagome sighed, but nodded her agreement. "Which makes this whole affair a bit easier. For me at least."

"Kagome?" came a familiar voice from the store's doorway.

Kagome's face paled as she turned to the sound of the voice. She paled even more when she saw her friend Eri standing in the doorway.

"Eri," Kagome greeted nervously, "what a surprise to see you here."

Eri shrugged as her mother walked into the store behind her. "I needed a few new uniforms and some more socks. The ones I have are starting to get a little dingy."

Kagome nodded. "Yeah. I really need to think about getting some new uniforms as well."

"Who's the little girl? A cousin of yours?" Eri asked the question Kagome dreaded to answer.

In three simple words, Kagome felt her reputation shatter. "She's my daughter," she answered.

Eri's eyes widened considerably as she looked at the little girl. "Your... your daughter?" she stammered. "Your daughter? How can she be your daughter? She looks as old as Souta."

Kagome gave a nervous laugh, "I adopted her."

"W-why would you do such a thing? What about school?" Eri questioned.

"I can still go to school," Kagome explained. "It's not like she doesn't have a father..." It was out before Kagome could stop herself.

Eri's eyes widened even more. "You adopted a child with... a guy?!"

Kagome nodded slowly.

"Your grandpa was right. You are losing your mind."

The young miko groaned inwardly before another voice piped in, "Momma? Grandma thinks I should go with a blue tie. She says it matches my eyes. How do you tie a tie?"

Eri looked over Kagome's shoulder to see a small boy. The boy had shoulder length, soft brown hair and, indeed, bright blue eyes. "And who is that?"

"My son," Kagome said, knowing now her reputation was beyong ruined. "From Rin's uncle."

Eri coughed, "The girls and I will stop by your house later today. The four of us need a serious girl chat, Kagome. And don't you dare cancel on us."

"But... I can't," Kagome declined. "I have to talk to Sesshomaru."

"Who's Sesshomaru?"

"Rin's father," Kagome breathed out.

"Kagome," Eri whispered, "I don't know what's happened to you, but, we need to talk. Talk to the girl's father before we get there. Or even after. But, I will bring the others over tonight."

Kagome closed her eyes and relented. She did not want to discuss the adoption with her modern friends. There was no way they would ever understand. At the same time, she knew they would find out. Especially the longer her feudal friends stayed in this era.

"What are you going to do about Hojo?" Eri asked suddenly.

Kagome groaned. "Thanks for reminding me," she said sarcastically. "As if I didn't have enough on my plate, now I have to worry about the only guy who's ever been truly nice to me."

"Miroku's nice to you, Momma," Shippo told her, coming up to her side and reaching for her hands. Without thought, Kagome picked up the kitsune to hold him.

"Miroku?" Eri asked, stumbling over the unfamiliar name.

Kagome gave a nervous smile, "A close friend of my cousin's. He's staying at the shrine."

Eri nodded slowly. She looked at the child Kagome held in her hands. Kagome had said the child was adopted, but if Eri didn't know better, she'd think the child looked awefully a lot like Kagome. She kept her comments to herself, but her concern for her friend was obvious. Eri didn't like the idea of Kagome adopting two children with guys she wasn't even, apparently, dating.

The two friends bid each other farewell as Mrs. Higurashi approached them with bags full of the children's clothes.

"Talk about awkward," Kagome commented as they got into the van.

"Thanks, Kagome," Rin said from the backseat.

Kagome turned to look at the child. "For what?"

"For admitting that you were our mother in front of that lady. She seemed like a friend of yours and I could tell you didn't want to tell her those things," the little girl surprised Kagome.

Kagome offered a weak smile. "Well, it's true. From now on, whether my friends like it or not, I am your mother. And it will be that way until I can get you home."

Rin smiled and looked out the window. She seemed to be lost in thought as Mrs. Higurashi pulled out of the parking lot. Unexpectedly, Rin said aloud:

"If going home means I'll lose my mother, I don't want to go home."