InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ A Confusing Prospect ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Nine: A Confusing Prospect

Why did he kiss me?
Kagome asked herself again. She had never known Sesshomaru to be the impulsive type. Indeed, she would've expected such an action more from Inuyasha then Sesshomaru.

Once Sesshomaru had left, Kagome had fallen to the bed. She was confused and astonished. She could still feel his lips on hers. Could still taste his tongue in her mouth. She should've been appalled by it. She was surprised to find that she wasn't.

She looked down at her hands. Those hands had held on to the back of Sesshomaru's neck as he held her. She could still feel the burn his hand had left around her waist. Her stomach was full of butterflies. Her mind swam in the memory of Sesshomaru's touch. She felt betrayed.

"Kagome?" called a small voice tentatively.

Kagome looked to the door to find Rin standing there. Rin was the reason Sesshomaru had come. He had wanted to ensure Kagome knew where she stood in the child's life. Problem was, neither of them really knew where she stood in Rin's life.

The miko smiled and held out her arms. Her cursed arms. They had held the dog demon while he kissed her. She fought back the need to grimace as Rin merrily ran to her and clasped her in a hug.

"Are you ok, Kagome?" the little girl asked.

Kagome sighed, but nodded. She smiled a happy smile that she did not feel. She whispered, "I'm just tired, that's all."

Rin nodded and twisted slightly in Kagome's arms. "I don't remember much about my mother," she said, suddenly.

Kagome gasped slightly and placed her chin on Rin's head. "What do you remember of her?"

Rin smiled wistfully, "Her voice. She used to sing me to sleep. I don't remember the words of the song, but it was kind and gentle. Sometimes I wish Lord Sesshomaru would sing to me, and that makes me laugh. Can you imagine? Lord Sesshomaru singing?"

Kagome tried picturing Sesshomaru, his voice raised in a light-hearted song. She giggled, "That would be funny to see."

Rin nodded in agreement. "It helps me feel better about not having a mommy. Lord Sesshomaru is always there for me. He takes good care of me and doesn't complain about having me around."

Kagome observed, "You put a lot of faith in Sesshomaru."

"Yes, I do," the girl agreed. "He's all I have now. Him and Master Jaken. Without them, I would have died a long time ago."

Kagome drew the small child closer to her. There was a comfortable silence between the teenager and the child. Lost in her own thoughts, Kagome almost missed Rin's confession.

"It's... strange... having a mommy again."

Kagome looked down at the girl. "I'm not trying to replace your mother, Rin. I'm sure she was a good person."

Rin nodded. "I know. Lord Sesshomaru never tried to replace my daddy, but yet... Mrs. Higurashi was right. He is my daddy. In everyway except blood. I do not wish to be a demon, but I know were I a demon, Lord Sesshomaru would be happier. That makes me sad. That I cannot make him happy."

Kagome gasped. She knew Rin was smart. She didn't realize the child was this smart. This observant. Rin had seen how Sesshomaru had reacted when Mrs. Higurashi mentioned adoption. He had been appalled at the idea of claiming a human child as his own. Rin had caught that. Suddenly, Kagome wasn't too pleased with the memory that he had kissed her.

If Sesshomaru hated humans so much as he claimed, then why did he do these things? Why did he take on a human child as his ward? Why had he kissed Kagome? And that was only two things he had done. Two major things, as far as Kagome was concerned.

"Sesshomaru loves you just the way you are," Kagome heard herself saying. At first, she wondered at that statement. Then, she realized it was true. Though Sesshomaru would never admit it, he cared about the little girl. Perhaps even loved her.

Rin looked up at Kagome curiously. "Lord Sesshomaru loves me? Why would you say something like that?"

"Because," Kagome explained, not sure where she was going with her words, "if he didn't love you, he wouldn't have done everything he has done for you. You know as well as I do how much he cares for you. You know better then me. You never have to worry about being hurt or injured. You never have to worry about being sad or upset. He always does everything in his power to keep you happy and healthy. If that's not love, then I don't know what is."

"Does Lord Sesshomaru know what love is?" Rin asked, curious.

"He has to," Kagome summarized. "In order to hate, you must also know how to love. Or at least, you knew at one point. Even those who are nothing but hate have loved at one point."

"Who does Lord Sesshomaru hate?" Rin inquired.

It was Kagome's turn to be confused. "Doesn't he hate Inuyasha?"

Rin shrugged. "I know he's really angry with Inuyasha. And they don't get along. But, I don't think he hates him. I mean, I know he wants to kill him, but I don't think he hates him."

Kagome struggled to keep down a scoff. "If Sesshomaru doesn't hate Inuyasha, then why would he want to kill him so much?"

Rin gave a half grin and gave another unexpected observation, "Wanna know something funny? Lord Sesshomaru is far more powerful then Inuyasha. And he has threathen to kill Inuyasha many times. Even promised it. He has yet to go through with that promise. Even though there have been many opprotunities when he could."

"What do you think that means?"

"I'm not sure, Mommy, but I think it means Daddy doesn't hate Uncle Inuyasha."

Kagome's eyes widened. She looked down at the child who was now asleep in her arms. This brought even more to Kagome's plate. One more thing the miko had to think about.

Her modern life was shattered. Her reputation ruined by the fact she was the adopted mother of two children by different men. The fact the men were brothers made things even worse. High school would never be the same. And when Rin and Shippo left, it would be worse. Course, Kagome knew she could always make up some excuse. That would set her friends right. But, it wouldn't change the fact of what had happened.

And then, Sesshomaru had burst into her room. She knew he was going to be difficult, regardless. He did not want her to have anything to do with Rin. That made Kagome angry. She adopted the child. Wasn't she entitled to some rights?

His kiss was still there as well. She couldn't get over the fact that he had kissed her. If only she could understand why he had done it, then maybe, perhaps, she could move on. Get over it. Did he take some sick, sadistic pleasure out of it? Was he purposely trying to put her on edge? Or did he just kiss her because he wanted to? Did he like her? Have feelings for her?

Kagome pushed those thoughts aside. There was no way Sesshomaru would harbour feelings for her. She was human and he was demon. And he made sure she, and everyone else, knew that.

Was he capable of loving? Kagome was certain of it. Though he would never admit to such "weak" feelings, she knew he loved. She could tell when she saw him with Rin. If he didn't love Rin, then he sure was fooling himself and others. Or perhaps Rin was right. Perhaps Sesshomaru didn't know what love was.

If that was the case, then he wouldn't know what hate was either. Therefore, he couldn't possibly hate Inuyasha. And he couldn't love Rin. Or, perhaps he did, but he just didn't know it. Didn't understand his own feelings.

Kagome sighed and placed the sleeping child gently on the bed. She left the room and walked outside. She went to the building that held the well inside and sat on the well's lip. She had a lot of things to think about and not a one of them were pleasant thoughts. Worse, they all seemed to go back to one guy. Sesshomaru.

"Kagome?" she heard for the tenth time that day. She looked up and saw Inuyasha walking down the stairs towards her.

"What are you doing down here?" he asked her when he approached.

She sighed, "Just thinking about things. That's all."

"Thinking about being a mother?" he questioned, his golden eyes gazing into hers.

"Well, that's the main thing I'm thinking about right now," it was sort of the truth. She had been thinking about that.

Inuyasha took a seat next to her and looked to the ground. He absentmindly drew in the dirt with his big toe. "I've been thinking about being a father," he admitted. "I've never really had a father of my own. At least, not one I could remember. Sesshomaru is lucky. He was around Father long enough to learn how to be a good father. I never had that advantage."

Kagome smiled and placed her hand on his shoulder. "It's not really something that can be taught, Inuyasha," she told him. "My mother once told me that to learn how to be a good parent, one must first become a parent. I'm sure your father made mistakes with Sesshomaru. And I wouldn't put it past Sesshomaru to make mistakes himself. He's not perfect. He just thinks he is."

"Don't you think I know that?" Inuyasha grumbled. He sighed and then continued, "I never really had a role model growing up. No one to look up to. No one to be like. I never had a father figure."

"I think you did," Kagome told him.

Inuyasha looked at the miko in surprise. "Who?" he asked.

"Your father," she answered him.

Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. "How could he have been my role model? He died the same day I was born."

"And yet, you are more like your father than Sesshomaru is," she explained to him. "I saw your father. Remember? And I'll admit, Sesshomaru sure looks a lot like him. But, you have your father's heart. That's what counts. He risked his life to protect his family. A life he lost. Just as you risk your life to protect me. He made a promise to protect those he loved. And he kept it. You are doing the same thing. You are following in his footsteps more then Sesshomaru ever could have. And I believe, in the end, you'll be far more powerful then Sesshomaru could ever dream."

Inuyasha scoffed, "And why is that?"

"Because. Not only do you know what love is, but you have the ability to love. You have been loved and you show love to others," she told him. "Though, like Sesshomaru, you never admit your feelings."

"Kagome," Inuyasha breathed.

Kagome looked up and their eyes locked. She could feel him move closer to her. She could feel as his hand slowly slid up her arm. Oh, no! He's gonna do it! she thought to herself.

She had the power to stop this one. And this was the one she didn't want to stop. She watched as his face drew closer to hers. She could taste his hot breath upon her lips. Without thinking, she swept the tip of her tongue across her lips to taste his breath. She could feel her body reacting to his. God, she wanted this. Wanted this more then she had ever wanted anything.

Without warning, he drew back and went back to staring at the ground. For a moment, she was shocked. Had he just went to kiss her and then decided to stop? Was he losing his mind?

Or perhaps she was. Perhaps she had just imagined it. But, if that were true, then why could she still feel his hand on her arm? Even though his hands were in his lap?

Frustrated, she asked, "Why did you do that?"

He looked at her curiously. "Do what?"

She gave a frustrated growl and stood up. Walking to the door, she said, "Inuyasha, sit, boy!"