InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ A Well of a Problem ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Ten: A Well of a Problem

What was it with men? Why couldn't they ever do anything right? They always had to mess things up or confuse people.

Kagome sat in her math class and tried her hardest to listen to the teacher. But, she just could not focus. She kept thinking about everything that had happened a week ago.

Had it already been a week since they had come through the well? Kagome and Inuyasha had tried again and again to get back through the well, but nothing was working. He had even took the Jewel Shards from her and tried it that way. Nothing.

Her modern friends hardly talked to her anymore. Aside from the civil "hello, how are you?" they said little else. And Hojo avoided her. She wasn't surprised. If there was anything people avoided, it was an unwed teenage girl with kids. Such a girl could only mean trouble.

"How are your children, Kagome?" Eri asked during lunch.

Kagome looked down at her plate. "They're ok, I guess. Shippo made an A on some test he did and Rin has been bringing picture after picture home for Sesshomaru."

To Kagome's surprise, Eri put her plate down next to her friend. "I wanted to apologize to you, Kagome. I was really rude for coming over and fussing at you like that. I didn't even bother to meet the children or their fathers."

"It's ok, Eri," Kagome assured her. "It's a very complicated situation. And it's a little scary."

"Tell me about it!" the girl agreed. "What possessed you to adopt two children?"

Kagome shook her head. "I had to. I had no choice. The social worker wouldn't have let Sesshomaru and Inuyasha have them unless I agreed to adopt along with them."

Eri's eyes widened in surprise. "Now, that's something you didn't tell us before. Why would you keep something like that from us?"

Kagome shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I just didn't want you to feel obligated to help or anything."

"And miss my chance at being Aunt Eri?" the other girl teased.

Kagome looked at her friend and saw she was smiling. "You really are interested in them?" she asked, cautiously.

Eri nodded her head. "I want to know about them. They are a part of you, which means they must be special. For you to love them enough to adopt them. And their fathers! I mean, honestly. I'd never thought one could care so much about two men to want them to be able to keep their children."

"Well, Rin and Shippo aren't blood related to their fathers," Kagome told her.

Eri winked. "I know. I didn't miss that part. But, the men must love those children to want to adopt them. And you must really care about them to want to help."

Kagome smiled. Yes. She could safely say she cared about Inuyasha. She could even say she actually cared about Sesshomaru. But, she really cared about the children. "It's more the children I care about, Eri," she admitted. "I want them to be happy. Rin is happy with Sesshomaru. She doesn't want anyone else. And Shippo really looks up to Inuyasha."

Eri smiled. "That's why there are two fathers instead of one," she concluded. "You couldn't force either of them to give up their child."

Kagome looked appalled. "Why would I want to?"

Eri laughed and placed a calming hand on Kagome's shoulder. She offered her friend another wink. "How about we go pick up the children together after school? Then, I can walk home with you and meet your two husbands."

Kagome's eyes widened. "Husbands?!"

This time, Eri really was laughing. "See? I knew I could make you blush," she teased. "I was joking, Kagome. Come on now, lighten up."

Kagome gave a nervous chuckle and turned back to her food. As if she didn't have enough problems, now she had people thinking she had two husbands.

Husbands! she groaned. As if! To have a husband, one had to be married. And there was no way Kagome was married to either of the guys. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to marry them. Inuyasha, yeah. She could see herself married to Inuyasha. But Sesshomaru?!

Her mind fled back to that heated kiss. What had caused that kiss? Was it the heat of the moment? Was that Sesshomaru's way of slicing a female open? Searing her with a kiss?

When the bell rang for the end of school, Kagome met Eri at the gate. It was their designated spot to meet. The girls walked in comfortable silence... all the way to the end of the block.

"Kagome!" a voice called out to her. Kagome stopped and turned around to see Inuyasha running up to meet her and Eri.

He stopped when he got close enough and stared at Eri. "What's she doing here?" he asked, as if surprised to find anyone with Kagome.

"Inuyasha, this is my friend Eri," Kagome introduced. "Eri, this is Inuyasha, Shippo's father."

Eri beamed while Inuyasha stared at Kagome. "You told her about Shippo?" he asked, astonished.

"Well, it wasn't like I had much choice. Eri came in the uniform store while Shippo and Rin were trying on their school uniforms," Kagome informed him.

Eri giggled and pulled Kagome aside. "I didn't know he was one of the fathers," she whispered. "At least he's cute."

Kagome couldn't refrain from smiling at Eri's comment. "Yeah. Wait until you see his brother," she told her friend.

Eri's eyes widened. "Should I grab a camera?" she asked.

Kagome and Inuyasha looked at the girl curiously. "Why would you need a camera?" Kagome wondered.

"To take a picture. Because, if his brother looks anything like him, I know I'm gonna be staring," Eri informed, causing Kagome to laugh.

Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. He didn't know what was so funny about the girl's comment. She had just suggested that he and Sesshomaru looked alike. He found that insulting.

They approached the children's school moments later. Kagome looked around. "Inuyasha? Do you see Rin and Shippo anywhere? What about my little brother, Souta?" she asked.

Inuyasha looked around. He held his nose up and sniffed the air, trying to catch their scent. Once he found it, he led the way to where the three kids sat under a tree. Rin was eating an apple while the two boys played.

Kagome and Eri stopped behind Inuyasha and watched the children. Eri smiled. "They are adorable children, Kagome. And your little girl really does look like you," she commented.

"Thank you," Kagome said, returning her friend's smile.

"Hey, Shippo!" Inuyasha called out. The three children looked up and saw Inuyasha and Kagome standing there waiting for them.

Shippo and Souta ran to grab their bookbags while Rin gathered her own things. Together, the children walked up to the three older people. Rin smiled at Eri. "I remember you. You're my mommy's friend."

Eri smiled and nodded. She bent down and looked at the little girl. "What's your name?" she asked.


"Well, Rin. You can call me Aunt Eri. Being your momma's best friend, I get to be your aunt," the teenager told the little girl.

Rin looked at Kagome curiously. "Is that true, Mommy?" she asked.

Kagome shrugged. "If you feel comfortable calling her Aunt Eri, then go ahead. I don't mind. And she is my best friend."

Rin nodded and bowed to Eri.

Shippo walked up to the girl and tilted his head slightly. "You weren't as nice the last time I saw you. What changed?" he questioned, a little suspicious of her motives.

Eri sighed, "I'm sorry for being so rude last time. See, your mom had forgotten to tell me she was going to get some kids, so it was a real surprise for me. I guess I was upset that she didn't tell me about you."

Shippo thought this over. He knew a lot about Kagome's modern friends. He also knew they knew nothing about him or the others. They probably didn't even know much about Inuyasha. Kagome kept a lot of things from them that they did not know about. He gave the girl a quizzical glance. "I'll forgive you, but I'm not calling you 'aunt.'" he informed her. "You should learn to trust that my mom knows what she's doing. If she didn't tell you about it, she probably had a good reason."

Eri stared at the little boy. He had just scolded her. She stood up and looked at her friend. Kagome looked as shocked as she was. For a moment, Kagome didn't say anything. And then, "Shippo," she fussed, "you know better then to talk like that to your elders."

"Apparently I don't," he told Kagome. He fished in his backpack and pulled out a yellow piece of paper. "My teacher told me to give this to you and Dad. She wants to have a meeting with you both to discuss my classroom behaviour."

Inuyasha stepped behind Kagome so that he could look at the paper with her. Kagome's eyes widened at what the paper said. Inuyasha looked confused. "What did he do?" he asked.

"You said the word, 'damn' in class? And then fussed at the teacher when she corrected you?" Kagome said in a hushed voice, her face paling.

"Well, Dad says 'damn' all the time. Why can't I?" Shippo asked, not understanding why he was in trouble.

Eri suppressed a laugh. "Just because Inuyasha does it, doesn't give you permission, Shippo," Kagome explained to him. "It is inappropriate and rude to curse in class. And to fuss at anyone older then you is worse."

"But, Mother," Shippo complained, "she said that a teenager was incapable of teaching a child proper manners and that the adoption agency was wrong for letting you to adopt me. What was I supposed to say?"

Kagome looked at Inuyasha. "We have a big problem here, Inuyasha," she told him.

"Would you like me to bring the children home, Kagome?" Eri offered. "It seems as if you and Inuyasha have a lot to discuss."

Kagome shook her head. "Thanks, but I don't think that would be such a good idea. If Rin came home without me, Sesshomaru would blow a new one. You can come with us, Eri. Inuyasha and I will discuss this paper later. There's no need to forget our plans because I messed up."

Eri nodded and took Rin's hand. The six people walked the rest of the way to the shrine in silence. Shippo brooded over how he got in trouble while Inuyasha burned with the want to claim this wasn't his fault.

They got to the shrine, where they found Sesshomaru standing outside waiting for them. "It's about time you got home. At first I had thought I would have to go look for you," he commented.

Eri dropped Rin's hand in shock. "Oh... my... God...." she whispered in stunned silence. She grabbed Kagome's sleeve and pulled her away. "Kagome!" she shrieked in a hushed whisper. "That's not a man. That's a god! Where on earth did you find him?!"

Kagome blinked, trying to figure out what Eri was talking about. When she realized Eri was talking about Sesshomaru, Kagome fought the urge to laugh.

"Is that Rin's father?" Eri asked, at first thinking she might have mistaken. Then, she saw Rin run up to the man calling him "daddy." Eri shrieked again and turned to Kagome.

Kagome covered her mouth with her hand. "He's not that good looking, you know."

Eri's eyes widened in disbelief. "Not that good... By Buddha, did you look at him? He's drop dead, Kagome. Even you can't deny that one. He could do circles around Hojo and Inuyasha."

Kagome snorted, "I won't deny that one."

Eri didn't catch Kagome's underlying meaning. "I should have brought my camera," she said.

"You and the rest of the world," Kagome replied. She led Eri to the door. The children and Inuyasha had already entered the house. Apparently Sesshomaru was waiting for her. She wondered why.

"Sesshomaru, this is Eri..." Kagome began before she was interrupted.

"I care not," the youkai cut her off. "What took you so long in getting home, Kagome?"

His eyes spoke of his anger at being delayed. What was he so anxious for? Kagome snapped, "It's not like I have a car, you know. I have to actually walk places, unlike you or your brother. It takes me a little longer to get from there to here."

The demon lord raised an eyebrow. "We have already discussed your voice, Kagome," he said softly to her.

"What are you talking about?" she demanded.

"It's too loud. Lower it," he whispered dangerously.

Kagome took a step back, angered that he would speak to her like that. By her side, Eri stood stock still. "How dare you threaten me in front of my friend!" Kagome shouted. "And I remember the conversation we had a few days ago. We had said nothing about the volume of my voice. And furthermore, you need to learn to trust me. Our daughter got home safe and sound... with me. When will you learn that I'm not going to let her get hurt?"

Our daughter. Our. daughter. Our... The words kept playing in Sesshomaru's head. Rin was not his daughter. Nor was she Kagome's. Kagome knew this and had accepted this. They only pretended that Rin was their daughter because they were in the modern era. He looked at the girl who stood next to Kagome. He had no idea who the girl was. Nor did he care. But, now he understood why Kagome had claimed Rin to be her daughter. She was pretending again.

Sesshomaru turned around and walked back into the house.

Kagome and Eri watched as he went in. "He's a bit arrogant and kinda scary, but.... soooo... HOT!!!" Eri breathed the word like it was fire.

Kagome looked at her friend. She did not know what had just happened. Did she just win an argument with Sesshomaru? She doubted it, but it was nice to think that. "He's really not that good looking," she said again.

Eri gave her friend an annoyed look. "Listen, if you don't want him, I'd be glad to take him off your hands. Moon and striped tattoos and all. And have you looked into his golden eyes? Talk about dreamy. He almost reminds me of an elf. You know? Like from that American movie, Lord of the Rings? Only, he is much hotter then Legolas was. And this one speaks our language, so his voice isn't dubbed over. Much, much better. I didn't know Japan made them like that. I wanna know where I can find one."

"Eri," Kagome growled, irritatedly, "get in the house and hush."