InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ The Dance ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Twenty: The Dance

It had been a month since the incident. Luckily, Kagome's at home pregnancy test had come up negative and she had had her monthly a week later. She and Inuyasha still weren't talking to one another, but that was of no consequence. She had thrown away the outfit she had worn that night.

It was Friday morning and Kagome was alone in the house. Miroku had found himself a small part time job as had Sango. Jaken and Gramps kept themselves busy in the shrine all day.

Kagome had begun doing the housework. She had just finished cleaning all the windows and was doing the dusting when midday came about. Enjoying the time alone, she turned on the stereo and popped in one of her favourite CDs. It was a mixed CD that Eri had made for her off the computer.

Kagome tapped her foot to the beat of the music and danced around the house. Her feather duster swept along the shelves and picture frames. When she finished the dusting, she went to the broom.

She began singing along with the music, using her broom as a dance partner. It was a fine day. When she had cleaned the windows, she had opened them. So, the daytime breeze danced into the room with her.

The young miko was enjoying herself so much, she didn't notice the monk and demonslayer as they entered the house. They were about to offer her a greeting, when they saw what she was doing. Instead, they watched her in amusement.

Inuyasha and Sesshomaru had picked the children up from school today. When they entered the house, they were startled to see Kagome dancing around the living room with a broom in her hands. Sesshomaru threw a questioning glance at Miroku, who just shrugged.

Sango suppressed a laugh at her friend. She didn't know what had caused Kagome's good mood, but she guessed it had something to do with the music. It was a catchy tune after all.

Kagome twirled around the living room floor. Her socks made the floor more slippery, so her feet glided across it as if she were dancing on air. She had just stopped twirling to sweep a bit when she noticed her friends staring at her. She blushed a crimson red as Miroku, Sango, and Shippo burst into laughter.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you there," she called to them as she moved to the stereo. She turned the stereo down and looked at them accussingly. "You should have told me you were there."

Miroku patted Kagome on the shoulder. "Where did you learn such moves?" he asked her.

Kagome's eyes widened as she blushed again. "How much did you see?" she questioned, horrified.

Sango giggled, "I think you might have been mid song?"

Kagome's face paled. "You saw that much?!"

The brothers had said nothing the whole time. Inuyasha had never seen Kagome dance before. And while she looked lovely doing it, he wasn't sure if a broom had been the right choice of a dance partner.

Sesshomaru didn't know what to think. His first instinct had been to take Kagome in his arms and make her stop. His second instinct had been to give her a more appropriate partner, himself. But, Sesshomaru knew little of dancing. It wasn't really a hobby he had ever taken on.

"I can't believe you just stood there and watched me... make a fool of myself!" Kagome hollered.

Rin walked up to the miko. "I didn't think you looked like a fool, Mommy. I thought you looked beautiful."

Kagome smiled at the child, her daughter. "Thank you, Rin. But, I still wish someone would have said something."

"And how would you have heard us over that noise?" the taiyoukai asked.

Kagome blushed as she thought about how loud the music had been. Then, she realized what he had said. "Hey! That wasn't noise! That happened to be one of my favourite singers!"

Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow, but didn't respond.

Miroku walked over to the stereo and stared at it. He then looked at the priestess. "Where did you learn to dance?" he asked her again.

Kagome blushed. It seemed like she done a lot of that within the passed fifteen minutes. "Oh, it's a gift," she stammered out. "You learn a lot in school."

"Will I learn how to dance in school, Mommy?" Rin asked, tugging on Kagome's jeans.

Kagome sighed, "I don't think you'll be in school long enough for that. One generally learns how to dance at school dances. That, or they go to dancing school, where they learn. I was lucky to have a natural talent."

The monk tilted his head. "Could you teach us how to dance?" he asked her.

Kagome laughed, "Why would you want to learn?"

"So that next time, you don't have to dance with a broom," came the monk's reply. "Besides, I liked the way it looked and it would be nice to do that with Sango."

Sango shook her head vigorously. "No way, monk. You aren't getting me to do that."

Deciding that it wouldn't hurt, the young priestess went to her CD tower. She picked out the perfect CD and popped it into the stereo. She took Miroku's hands into hers and led him to the part of the room she had been sweeping.

She held one hand out and placed her other hand on his shoulder. She guided his free hand to her waist and returned her hand to his shoulder. "This is the normal stance when dancing with a partner," she told him.

Miroku smiled.

"Now, the man always leads the woman. The steps are simple. Two steps forward, one to the side. You always start with your left foot," she explained. "Now, wait until the words start before you go."

He nodded and waited. When the singer began, he stepped forward, but he had stepped too far and stepped on Kagome's foot. She gasped and righted them. He tried it again, and seemed to catch it then. And then he did his normal thing.

The moment his hand glided further down, Kagome broke the dance up and slapped him across the face. Miroku sighed, "Thank you ever so humbly for teaching me this dance, Kagome."

The miko rolled her eyes. She went back to the stereo to turn it off when she felt a hand at her waist. She turned around to gaze into golden eyes. "Sesshomaru," she whispered.

He took her hand into his and led her back to the dance floor. He did not have a left hand to lead her, but then, he never let his missing appendage stop him before. He went through the simple steps she had taught Miroku. Kagome had both her hands on his shoulders as she let him lead her.

They twirled around the dance floor. The demon lord and human miko looked as if they were where they belonged.

Sango and Miroku both smiled at the couple. Rin and Shippo watched in amazement as Inuyasha felt his heart sink. Eri walked in at that moment and was just about to ask what was going on when Sango stopped her and pointed to the dancers. Eri sighed as she watched.

"If that isn't the perfect couple, I don't know what is," the girl whispered. Surprisingly, Sango felt herself agreeing with the teenager.

Kagome looked up into the eyes of the man who led her around the dance floor. In this moment, she did not see demon. She merely saw a lord. A great lord. And he was dancing with her. And then, he was no longer a lord. He was something far more then a lord could ever be. She knew in that moment that he was hers. And she was his. They belonged together.

Sesshomaru gazed down at the woman as he danced with her. He had never danced with anyone before, but had decided that he actually enjoyed it. Especially if he was dancing with her. She wasn't a human. Nor was she a miko. She was his. She was his in more ways then he would care to admit.

Kagome rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes. She breathed in his scent and was taken away by how wonderful he smelled. He smelled like a mixture of new leather and the softest of silk. And yet, some where, in the farthest reaches, she could smell the scent of a just washed dog. The thought made her smile.

Sesshomaru closed his own eyes and bent his head down to touch her cheek. He could still smell his brother on her. It had been a month since that mating. He wondered why Inuyasha's scent still lingered. And so strongly! It was nearly unbearable.

As the song ended, they broke apart. Sesshomaru slowly slid his hand from around Kagome's waist. The miko looked up at him and offered him a smile of thanks. The taiyoukai did not say anything. He turned and walked out of the house to the shrine.

She could feel the hanyou standing next to her. Kagome did not dare turn to look at him.

"I had never seen two people act that way with just a simple thing," he said to her. His throat constricted as he brought out the words, "You belong together. It's as if your bodies and personalities were meant for one another. He is the perfect Yang to your Ying."

Kagome gasped. She hadn't expected Inuyasha to say something like that. When she turned to respond, she saw that he had already walked away. Still, she felt she had to say something. "You could have been that, Inuyasha," she said, just loud enough for him to hear.

Inuyasha stopped and his ears flicked back. He figured she would've said something like that. He wanted to respond. Wanted so bad to tell her that he could still be just that. He could, too. His scent was still on her. All he had to do was claim her. It would be so simple.

But, it couldn't be that way. Kagome would not accept him again. And even if she did, it would be too late. She belonged to another now. Inuyasha could not change that. If he knew anything of his brother, he knew the demon lord would not let go of what was his so easily.

Did Inuyasha really want to fight Sesshomaru over possession of Kagome? He had to admit, the idea was appealing. He still could win her back. But, then, she wouldn't be happy. He had ruined his chances.

Plus, she had been right. No matter what, Kikyo was still a major part of his life. Until he was ready to let the dead miko go, he couldn't move on with his life. Sighing to himself, the hanyou walked away.

Kagome watched as she felt her heart break. In that moment, Inuyasha had made his choice. She had wanted him to turn around. Wanted him to say the words she so desparately wanted to hear. But, he didn't. Instead, he just... walked away.

She knew then. It was time for her to walk away as well. The only problem was, it hurt so much.