InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ I'm Home ( Chapter 34 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Thirty-Four: I'm Home

"What day is it in your time?" Sesshomaru asked as he walked beside his mate.

They were back in Edo. Kagome knew she had to return to her own time, but it was so hard making that decision. Though she knew she would see her husband and her demon friends again, she would never again see Sango, Miroku, or Kaede. She might not ever even see Inuyasha again. She wasn't sure how the whole half-demon thing worked.

She thought over her husband's question. "I want to say... October the ninth?"

He gazed at her as he waited for the rest. She gave him a curious smile, not sure what else he wanted. Finally, his patience wore out. "What year?"

"Oh!" she giggled, "It would help if you knew that, wouldn't it?"

"I don't want to return to you while you are going back and forth between times. That could prove disasterous," he spoke softly.

She nodded her agreement. "It is the year two thousand four," she answered.

He inclined his head slightly. "Be well, my miko. I shall find you when your own time becomes mine," he told her.

Her friends were waiting by the well. A sad smile crept on her face as she saw them. She gave Sango a hug. "I will miss you so much. You are the closest I've ever had to a sister," Kagome confessed.

The demonslayer returned the hug as she fought hard to hold back the tears. "We shall always be sisters. In our hearts, Kagome," she answered.

The young miko stepped back and nodded. Yes. They would be. Kagome turned to the monk. "You had better take care of her, Miroku. She's a good lady and doesn't deserve anything less then the best," she playfully scolded.

Miroku put his hands together as if in prayer. "I shall try my best, my lady," he promised.

Kagome giggled and threw her arms around the monk's neck. He returned the hug and heard a warning growl. He made sure to keep his hands on the miko's back and no where further.

Kagome kissed him on the cheek before turning to the wolf prince who had become her friend. "I'm sorry I couldn't become your woman," she apologized.

The wolf smiled and gave a short laugh, "I think the best male won. I just hope he takes care of you. And know this, Lady Kagome, if you ever change your mind..."

The miko laughed as she hugged him. "You'll be on top of the list."

"That's all I want," he told her, breaking the hug.

The young priestess then turned to the one who had become her best friend. The one who had been by her side through it all. Soft, quiet tears fell from her eyes as she gazed into his golden orbs.

Inuyasha hated mushy stuff. "Don't cry. It's not like we'll never see each other again," he grumbled.

She offered him a hopeful smile. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him tightly to her. She felt as he returned her hug. Her ear was pressed against his chest and she could hear his heartbeat. This made her smile as she cried into his kimono.

They said nothing to each other as they held one another. Nothing needed to be said. Nothing was necessary. When they broke apart, she kissed him on the cheek and brushed back his silvery hair. She cupped his jaw for a moment and then broke away.

She knelt down to the little fox demon who had become a son to her. She knew the child and Inuyasha would be together for a while. Inuyasha had promised to raise the kitsune. "Take care of him, Shippo," she whispered to the child, her tears still wet on her face. "He can be quite stubborn at times. Try not to fight with him too much."

The kitsune nodded. He knew they wouldn't be separated forever. He would see her again. But, that didn't make him feel any better. Tears fled freely from his eyes as he hugged her. "I promise, Momma. I'll miss you," he stammered.

Kagome smiled through her tears. To hear him call her "mother" meant more to her then she ever thought. "I love you."

"I love you, too," he gave back.

She kissed him on the forehead and stepped back. She turned to look at her mate. She cupped his face and, tippy toed, kissed him gently on the lips. He returned the kiss, letting his hands slide around her small waist. "I shall not take long to find you," he promised her, his breath brushing across her lips.

They broke apart and she walked up to the well. She stood on the lip and turned to look at everyone one more time. Jaken stood next to his lord and she smiled at the toad. She mouthed the words, Take care of him to the small demon. He answered with a nod.

Kohaku stood next to his sister. The young boy didn't really know Kagome, but he knew she was a big part of his sister's life. That was all he needed to know as he placed an arm around his sister's waist and waved goodbye with his other hand.

Kagome had already bid Kaede goodbye back in the village. Kaede had given her the journal and even now, she could feel it's weight in her backpack. She had a lot to write about.

With a final wave, she jumped into the well.

Kagome sat in the local American restraunt. Next to her was her ten year old daughter while across sat a horse demon. Kagome smiled at the demon.

After she returned to her time, the miko learned all she could about demons in Tokyo. She found out that they did still exist. However, they kept a low profile and rarely showed their demon natures. It had taken a lot for Kagome to convince this demon that she was a friend.

"So, who are you exactly?" he asked her as he looked at her with beady eyes. He had a large, heavy mane of brown hair that went all over the place. His nose and chin were long and narrow. He wore a typical business suit.

"I am Kagome, Lady of the Western Lands," she told him, giving him her titled name.

His eyes widened even more when she said that. Good. That meant he had heard of her. Or at least, of her husband. "My lady," he apologized, "forgive me. For many years I doubted your existance. The lord had always spoken of you and had refused to take another mate. We believed he was merely jesting."

"Could you not smell it on him?"

"Well, yes, my lady. Of course we could. But, we thought he had mated to some human. Some poor girl who had died," he explained.

She raised a single eyebrow as she pulled back her collar a little to show her husband's mark. He nearly fell into a bow as he cried, "Forgive me, my lady. I did not know."

She smiled and gestured that he should stop. She did not want to make a scene in the restraunt. "Where is he now?" she asked him.

"I do not know, my lady. He travels a lot on business trips," he informed her.

She nodded. "When do you expect him back?"

He shrugged, for he did not have an answer for that.

She thought it over for a moment before asking, "What about his brother? Inuyasha? Or his nephew, the fox demon Shippo? Have you heard anything from them?"

"Inuyasha lives near the ocean. If you would like, I can send a letter to him for you with a request for his audience?"

Inuyasha lives. That was the only thought that ran through her head. She nodded her agreement with him. "Have him brought to the Higurashi shrine. Do you know where that is?"

He thought about it for a moment and then nodded. "Yes, my lady. I have seen the shrine before."

"What about a wolf prince named Koga?"

"He is no longer a prince, my lady," the horse demon informed. "He has inherited his father's kingdom and now reigns over all the wolves as wolf king."

While she was sorry to hear his father had died, her heart sang for Koga. She smiled. "Send him a request as well. Make sure you put on the requests that a 'miko from Tokyo wishes to see them.' Do not put my name."

"But, my lady..."

"No buts. Do not let them know who is requesting their presence," she ordered sternly.

He nodded his acceptance, but she could tell he didn't like it. No matter. It really wasn't his business if she wanted to keep it a secret. It was her secret to tell, not his.

She got up from the table and looked at her daughter. "It's time to go, Rin. We have to get home so we can get ready," she told the little girl.

"Is Daddy coming home?" Rin asked as she followed her mother.

Kagome looked at the horse demon. "You will tell him? Won't you?"

"I will tell him that I have found his wife. He has been looking for you for a while now. He will be pleased," he assured her.

"And I will let it slip that you questioned him. Just do not do it again," she warned.

His eyes widened and he nodded his head. He watched as the miko and her child left the restraunt. The moment they were gone, he took out his cellphone and dialed the number to the mansion...

Rin sat in front of the TV, flipping through the channels. It was Saturaday and her morning cartoons were already over. She sighed in frustration. She hated Saturadays. There was never anything on. Little Kagome, Eri's daughter, sat next to Rin.

The doorbell rang. "Rin! Can you get that?" her mother called from the kitchen.

Rin sighed as she got up from the couch. Then, she thought about it and looked at the little four year old. "Why don't you get the door, Kagome?" she offered.

The little girl giggled as she hopped out of the couch and ran to the door. She turned the handle and pulled it open. "Hello?" she asked as she looked up. And up. And up. And up.

Her eyes met golden orbs and she screamed. Kagome and Eri ran into the living room. "What's wrong?!" they asked at the same time.

Little Kagome ran to her mother and clutched her mother's apron. "Big... scary... man," she sniffed between sobs.

"Rin, I told you to answer the door," the miko scolded as she went to the door to see who it was.

Rin lowered her eyes to the ground in shame. In a way, she was glad she didn't answer the door. Especially if the man was scary.

"Hello?" Kagome answered as she pulled the door open again.

Golden eyes met blue eyes. Time froze for the two as Kagome felt herself melt. It had been four years since she had last seen him. Four years since they had touched. And here he was, standing there. She threw her arms around his neck as he bent down to kiss her.

Rin watched in startled amazement as her mother disappeared behind the door. She could hear as her mother kissed the stranger. This appalled her. Angry, the girl stormed to the door and pulled it open further.

Rin was shocked. Standing there, was no stranger. She could see the pinkish purple striped on his face. His long silver hair hung to his knees. He wore a white kimono with his white pants. Around his waist was a blue and gold sash.

"Lord Sesshomaru?" the girl asked, feeling the name come back to her.

Kagome and Sesshomaru broke their kiss as the demon lord turned to the little girl. At first, he didn't recognize her. She had been much younger the last time he had seen her. But her voice... it was familiar.

"Daddy?" she asked again, her eyes filling with tears as she recognized the man who had taken her away from the life of an orphan.

"Rin," he whispered as he finally placed the voice and decided she was the little girl.

She squealed as she ran to him and threw her arms around his waist. Sesshomaru wrapped his arms around her small body and pulled her up in his embrace. She cried as she buried her face in the thick fur that hung over his right shoulder.

Eri smiled as she watched the family reunite. Her hands itched with the need to grab a camera and take pictures of the happy reunion.

Sesshomaru placed Rin carefully on the ground. He cupped Kagome's jaw and smiled at her. "I have someone you want to see," he told her.

He turned his head slightly to look behind him as he stepped to the side. Inuyasha stood there. He looked older. As if he was in his late thirties. He wore a dark red business suit, but his hair still hung down. His ears were covered with a baseball cap.

Kagome laughed through her tears as she hugged the half demon. She had never been so happy in her life. Inuyasha returned the hug, his eyes glittering with happiness.

Inuyasha broke the hug and looked down at his best friend. "I'm not the only one, Kagome," he told her.

She smiled when her eyes fell on Koga. The wolf prince turned king looked kingly indeed. Gone was the slip of a headband on his brow. It was replaced by a much thicker, larger piece. He wore a mahogany coloured suit and shiny black shoes. "Haven't changed your mind, I see?" he commented with a smile.

She laughed as they hugged. Her eyes fell on an odd looking fellow that stood behind Koga. She broke the hug to look at the man. He was young, that much was certain. He stood about Kagome's height and was slim and built. He had long sandy coloured hair and a sandy coloured bushy tail. The tail dubbed him a demon.

It was his eyes that gave him away. Kagome stared into those blue eyes and smiled. "Shippo," she whispered.

His bright smile reached his ears as he responded, "I've missed you, Momma."

She cried as he enveloped her into a hug.

Everything was as it should be.


I hope you all enjoyed that story. I know I enjoyed writing it. I have two side stories that should be coming out soon, so be watching. And no, I'm not going to tell you what they are about. You'll just have to wait and see.