InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ A New Journey ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Don’t own so don’t sue …
Chapter 4
A New Journey
Feudal Age Japan, Summer, Circa 1544
Elsewhere in Japan ...
"So, Dog-Breath killed the bastard, did he?", muttered the young wolf to his companions, "Like I give a damn anymore."
"But Kouga, you wanted to avenge our comrades death!", said the spiky haired wolf demon.
"Yea," said the other, "I'm surprised you're taking this so well."
"Fuck you, I'm not taking this so well. Ever since that damned Midoriko sliced the jewel shards from my very legs and handed them over to the bastard Byakuya making it almost impossible for me to escape from him. Like that bastard Byakuya said when he began slicing me to bits - obviously Midoriko wishes for my death. But I will tell you this - I will find that insolent puppy and I will get Kagome as my woman."
"But, Kouga, we don't need her power to see the jewel shards anymore. She's just a human. Marry Ayame and have her bear full demon wolf pups."
"Shut up Ginta! You think I only want Kagome for her power? I love her. And that damned puppy doesn't deserve her. He's constantly putting her in danger."
"Do you know where she is, Kouga?"
"Not just yet, but damn it, I WILL find her and make her my woman." The young wolf turned over and laid on his stomach. Yes, he would find and marry the woman he loved. But he had no trace of her scent. He had found the final battle ground but her scent had disappeared and he knew that Dog-Breath had carried her off. He knew he would find her and he would kill that insolent pup if he didn't release Kagome to him.
"So, Inuyasha succeeded, did he, in killing that beast" The majestic white-haired demon thought as he walked through the final battle grounds.
"Lord Sesshoumaru, what happened here?" asked a pretty, little black-haired girl, who was holding the reins of a two-headed dragon.
"Rin, you stupid girl, obviously Naraku was killed here.", commented a green imp carrying a two-headed staff bearing the heads of a woman and an old man.
"Jaken!", commanded Sesshoumaru, "Let her be."
"Yes, My Lord." Jaken said quietly.
After rescuing Kohaku from Byakuya, Sesshoumaru, at Rin's pleading, removed the now tainted shard from Kohaku's back and used Tenseiga to revive him. Kohaku, not needing Kikyou's protection and wanting to stay with Rin, started walking with Sesshoumaru. His big sister, Sango, believed him dead because Byakuya showed her the shard from his back that helped complete the sacred jewel. Although Sesshoumaru had been able to cross paths with Inuyasha and his friends, he never let it be known that Kohaku was alive. Sesshoumaru, for his part, was none too pleased with not having a part in the death of Naraku. Byakuya had managed to keep him going on so many red herrings that by the time he located the final battle grounds, his half-breed brother had finished the job.
"But not without major injury", thought Sesshoumaru, "Don't die little brother, I will be the one to bring about your downfall."
Jaken, meanwhile, was lost in his own thoughts that he spoke randomly, "I don't understand how Inuyasha could have the strength to destroy Naraku."
"Come, Rin." said Sesshoumaru, as Rin chimed, "Yes My Lord!" as she pulled the reins of the dragon, Ah-Un and took Kohaku's hand, "Let's go, Kohaku"
"WAIT! Lord Sesshoumaru! Don't leave me behind!" shouted Jaken, when he realized they were walking away. "Where was he going this time?", thought Jaken, "Oh well ..."
Feudal Age Japan, Kaede's Village, Autumn, circa 1544
The summer passed lazily and without incident, save for some minor demons that decided to wreak havoc on villages now that Naraku was gone. Inuyasha made short work of them and complained he needed bigger foes to fight. Miroku visited Mushin and let him know that the curse had been lifted, while Sango visited her village to prepare Naraku's remains and pay homage to her fallen family and comrades. Kagome tried to keep herself busy with Kaede. Shortly after the destruction of Naraku, she visited the bone-eaters well. She wanted desperately to go home and visit her family, but without the jewel, she feared she would never be able to return to her friends in the Feudal Era. And Inuyasha. And Inuyasha didn't help any. "You're not meant to go home so just deal with it." he would say. And that was one of the nicer statements. Inuyasha found himself eating grass so often that summer he finally started to wise up (a little, anyway). His comments were kinder, "I thought you promised to stay with me.", now was what he would say to her. And one day, after she had been crying at the well, he actually hugged her! No words were said, but no words were needed.
Hachi brought Mushin to Kaede's village and he married Miroku and Sango in a simple Buddhist ceremony. The villagers celebrated the wedding and welcomed the new couple into the poor farming village. Inuyasha helped Miroku build a house for Sango - big enough for the "15 or 20" children Miroku wanted. Inuyasha proved himself valuable to the village by protecting it, although his main protection was Kagome - the village just benefited from that. Kagome herself had finally made up her mind that she was in the Feudal Era forever and decided to make the best of it. Of course, Inuyasha began making that decision easier to take. Upon the encouragement of Kaede, Sango, Miroku, & Shippou, he began "courting" Kagome. In his way, of course. He never came right out and did anything special but he did do things when she wasn't aware of it. Mornings, now, Kagome was greeted by a small group of flowers beside her head. Or sun-sweetened morning berries. And always some food for her to prepare for lunch and dinner that day. Either a fresh caught boar or mounds of fish. One day though she complained to Kaede about Inuyasha thinking she was his personal cook.
"But Kagome," said the wise old woman, "Inuyasha is a dog after all. It's his way of courting you. He hunts for you and presents you with his kill. You accept his kill and prepare him a meal from it. By accepting the kill you are accepting him. Be proud of that."
Kagome hadn't thought about it in that way. She thought back over the summer. He was constantly by her side, if he wasn't hunting. When she wasn't training with Kaede, they spent afternoons by the lake. With Sango and Miroku married, they had more times alone and even Shippou was obliging by staying away from them when they were together. Yes, the summer had been quite nice with Inuyasha.
A few days after she spoke with Kaede about Inuyasha's courting techniques, Kagome sat on the ground beneath the god tree. Inuyasha had his head on her lap, dozing quietly, his ears twitching every now and then as a fly would buzz by. She always thought it adorable and found herself lazily scratching his ears as she closed her eyes to listen to the various sounds in the forest. These were the days she lived for. These were the days she loved. Little did she realize, Inuyasha felt the same way.
"I'm hungry," said the half-demon, quietly.
"All I have with me right now is some apples," commented Kagome.
"That's fine," Inuyasha said as she handed him a bright red apple. He quickly sliced it up with his claws and handed part of it to her while he munched on the other part. She still found herself scratching his ears and she noticed that he was twitching his ears in her direction for her to be able to reach them. Yes, she could enjoy life like this.
Suddenly, a growl erupted from Inuyasha's throat as he jumped up with his hand on the hilt of Tessaiga. It happened so fast it scared Kagome. She soon saw the reason for Inuyasha's protective stance. In front of them stood 2 robed figures.
"What the hell do you want?", growled Inuyasha.
"Move aside half-demon. We came to see the girl.", one of the figures said.
The voice was monotone and Kagome couldn't tell if the voice was male or female.
"Over my fucking dead body, you freak. I protect Kagome!" Inuyasha stated as he pulled Tessaiga from its sheath.
"That can be easily arranged," said the other figure as it began pointing a finger towards Inuyasha.
"NO! WAIT!", screamed Kagome, "What is it you want with me?" she said from behind Inuyasha.
"Simple," said the first figure, "We have been watching you and have determined that your powers are much more stronger than a priestess' powers should be. We believe you need to be trained correctly so that your powers can be used to their utmost ability. We want you to travel to the Mystic village of Kusamura. There you will be trained in the power of the Mystics."
"Kusamura," mumbled Kagome, "Where is that?"
"Far to the Northwest, past the northern mountains lies the Mystic castle town of Kusamura. This is where you must journey and hone your skills. But only you must travel there. Alone."
"BULLSHIT," yelled Inuyasha, "Like I said, I protect Kagome. Wherever she goes, I go too."
"And who ARE you?" queried the second figure.
"You don't need to know who I am, you bastard."
"Now Now, Inuyasha," Kagome said quietly, while patting his shoulder, "This is Inuyasha and if you had truly been watching me you would have known that," replied Kagome.
"Inuyasha you say?", said the first figure.
"the second son of the legendary great Dog-Demon?" asked the second.
"Yes," said Kagome, "Didn't you know already?"
"We had been sent to watch you and no one else, child", said the first figure. "But, the son of the great Dog-Demon is definitely welcomed among the Mystics. Yes, you may journey with her. But NO ONE ELSE," the figure stated emphatically.
"May I ask who you are?", said Kagome. "We go by no names." said the first figure. "We are messengers of the Mystics, that's all. You must begin your journey within 2 days." With that, the figures began to fade away.
"Wait!", Kagome cried out, "How do we know which way to start the journey?" "Two Days ..." was all that she heard as the strangers disappeared.
"Well that was strange," commented Inuyasha as he stared at the last place the two mysterious figures had last been standing,
"I don't think we need to go," he finished.
"I do, Inuyasha. I have been wondering about my destiny and my place in this world. I don't feel like I am just a priestess or a healer like Kaede has been training me to be. I have been feeling there is something more. Maybe this is it." Kagome said quietly.
"Whatever," commented Inuyasha, "Maybe we oughta talk to Kaede about this."
"Yes, we should," said Kagome, as the pair began to walk back to Kaede's hut. "Journey to a place called Kusamura." thought Kagome.
Hmmm ... Kusamura ... wonder what interesting times await Inuyasha and Kagome? R&R Please!