InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ Your mission ... ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Don’t own so don’t sue …
Chapter 9
Your mission ... should you choose to accept it ...
The large, formidable woman was dressed in a multi-layered kimono similar to the ones worn by women in the Heian era over 200 years ago. In fact, she looked just like an older geisha with no face powder. And she appeared to be old. Very old. She came over and leaned down by Kagome and began to examine her features. Kagome did her best not to growl at the woman, even though her mind went back three years to when Kaede had first examined her the same way.
The older woman then straightened up and announced herself. "I am Mistress Hiroko, leader of the Mystics."
Kagome looked around and realized that everyone, except for her and Inuyasha, who was just sort of staring at the strange woman, had bowed to the ground.
Kagome began to bow when the Mistress Hiroko said, "That won't be necessary girl. You are not yet in training. However, your hanyou, while not a Mystic, should still show some respect towards me."
This comment made Kagome look toward Inuyasha, who had promptly returned to finishing his chocolate and tea.
"SIT BOY!" Kagome commanded, causing a forced, pained bow out of him.
She turned back to the Mystic woman, smiling, only to be greeted by a glare.
"If you are indeed his woman then you need to learn to show some respect to your lord, child. Lord Suiren, this girl is definately a diamond in the rough but I can sense her powers. I will do the majority of her training."
Kagome didn't care for being treated as if she was Inuyasha's propertybut the lord of the castle just laughed.
"Ahhh Mistress. I see she will be a handful for you."
To which the mistress simply asked, "Will Masakazu be training the hanyou?",
which brought a "WHAT?" out of Inuyasha, "Me? Training? For what?"
"Training, to become a better warrior," said Xia.
"HMMMPHH! I don't need no training to be a better warrior. I have the Tessaiga and that's all I need", Inuyasha cockily replied and faster than he could blink he realized that the sword was gone from his hip and now sat on the lap of Xia.
"Obviously, you do need it because sometimes you may not have the blade to rely on."
"Give me back my sword, woman, or you'll be sorry."
"I thought you made it a habit NOT to fight women", Persephone commented as she smiled at her friend, knowing that Xia was egging Inuyasha into battle.
"I can always make an exception.", growled Inuyasha.
"Fine," said Xia, "Let's go outside the castle. You bring me down, I return your blade. Deal?"
"Deal!", growled the hanyou.
"Ahhh, after dinner entertainment. This should be fun.", commented Zeshin and Lord Suiren readily laughed and agreed.
"Shall we sit outside and watch, Zeshin? My Lady?"
For the first time, Lady Lien Qing spoke, "No, I shall retire. I already know how it will turn out. Be careful with him Xia." She said, smiling, as her maids led her back to her room.
"Inuyasha," Kagome said, "You can't fight this woman. She's trained as a ninja. You heard Persephone."
"Well I can't very well sit by and have my sword stolen out from under my nose, can I? I don't have much of a choice."
"Your pride is gonna get you slaughtered someday, Inuyasha.", Kagome replied. "It's not pride, Kagome. It's honor."
"That's what you say", thought Kagome.
"Come on half-breed, come show me what you are made of." Xia called mockingly to him while heading outside. She knew it would be over before it started!
The two warriors faced off in the courtyard of the castle, while everyone else watched from above.
"Don't hold back, half-breed, just because I'm a woman. I have no plans on holding back on you."
"Fine! I won't! But you'll be sorry. No one calls me a half-breed!", Inuyasha charged and started his attack call, "Iron Reaver ... HUH? Where'd she go?"
"What's the matter, dog-boy? Lose me already?" called Xia from behind him.
This went on for a few more moves before Inuyasha started to pant from the exertion.
Feeling a bit sorry for our hero, Xia calls out, "Hey half-breed, here's your blade back. Try it now."
Inuyasha catches Tessaiga and it's sheath as it flies through the air, removing Tessaiga as he jams the sheath into his obi. "Damn you wench. Where are you?"
"Here I am." She replies.
He turns around to be face to face with her blade. The two start going at it in a regular duel of the blade, with Xia pulling some impressive moves as she dodges his attacks. All this serves to do is get Inuyasha angrier and angrier as he realizes she is countering his every move.
"All I can do is defend myself. I can't get in to attack", He thinks to himself as he gets even more exhausted from the expenditure. By this time, Xia and the onlookers (minus Kagome, who appears worried for Inuyasha) are enjoying a mighty laugh at his misfortune, when above all the laughter comes a high-pitched cackling sound like a drunken chicken.
Inuyasha looked over to see what was making the god-awful cackling noise when he saw a wrinkled, old man laughing his ass off to the side.
"Hey old man, what the hell is so funny?", Inuyasha yells out but all he gets as a reply is
"He He He He He. Ho Ho Ho Ho. Ha Ha Ha!"
Kagome thought, "What a strange old guy, but he's asking for Inuyasha's wrath if he keeps that up."
Inuyasha's ire does raise as the old guy continues to cackle at him. Xia calls out, "Maybe you can do better fighting the old man, Inuyasha."
"What?" Inuyasha thinks, puzzled, "Me fight him? But he's older than dirt!"
At that moment the old guy gets up and unsheaths a mighty katana and says to Inuyasha, "Oh really? Then if I am older than dirt then obviously you can beat me, eh?"
"Whaaa? He knows what I'm ..."
"Yup whelp, you're right on - I can read that simple little mind of yours. Now come on ... take me out."
The old man countered as Inuyasha began to swing his blade wildly trying to find it's mark but the old man was quicker than lightening, even in his advanced age. Inuyasha tried every move he knew but the old man dodged and countered faster than Inuyasha could respond, all while cackling like a chicken. Inuyasha, sensing this man was not human, decided in his immature, frustrated mind to send off a Wind Scar at the old guy, which the old guy merely sidestepped as the blast went flying past and destroyed a section of castle wall.
"Ah the Wind Scar", thought the old man, "So Tessaiga, you HAVE chosen this whelp as your master."
"ENOUGH" called out Lord Suiren, "So Inuyasha, since you have decided in your frustration to take down a portion of my castle wall, YOU will repair it - TONIGHT. The castle stonecutters will provide you with all you will need. But I did enjoy the entertainment." He finished, ending with a hearty laugh as his son, Zeshin, Persephone and finally Xia followed him back into the castle.
Kagome ran down to join an exhausted Inuyasha, who was putting away Tessaiga as a couple of stonecutters came over to lay out was needed to fix the wall and show Inuyasha what to do.
"Oh, Inuyasha, are you alright", Kagome asked worriedly.
"Yea, nothing damaged but my pride. But DAMN, I've never seen anybody move like Xia or that old man."
That's when they heard the cackling again.
"Yea and neither had your father. But he learned and so will you."
Both Inuyasha and Kagome turned to see that the old man hadn't left. "Who are you, old man?", asked Kagome kindly.
The old man bowed to her and said, "My lady, my name is Masakazu." And looking at Inuyasha he finished, "And that's MASTER Masakazu to you, whelp!"