InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ Inuyasha's Decisions ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

Chapter 16

Inuyasha's Decisions

Town of Kusamura, spring 1545

Inuyasha returned to Masakazu after his week of sheer bliss. To say he never wanted to leave Kagome was an understatement. He could have stayed beside her in bed forever. But, Inuyasha knew Kagome had to return to her training and he to his. As he entered Masakazu's, he saw his master turn to face him. Knowing the drill, Inuyasha bowed properly and addresses him. "Master, I have returned for more training." He hated the formality, but the old man was drilling it into him. the old man cackled and said, "So, my boy, did you enjoy yourself?" Inuyasha blushed deeply to think that Masakazu knew what was going on for the past week. The old man continued, "I knew you needed your privacy so I made sure nobody bothered you," he said, with a smile. Inuyasha blushed and even deeper shade of crimson when he wondered just how many people knew what was going on this past week. "Don't worry, my boy," the old man commented, "sharing pleasures is a perfectly normal function. Everybody was happy for you." "Sharing pleasures?", Inuyasha commented quietly. "Yes, that's what the Mystics call mating, my boy." Inuyasha decided he liked that even better than 'making love' and made a mental note to tell Kagome about it that night.

"My boy, now that it's spring, you will begin a new phase of training. I will be taking you around the town and villages. You will be apprenticing with builders, stone cutters, farmers, artisans and such. You will learn valuable training from them that will strengthen your character as well as your muscles. Plus, you will get paid for your time and work and I know you can use that." Inuyasha grumbled and growled under his breath. What did all that have to do with fighting, but he couldn't deny the idea of being paid. Kagome was with pup and he would need the money for his growing family. "Before we start that, Master, I need to ask if you know anyone who can do a spell to turn me human. Kagome is human and our pup will be mostly human. I don't want to outlive them and be alone." "Inuyasha, do you know what you are asking? Being human makes Tessaiga useless besides the fact that to turn human would dishonor your father's memory." Inuyasha swallowed hard but he knew what he was asking, or at least he thought he did. "If you are serious, go to the temple and see Lady Noni. She specializes in spells such as that. But think long and hard about it Inuyasha. Now, come on, let's start your next bit of training." The old man turned and walked out with Inuyasha behind him.

That night, after 'sharing pleasures' with Kagome, Inuyasha fell into a deep sleep.

Somewhere off: "He's a fool, we must make him see he shouldn't become human." "Yes, I agree, let's send him a dream." "Devi, make Inuyasha realize why becoming human is a terrible idea." At the behest of her masters, Devi flew off to Inuyasha's home. As he slept deeply, she circled him and sprinkled fairy dust on his head, "Dream a dream Inuyasha, of a time long ago..."

Inuyasha stood in the middle of a small village, as fires raged around him. The villagers houses were all aflame and bandits were running around on horseback, slaughtering villagers. He looked down to get his sword, but he didn't have it ... nor did he have his claws and he realized his hair was black. "I'm human," he thought, "where am I?" "INUYASHA" he heard a scream and he looked in that direction. A girl was there with long, black hair and she was being carried away by a bandit. "Kagome?" he thought, "No ... that's not Kagome's voice ... "KIKYOU!" he realized as he heard another scream, "PAPA! PAPA!" he turned and saw two little boys running towards him as a bandit came up to them and beheaded both in a single swipe. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" he heard himself scream as he was called again by Kikyou ... "Inuyasha, help me please, NO LET ME GO!!". He ran towards Kikyou but was too late as the bandit drove his sword into her chest. He attacked the bandit that killed Kikyou, but was quickly outnumbered. As a bandit shoved a sword into his chest, Inuyasha looked down, thinking "at least I will join them in death." when he realized, it wasn't Kikyou laying there in a pool of blood but ... "KAGOMEEE!!"

Inuyasha woke up in a sweat. He looked down and saw Kagome sleeping peacefully beside him, blissfully unaware of his nightmare. "I can't become human ... Kami, what if I had decided to become human back then ... is that why fate intervened?" He thought to himself. He settled back down beside Kagome and snuggled against her, breathing in her sweet scent and trying to relax himself. He wasn't able to sleep the rest of the night.

The next morning he asked Kagome to join him at the temple. He told her he wanted to see a Lady Noni. When she came to them she asked, "What is it you wish?". Kagome looked at Inuyasha confused, as he wouldn't let on anything. She knew Lady Noni and what she specialized in and she was afraid of what Inuyasha wanted. Inuyasha started, "As you know, I'm a hanyou and Kagome is a human. Our pup will have demon blood in him or her. I do not want my pup growing up motherless, like I did. Can you do a spell that will give Kagome a longer lifespan?" Lady Noni looked at Kagome, "Child, is this something you want?" "Yes, Lady Noni," she said excitedly, "I don't want our pup or Inuyasha to ever be alone." "Fine." said Lady Noni, as she began to create a potion. She said some words in mystic as she created the spell then turned to Inuyasha, "I need some of your blood, Inuyasha, come here." He listened and walked towards her. "Extend your left hand please." Inuyasha did as he was told and Lady Noni sliced his palm with her dagger and spilled his blood in the potion. Turning to Kagome, "Do you make this wish for long life with pure heart, mind and soul?" "Yes, I do, Lady Noni." Kagome responded firmly. Lady Noni said some more words in mystic before handing the cup to Kagome. "Drink this, child." Kagome did and as she did a pink lighted ball began to swirl around her body. Lady Noni looked up to the ceiling and chanted before saying to the both, "The spell has decided that for your wish to be granted neither of you will age any older than you are now. You will mature but you will remain as you are today. It has also decided that Kagome will become a half-demon, though her looks will not change but she may notice other changes. If this is acceptable to you, then a kiss is needed to seal the spell." Inuyasha sniffed the air. Kagome's scent had changed slightly. She smelled like a hanyou but she looked human. "What about the pup inside her?", Inuyasha asked hesitantly. "The pup she carries now and all future pups will be half-demon." "Kagome, is this ok?" Inuyasha asked her. Kagome responded by throwing her arms around Inuyasha, "Kiss me you fool.", she laughed as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately. Lady Noni finished her spell with, simply, "So it is written, so it is done."

*********************************************************** *****************************************************
Kusamura, early summer 1545

2 months past their mating, Kagome brought up the idea of being married in a Mystic ceremony. Mistress Mystic, while she had no problem with demon marriages, felt that Kagome, as a future mystic sorceress, should be married by Mystic priests. Inuyasha agreed for Kagome and went to talk to Lady Seka about planning a mystic marriage, as Kagome told him needed to be done. Lady Seka sat down and listened to Inuyasha. "I'm glad you want to marry Lady Kagome in a mystic ceremony. Most demons would rather not. But, you see, we consider you 'dirty' if you have not undergone the ritual cleansing of 'talikhana'. This is a ritual all newborn boys and newly trained wizards, warlocks and sages go through. If you are willing to undergo the ritual, you will be allowed to marry Lady Kagome in a mystic ceremony." Inuyasha started to get mad when at first he thought she was calling him a dirty hanyou, when there were other hanyous in the town married to mystics. But he relaxed when she mentioned the ritual cleansing. "What exactly IS talikhana, Lady Seka?" he asked. "It is the removal of the foreskin of the penis. It can collect dirt and shouldn't be entered inside a woman's body. I know you have already shared pleasures with Lady Kagome and as such, she would also need to go through a ritual cleansing to make her newly cleaned. And then you will be allowed to marry." "I'll do it," Inuyasha said firmly.

********************************************************** ****************************************************

The talikhana ceremony was scheduled for Inuyasha about 2 weeks later with Kagome's joruti ceremony was planned for the same day. Kagome just underwent a simple cleansing by mystic maidens while Inuyasha went under a knife by mystic priests. He withstood the pain although not being able to share pleasures with Kagome until he healed was much harder on him. That didn't stop him from pleasuring her, however. "No reason both of us should suffer," he told her, "and besides, I enjoy pleasuring you."

The Mystic wedding ceremony was planned for late summer, even though Kagome's stomach was beginning to get huge. As they prepared for the ceremony, they spent the summer training and also getting to know new friends as Kiyoshi, from the wolf demon tribe, brought his wife Kimiko over to visit numerous times. Kagome knew Kimiko from training and the two had plenty to talk about as Kimiko was due shortly before Kagome. As half-demons, Kagome discovered that birth usually took place no later than 8 months so she knew she was due around the winter solstice. Kiyoshi and Inuyasha discussed battle tactics and other man stuff while the girls discussed babies and chores. The summer past quickly and before they knew it, it was time for the mystic marriage ceremony that would join them forever.

Well? What do you think? Think Inuyasha is committed to her? Come on ... more reviews please, I'm getting kinda discouraged - although I love all of you who have reviewed thus far!!!!!