InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ The Mournful Howl ( Chapter 26 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!
Chapter 25

The Mournful Howl

Mid-Winter (around what would be our February), 1550

Kagome had weathered her demon attack quite well and appeared no worse for the wear. She was shocked when Inuyasha had told her what happened and scared at the same time. Inuyasha commissioned the local sword smith for a small weapon for Kagome, designed to keep her demon blood sealed, similar to Tessaiga. The sword smith delivered a beautiful dagger with a jewel-encrusted gold handle, plenty worthy enough for a sorceress princess. Kagome kept it hidden around her waist, grateful for the added protection.

Kagome gave birth to their sixth son in the middle of a brutally cold night. After so many births, the baby came quite quickly, with the nursemaids getting there just before he was delivered.

Two days later, with another frightful storm brewing outside, Inuyasha was surprised to hear a knock at his door. Wondering who could be outside in such a storm, he opened the door to find Kiyoshi standing there, shivering and carrying a small bundle. Getting his friend out of the bitter cold and beside the fire, Inuyasha asked him why he was here on such a day.

"Inuyasha,", Kiyoshi started, sadness tinged in his voice, "did I hear correctly that your mate has birthed recently?"

"Yea, 2 nights ago.", Inuyasha replied, wondering about the formality in Kiyoshi's tone, "Isn't Kimiko due any day as well with your second?"

Looking at the bundle, Kiyoshi continued, "She birthed a short time ago ... but ... but ...," a tear ran down his cheek, "she didn't survive the birth. He came out feet first, she bled terribly." By now, Inuyasha noticed the small bundle moving. He could feel his heart aching for his friend, imagining what he would do if he were in Kiyoshi's place. "My friend, we have no nursing females in the pack right now. None are due until late spring. My son will not survive until then. Please, I beg of you," Kiyoshi began handing the bundle to Inuyasha, "Please, take my son and raise him. He needs a mother and I trust only you and Kagome to do this." "Kiyoshi,", Inuyasha said softly as he took the squirming bundle. Looking down at the barely hours old pup, he looked back at Kiyoshi as Kiyoshi got up to leave. "I will raise him as my own flesh and blood. He will lack for nothing, I promise you." Before he left, Kiyoshi looked back at his friend and said, "I know you will that's why I chose you. The wolves don't follow Mystic traditions about the name - you can if you wish. The choice of name is yours but, well, Kimiko always had a soft spot for the name Kieran." and Kiyoshi left into the bitter cold. Inuyasha looked at the pup and thought to himself, "Kieran you will be."

He took the pup back to Kagome, sat down, handed her the pup and told what had just occurred. With tears streaming down her face, she placed the newborn to her breast for his first meal. He held his wife as she cried and couldn't help but let a tear or two fall down his own cheek.

A week later came another knock on their door. This time, it was Kiyoshi's father, Keiji. With him he had Kiyoshi's oldest son, Kentaro, and Kiyoshi's katana. He also looked very old and tired for his age. Greeting Inuyasha, he brought terrible news. "Takagawa attacked our outer tribe. It wasn't a huge battle but Kiyoshi went to help. He thought he could take Takagawa down now that the sorcerer was out of the way, but it wasn't to be. Takagawa killed my son. And then the heartless bastard tied my son's body to his horse and dragged him all over showing off his conquest.", Keiji continued as Inuyasha sank to the ground in shock, "I know my son entrusted his newborn son to you. Kentaro is not safe without his parents. Not all of the wolves agreed with my son's choice of a mate and, as you are well aware, despise his half-demon status. May I also entrust Kentaro to you?" Kagome was listening from the doorway, trying hard not to cry. "Of course," she said, hurrying forward, "Come, Kentaro, Yasha is playing in the back room, do you want to join him?". Little Kentaro nodded glumly and followed his new mother back to where the other pups were playing. "Before I leave, I know Kiyoshi would want you to have this,", Keiji said, handing Inuyasha the katana. Inuyasha gripped the sword and just stared at it, thinking of his friend. Without another word, the wolf demon turned and left Inuyasha to his thoughts and memories.

That night, when everything was still and quiet, a light snow began to fall. Kentaro crept out of bed and quietly opened the shojo and sat, dog-style, on the porch. He didn't realize that Inuyasha had followed him. Inuyasha watched as the pup sat there, looking up at the full moon. Feeling bad for the pup, Inuyasha made a promise to himself. "You will fall, Takagawa. I will avenge Kiyoshi's death. You have done your last despicable deed." Inuyasha walked out on the porch and sat dog-style next to his new son. The two looked at each other a short while and then Kentaro turned back to look at the moon. He raised his head and let out a long, mournful howl at his loss that echoed off the snow and into the night.

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Ok ok - I cried writing this chapter (grabs a tissue). Ok - next chapter - battle time!!!