InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ Return of Old Friends ... ( Chapter 31 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

Chapter 30

Return of Old Friends (and Foes)

Miroku and Sango suggested that Inuyasha and his family stay at their house, since it was bigger than Kaede's hut. Inuyasha and Kagome agreed it would be for the best. Shippou also lived with Sango and Miroku, but now he was cuddling up to Kagome and was hoping to live with them when Inuyasha built the house. Miroku and Sango continued to watch in surprise at the family's routine. They weren't used to seeing Inuyasha so friendly with children before. After dinner, Inuyasha pulled out the metal tub they used to bathe the pups in and gathered water from stream. As he heated the water, Kagome played with the pups. After the water was a good temperature, Kagome undressed the six older pups and put them all in the tub. While Inuyasha entertained the infants, Kagome bathed each pup as the others splashed around (yes, Kagome WAS wet). Then Kagome would dry off a pup and hand him to Inuyasha, who would put a diaper and small yukata on each before placing them on their bed. Finally, it was the infants' turn, and Kagome bathed Kieran first, then Kiyoshi, and prepared them for bed while Inuyasha softly strummed his biwa to soothe the older pups. As the pups settled in, Miroku, Sango, and Shippou's faces really dropped when Inuyasha began softly singing an ancient Japanese lullaby his mother used to sing to him. After he was finished, he and Kagome kissed all the pups goodnight and they sat with the others as they let the pups finish drifting off to sleep. After his nose told him they were asleep, Inuyasha quietly went over and nuzzled each pup, checking them over. Then he returned to Kagome. Kagome could only smile at her friends' reactions to all of this. She had seen this change in him starting with Yasha. Inuyasha had never known his father and he refused to let his pups be the same way. He swore to Kagome he would give his pups everything he had wanted from a father. And he had kept his word.

The next day, bright and early, Inuyasha started out on building the house. He designed it after the houses in Kusamura, with the fireplaces and the kitchen. Being a demon, he showed his strength by working with barely stopping each day from sunup to sundown. By week's end he was finished. He needed to be quick because planting season was well under way and he needed to get his land prepared and planted. So as soon as he finished the house, he built a small barn for the horses and then set to work on the land. Within three weeks he had the land plowed, tilled and planted. He finally stopped for a decent rest. By this time, Kagome had what was left of their belongings in the house and had a routine going. It was starting to feel like home.

A few days after he finished his planting, he was laying on the porch, relaxing, keeping a lazy eye on the six pups playing in the front of the house. He didn't really need to watch them, he knew right where they were by their scents. Just then, Inuyasha felt something on his cheek. He slapped his face, only to hear a familiar voice.

"Master ... Inuyasha ... what a greeting." said the flea.

"Myouga, it's you. Where have been all this time? Hiding out at Totousai's?", Inuyasha asked.

"I was about to ask you the same question. A while back there was a demon running around claiming he had killed you and had the Tessaiga to prove it. Totousai and I were worried about you. We didn't know where you had disappeared to. We doubted the sword he had was the real Tessaiga because a true demon can't handle the sword but we wondered where he got a replica."

"Oh that," Inuyasha went on to explain what had happened and how Kagome had somehow conjured up a fake Tessaiga. He also explained where they were for the past six years.

"Mated? You and Kagome are mated?" Myouga said surprised as Inuyasha pointed out the pups, explaining that there were two more inside. "I can't believe it," Myouga continued, "You mated before Sesshoumaru! Way to go, Master Inuyasha!"

"Feh!", was Inuyasha's only comment.

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Elsewhere, deep in the forest

"So you're saying that Inuyasha has returned?", Sesshoumaru asked of the tree in front of him.

"Yes," replied Bokusenou, "And the forest is abuzz with news that he slayed a terrible human in the northern regions. The news is also that he has somehow become in control of his demon blood, no longer needing the Tessaiga to do it for him. From what I have heard, he can turn himself into a full-blooded demon - or at least make it appear that way."

"So he slayed a human. But I want to know how he is able to control his demon blood without it turning him into a murderous demon.", Sesshoumaru continued, "I think I will go find out for myself if this is true."

Sesshoumaru left the demon tree and went back to where Jaken, Rin and Kohaku were waiting with Ah-Un. The group began to follow him with Jaken being as much of a nuisance as ever.

"Where are we going, Lord Sesshoumaru?" asked Jaken to which he got no reply.

After a while, Rin and Kohaku recognized the area.

"Oh, we are going to your sister's village.", Rin commented to Kohaku.

As they approached the village, a small hanyou pup with a wooden sword in his hand came running out to the forest.

"He has Inuyasha's scent on him." thought Sesshoumaru. Seeing the newcomers, the pup stopped and stood up tall.

"Who are you?", he demanded, "I am Inuyashaichi, first-born son of the gweat dog-demon Inuyasha!" (proud kid ain't he!)

"Son?", Sesshoumaru thought, "GREAT dog-demon?"

"Listen here, brat," started Jaken

"Leave him alone Jaken.", commanded Sesshoumaru as Jaken backed away.

"Isn't he adorable?", commented Rin as she went over to Yasha and picked him up.

Sesshoumaru turned as the scent hit his nose. Inuyasha had landed right near him.

"Stay away from my son, you bastard!", Inuyasha commanded.

"I have no interest in your offspring, little brother," Sesshoumaru said, "I am, however, interested in you."

"Oh really?" replied Inuyasha sarcastically.

By this time, Kagome had arrived with the other pups to see why Inuyasha had ran away so fast. Sango, Shippou and Miroku showed up as well and Rin and Kohaku went over to them. Yasha squirmed to get down and ran to his mother.

"Is papa gonna battle?", Yasha queried.

"Yup," sighed his mother, who calmly sat down to watch the 'festivities'. Seeing Kagome so calm made the rest of the group very curious.

Sesshoumaru let off a poison vine attack that Inuyasha nimbly dodged.

"So you wanna fight, do ya, well I'll take you on!", Inuyasha yelled as he reached out and grabbed the vine.

"Poison doesn't affect him?" Sesshoumaru thought, surprised.

Sesshoumaru went through all his attacks and tried to use his speed to counter Inuyasha, but to no avail. Inuyasha every time was faster, nimbler and more dangerous than ever. The moves Inuyasha used were moves that Sesshoumaru had seen before.

And so had Myouga.

"Masakazu!" both Sesshoumaru and Myouga thought.

"You're alive!" thought Sesshoumaru, "and all this time I thought you were dead. Masakazu, you were supposed to train ME, not this worthless half-breed!" Sesshoumaru thought to himself angrily.

Deciding to have some fun, Inuyasha let his demon blood surface. Kagome had told Sango, Miroku and Shippou why Inuyasha now had stripes, but this was the first time they saw him transform so easily. The scent quickly caught his brother off guard.

"His scent ... it's like that of a full blooded demon.", Sesshoumaru thought, "and he is in control ... not like before."

His delay in reaction delighted Inuyasha who attacked with his claws. Only doing minimal damage, as he planned, Inuyasha landed and started laughing at his brother. As Sesshoumaru again tried to attack, Inuyasha proved to be dominant by evading him and striking back without warning.

By this time, Kagome had grown bored with the one-sided show. Deciding to show off a bit, she yelled, "Hey, Inuyasha!" Inuyasha turned to look at her and seeing her movements, decided to back away. Sending a static charge Sesshoumaru's way, she cracked herself up laughing as he became a white weasel.

"My Lord!", screamed Jaken.

"Kagome, what have you done with Lord Sesshoumaru?," Rin also yelled.

"Just wait,", Kagome said, giggling as she began bouncing the helpless weasel up and down like a ball. Inuyasha was enjoying her show. Both Jaken and Rin begged her to stop and Kagome finally did, but not before flinging him far into the forest.

"KAGOME!", yelled Rin

"I'm sorry, my naughty side got the better of me. He'll be back to his old self in a couple hours." Kagome said, as she gathered her pups and headed home, with Inuyasha following behind.

Sango, Miroku and Shippou had yet another experience of the new and improved Kagome and Inuyasha, while Rin and Jaken took Ah-Un and headed off to find their lord. Kohaku decided to stay behind with his sister.

All Miroku could think of was, "Living with them in the village will get to be interesting." As he and his family headed back.

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A/N: AAAAAACCCCKKK - betcha didn't know Kagome had it in her!!!! Well, we all have a naughty side right?? And yes, I got the bouncing weasel from Harry Potter, (the most recent movie), if anybody remembers what happens to Malvoy with Mad Eye Moody. See ya next chapter!! InuyashaPuppyDog!!