InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ Kouga ( Chapter 32 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

Chapter 31


Life in Mushashi proved to be good for the hanyou family. With her powers, Kagome made powerful plant and animal food that she shared with the villagers, helping them produce better crops and better feed for the farm animals. She also was indispensable as a healer, and while she tried to keep he official powers as a sorceress quiet, other local villages had started requesting her help as a healer.

Besides keeping his farm, Inuyasha found himself busy attacking demons that plagued the area. Most were insignificant, but every now and then he come across one that needed more skill. He didn't recognize these demons and felt they were probably coming from the northlands or possibly even the continent. Without Naraku around, but with plenty of wars still going on, the demons still multiplied.

Kaede's Village, Spring, circa 1555

During the first five years they were back in Mushashi, Inuyasha and Kagome helped Miroku and Sango welcome three new babies into the world. Yukika, their fourth daughter, was born in 1551. Their first son, Kaito, was born in 1553. Their second son, Takumi, was born in early spring 1555.

Shortly after they had moved into their new home, Kagome told Inuyasha that Kaede had given her an herb that would keep her from becoming fertile.

"Remind me to kiss the old hag next time we see her," commented Inuyasha, gratefully, "Your fertile scent drives me so crazy, my head hurts for three days after our mating."

"That's not from my scent, Koshii.", Kagome confided to her husband coyly, "But from your abundant exercise during that time.", referring to his amount of physical activity while she was in heat.

By the previous year, however, Kagome began missing having a newborn around and she and Inuyasha decided to become pregnant. She was due shortly after Sango. Her pups were growing up strong. Yashaichi and Kentaro were 9, the twins, Shaoran and Shirrow were 8, Bunza was 7, Yukio was 6, Kiyoshi and Kieran were now 5. The pups were anxiously awaiting their new brother or sister. Inuyasha had sent Taka and Khan off to ask for mystic nursemaids to be present and Lady Wakana and Lady Tsukiyama arrived shortly thereafter, riding Khan.

A week after Sango birthed her son, Kagome went into labor. It shocked Kaede and Sango to see Inuyasha be allowed into the birthing room with Kagome as men weren't supposed to be present.

A short while later, Lady Wakana appeared and announced, "Lady Leilani has birthed a healthy baby girl."

Inside the home, Inuyasha and Kagome snuggled with their newborn daughter as the pups gathered around to take a look, before running outside to announce to the world, "We got a baby sister! We got a baby sister!"

Four months later, a group of Mystics arrived to perform the naming ceremony. Kagome invited the whole village to participate. As the village gathered, Mistress Mystic performed the ceremony.

"What is the child's name?", Mistress Mystic asked Inuyasha.

Inuyasha looked at his daughter proudly before announcing, "The pup's name is Izayoi."

"Does the mother concur with this name?", Mistress Mystic asked Kagome.

Before their daughter's birth, Inuyasha had told her that if the pup was a girl, he would like to name her after his mother and Kagome agreed.

"Yes." Kagome replied.

As Mistress Mystic accepted the name she prayed for the child's celestial being before announcing that her celestial being was the sun and Persephone announced that the child's protector was Andromeda.

A few months later, Inuyasha was called upon to slay a particularly tough demon near the northern mountains. He returned complaining that the vermin hadn't been worth his time. But his time near the mountains caught the attention of someone else.

In the Forest

"So, dog-breath has been poking around these parts. But I don't pick up Kagome's scent. But if I follow the dog's scent, I know I'll find my Kagome." Kouga said to no one as he followed Inuyasha's scent. He continued to follow until he came near a village where he picked up Kagome's scent.

"Kagome!", he thought as he stayed back in the forest. He waited, biding his time. It wouldn't be good to go barging into a town and grabbing Kagome while dog-breath was nearby. His patience paid off as he saw Kagome, alone, head down to the river to cool off.

Kagome's POV

Kagome felt like she had sweated half her body weight in water as she headed to the river. The pups were playing in the village and Inuyasha was watching a sleeping Izayoi. He told her to go take a swim to cool off and she welcomed the reprieve. She stripped down to her yukata and dove in the water. She swam around, enjoying the peacefulness of the day. As she decided to get out, she headed towards the shore and stopped, frozen. Standing on the shore was a man. Not just any man, but a wolf demon.

"Kagome.", he spoke.

"Kouga.", she said to him, "I'm surprised to see you here."

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A/N: For Kouga fans out there - I'm sorry - but the next chapter is going to be a dark one.