InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ Farewell ( Chapter 37 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

Chapter 36


The next morning, Kagome was up early and out the door, with Lily on her back. Kaede needed her help in another village. Inuyasha, with Izayoi strapped to his back, went to work in the fields as boys finished their chores around the farm. After Inuyasha made everybody lunch, the boys scattered to play with friends or go exploring. Inuyasha cleaned up Izayoi and changed her diaper before packing up a blanket and taking her to the meadow. As she picked dandelions, Inuyasha stretched out and enjoyed the sunshine.

Izayoi came over to her father and said, "Papa, lady."

Inuyasha looked at where Izayoi was looking and was shocked to see ...

"Kikyou!", he said, a look of surprise on his face.

"Inuyasha." Kikyou responded, as she walked towards him.

Picking up Izayoi, Inuyasha met Kikyou across the meadow. "Where have you been? Why haven't you come before?"

Kikyou sat down on the grass and Inuyasha followed suit, placing Izayoi in front of him. She quickly toddled over to the priestess and climbed up in her lap with a big smile. Kikyou, always good with children, smiled back at her and hugged her.

"She's beautiful.", Kikyou commented.

"Her name is Izayoi, after my mother.", Inuyasha informed her.

"So you've married Kagome.", Kikyou continued, sadness in her voice.

"We've been married about 11 years now. We have 10 pups.", he said before continuing, "I had to move on with my life, Kikyou."

"No wonder you have so many. You treat Kagome like your slave. Is that how it would have been with me?", Kikyou asked, slightly annoyed.

"Huh?", was all Inuyasha could say, "What are you talking about?"

"Last night, I was here, I witnessed your demon brutality to the one you supposedly love. As a human, I doubt you would have been capable of such actions.", Kikyou said harshly.

"You ... you spied on us,", Inuyasha asked, incredulously, "I can't believe you would do that."

"I had no choice. I was in the forest and you were blatantly attacking her.", Kikyou responded.

"I wasn't attacking her. We were playing. Sometimes she likes it that way ... rough. Wait, why the hell am I explaining myself?", Inuyasha stopped himself.

"It was disgusting, Inuyasha. That you would perform those vile acts on a woman. Demons treat humans that way.", Kikyou responded back.

"Kikyou, I was never meant to be human. We were never meant to be together forever. The Fates ended your life because you were going to use the Shikon Jewel to turn me human. They had to stop you and save your soul.", Inuyasha spilled out, trying to change the subject.

"And this is supposed to make me feel better? That my death was my own fault?" Kikyou said to him, anger in her voice, "You agreed to be with me, to go to hell with me.", she finished.

"That won't work, even if I still wanted to go, which I don't. I will always love you. But you don't belong here.", Inuyasha told her gently.

Kikyou thought about what he told her and said, "So you want me to die again?", she asked him.

"Are you happy with this existence, Kikyou?", Inuyasha asked her.

"My only happy time was when I was alive. When I thought we would be together.", Kikyou said to him, sadly.

"Kikyou, our souls are together. Only your soul is now in Kagome. And Kagome has become very powerful as a Mystic sorceress. But I was told she would never achieve her full powers until the rest of her soul is returned to her. We can still be together ... as soul mates.", Inuyasha spoke quietly.

"So I am supposed to be happy that you are with my replacement? Do you see me in her?", Kikyou asked.

"I did in the beginning because she looked so much like you. But now she is Kagome and you are Kikyou. You are two different personalities." Inuyasha told her, "Please, Kikyou, please allow the rest of your soul to return to Kagome."

"Inuyasha, I will think about what you said.", Kikyou said, picking up the now sleep Izayoi and handing her back to Inuyasha, before getting up and walking away, as her demons lifted her into the sky.

"Kikyou.", Inuyasha said as she disappeared.

***************************************************** *************************************************************************** ****

Later that night, after the pups were asleep, Inuyasha told Kagome about Kikyou's visit. He wisely left out the information of her witnessing their wild lovemaking session.

As Kagome thought about what Inuyasha said, she told him, "I can save her."

"She's not injured.", Inuyasha said.

"I don't mean that,", Kagome said, "I can restore her life. Make her alive again."

"Are you serious? What about your soul?", Inuyasha said, surprised.

"That's the best part. My soul would return to me and I would transfer a different soul to her.", Kagome explained.

"And she would be human again?", Inuyasha asked.

"Yes, with a normal human lifespan. She could finish out her natural life.", Kagome responded.

"Will the Fates allow this?", Inuyasha queried.

"If Kikyou wants this, the Fates will allow it, as it wouldn't be her soul, but another lost soul reincarnated as her.", Kagome said.

Inuyasha thought about this before saying, "I don't know where she went or if she'll show up again so the point may be mute."

The couple sat quietly after that comment.

********************************************************* *************************************************************************** ***

Shortly before winter, Inuyasha was working outside when he saw them.

"Soul collectors. Kikyou must be nearby.", Inuyasha said to himself as he followed the soul collectors.

Sure enough, Kikyou was waiting near the meadow. After they greeted each other, Inuyasha told her about what Kagome could do. Kikyou was speechless.

"She would do that?" Kikyou asked.

"She said she would, if you want it.", Inuyasha replied.

Kikyou thought about this for a moment before saying, "And I would be living the life of a mortal priestess again. After experiencing love, I don't think I could live a solitary life anymore."

"You don't have to be a priestess, Kikyou, you can be anything you want to be."

Kikyou and Inuyasha turned. The voice belonged to Kagome. She had gone looking for Inuyasha and saw the soul collectors.

"I do not think I could be happy alive. I have decided to give up the rest of my soul to you, Kagome, and end this wretched existence.", Kikyou announced.

Inuyasha, remembering Persephone told him, shuddered at the idea of her doing that. It would mean HE would have to end her existence.

"No Kikyou, reconsider, please.", Inuyasha pleaded.

"No, I have made my decision.", Kikyou said.

Kagome pulled out a vile out of her bag, "Drink this Kikyou, it will make it painless." Kagome knew better than to argue with the priestess.

Kikyou did as she was told, resigned to her fate. As she fell asleep, Inuyasha caught her body and gently laid her down. Looking up at Kagome with sadness in his eyes, she knew what he wanted. Some final time alone with Kikyou. She turned around and headed home, not looking back. As she reached the porch, a white light surrounded her and entered her body as she gasped.

"It is done.", she thought, with a tinge of sadness.