InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 45 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

Chapter 44


British Columbia, 2005

Inuyasha stood on the porch to his home, leaning on the railing. It was late September and the afternoon air was tinged with coolness. The leaves were starting to change color and the scent of apples wafted from the house. Their cook, Maria, was baking apple pies. He loved this time of year.

He was dressed confortably, were gray sweatpants and a black muscle shirt, that showed off his solid chest beautifully. With his silver hair blowing in the breeze and golden eyes, he was very handsome. At least that is what his wife was thinking as she came out of the sliding glass doors onto the back porch, two mugs of steaming, spiced apple cider on a tray. Inuyasha looked towards his wife and smiled.

"For me?" he said.

"For us.", Kagome responded, "What are you doing?"

"Watching the pups playing," He said motioning towards the play area.

She turned and watched as the pups wandered in and out of the various obstacles. 8-year-old Sierra and 10-year-old Shane were playing with the 2 youngest pups, 5-year-old Juliet and 2-year-old Josh, pushing them in the swings or catching them when they came down the slides.

Inuyasha heard the screen door open and close again and he turned to see his oldest, Yasha, heading towards them.

"Hi sweetie," His mother spoke, "How's Yuki and when do I get to see my adorable granddaughter again?"

"Yuki's doing well," Yasha said, referring to his wife of 3 years, a pretty inu hanyou that his uncle had set him up with, and his 3 month old daughter, Emily., "She'll be over with the baby for dinner, if you don't mind."

"Did you speak with your Uncle's lawyers, son?" Inuyasha queried.

"Yea, Papa, the malpractice suit against Yamamoto was settled.", Yasha replied, referring to suit he filed against the youkai doctor who almost killed his daughter during her birth.

"And?" Inuyasha asked.

"I don't want to know," Kagome said, hands over her ears.

"He's alive, at least." Yasha told him, "Don't worry mama."

"You can live with missing appendages, you know.", His mother responded.

"As far as I know, he has his arms and legs, Mama.", Yasha said, sourly.

"I was thinking of another appendage actually," Inuyasha commented.

"Remove him from the gene pool, huh Papa?", Yasha laughed.

"Please, you too, stop it!", Kagome announced.

"Oh my sweet Koshii, you have always been way too forgiving.", Inuyasha said, as he put his arm around her and kissed her head.

"HMPH!," she snorted, "I have to be, being mated to you for 460 years."

"What's that supposed to mean?", Inuyasha said, a look of innocence on his face.

"It means, that although I love you dearly, you are not easy to live with, my love."

"Feh! And you think you're Miss Pollyanna?"

Kagome smiled at his remark, "Where do you think I get it from, darling?"

Their maid, Hoshi, came out and announced, "Dinner is ready, Inuyasha-san"

They all entered the large dining room, now filled with most of their pups. As promised, Yasha's wife, Yuki, entered with baby Emily, and handed the squealing baby off to her grandmother, who gladly took her.

Later that night, Inuyasha and Kagome sat in the great room curled up on one sofa, with Yasha and Yuki curled up on another. Emily slept quietly in her mother's arms. The younger pups had all headed off to bed and the older pups were deposited all over the house. It was relatively quiet in the house, except for the crackling fire. Inuyasha found himself absentmindedly rubbing Kagome's back and staring into the fire, as he sipped his cappucino. This is what a house was supposed to be. Full of love and family. He knew that most of his pups were either asleep or playing in one of the gamerooms. Some of his older pups were working in other countries. And his oldest was here with his wife and Inuyasha's first grandchild. And knowing him and Kagome, 2-year-old Josh wouldn't be their last. He knew their lives hadn't always been easy, but with Kagome by his side, they could handle anything that came along. He sighed in contentment.

"That was a big sigh, sweetie. A penny for your thoughts.", Kagome asked, sleepily.

"Only that I love you, Koshii.", Inuyasha said as he squeezed her gently and kissed her forehead.

"I love you too, my love.", Kagome responded back, as she drifted back off into a comfortable sleep in his arms.

A/N: Keep an eye out for my new story, "Two Sparrows In A Hurricane", another Kagome & Inuyasha love story.