InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Holds ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

As you should all know, I love InuYasha.
She had searched for miles for his home, and now after months her journey was coming to an end, she had found him. “He's even more beautiful than I remember.” Watching him swing his blade, the same blade he had used to save her life so long ago made her nostalgic for the past. For her mother…father…village, but she didn't have to dwell in the past any longer because now she was going to start a new future, hopefully by his side. Preparing to step out away from the trees to show herself, the nervous female ducked back into the foliage when a small version of the man she was watching bounded out of the rather large home towards him. She watched as the object of her quest, dipped down low to scoop his miniature double up in his arms and proceeded to throw the child in the air, eliciting a torrent of joyful squeals. Smiling to herself she began to rethink ever making the trip, because even though she was happy to see that he was doing well, she did not want to intrude on his family. “I guess he must have married her after all…” Because the child was practically identical to his sire, she wasn't exactly sure who his mother was, but she had a pretty good guess to whom the man she had loved for decades did belong since she had been a fixture of his even so long ago. “He loved her then. I'm so stupid to think that he could ever belong to me.”
Realizing that the last few years spent pinning away for him and the strenuous journey she endeavored on in order to find him may have been all in vain, the young but rather mature demoness made to leave the father and son pair alone when a deep growl halted her steps. Turning her body towards the sound, the female cursed her half-blood, and prepared to protect herself against the threatening…neko. Wait a minute, I know that youkai…she's.” Lowering her guard the half-demoness raised her hands in submission and tried to make the still growling neko remember her. Stepping closer to hopefully help jog the cat's memory, the gorgeous hanyou smiled and said, “Kilala, don't you remember me? I'm…”
Before she could get her own name out, a voice that was deeper than she remembered, but still able to jumpstart her heart said in a surprised whisper, “Shiori?” Turning her body away from the neko to face him directly, she shook her head to confirm his speculation, and responded with a shy, “Hi InuYasha-sama.”
Feeling the small paws of his son wrap around his left knee, InuYasha mechanically lifted the boy in his arms as he tried to process the breathtaking beautiful girl, no woman standing in front of him. “Wow…WOW…she's fucking gorgeous.” Getting a whiff of her fear after he failed to respond to her greeting after several minutes, InuYasha struggled to deviate his gaze from her voluptuous frame to meet her beautiful lavender eyes. Taking a step towards her, he smelled her fear intensify before he drew her into a strong embrace with his free hand. Hearing her giggle against his chest, after he took in her sweet flowery scent, he took a step back and let his eyes look her over again. With an uninhibited smile on his face InuYasha finally spoke to the blushing girl, “Shiori-chan, wow, it's so good to see you. How are you?”
Happy that their little reunion was going well, Shiori twirled a forelock around her finger and laughed, “I'm good InuYasha-sama really good, I'm just so glad to see you.” Looking into the golden eyes that had haunted her dreams for so long, the light blush that stained her face got deeper as she thought about the explicit content of some of her dreams. Feeling her heart begin to race, she directed her attention to the miniature version of her love and stepped a littler closer. Reaching out a hand, she grabbed the boy's paw and asked in a cherry voice, “And who is this cutie?” Earning a shy smile from said “cutie,” Shiori took another step forward and tickled him a bit, getting the boy to laugh loudly. After calming down a little, the small child finally was able to breathe out a response, “Aoshi.” Smiling at the young boy, she poked his stomach one more time, and returned her attention to his father. “So how have you been InuYasha? You look good.”
Unsure if she really meant to suggest anything with the emphasis she placed on “look,” InuYasha uncomfortably shifted Aoshi to another arm gave a tentative, “Th- thanks Shiori, so do you.” Watching her gaze fall to the ground at his small compliment, InuYasha took a moment to once again appreciate the grownup Shiori. Dressed in a long white kimono with flowers the same color as her eyes, InuYasha couldn't help but wonder what exactly she was hiding under there. “I sure as hell would like to find out Feeling a small hand tap him on his shoulder, InuYasha reluctantly pulled his gaze away from Shiori and acknowledge his son, “What's wrong pup?”
Rubbing his tummy Aoshi made a funny face and said, “I'm hungry chichi-ue, can we go inside and eat?” Ruffling his pup's hair, InuYasha chuckled at his “hungry” face and made to turn around towards his house so that he could feed his family, but before he did, he called out to Shiori, “Hey Shiori-chan, come and have dinner with us.”
Seeing his statement as a command more so than anything else, Shiori followed behind InuYasha and let him lead her to his home. Entering the rather large abode, she realized that InuYasha must have really been someone important within his village to warrant a home such as this. She had never seen anything like it. While I wasn't as big as some of the human palaces, the way it was divided was so unique to her. Unlike most traditional homes, InuYasha's had unusual spaces and dividers that separated his rooms. Watching InuYasha set Aoshi on his feet, she saw the young boy pull, what appeared to be some kind of door, towards himself and step inside the room. The setup was strange to say the least, but InuYasha had always been different. Hearing him callout to her, she directed her attention towards him and asked, “Yes, InuYasha-sama.”
Distracted by the melodious sound of his name sliding off of her tongue, InuYasha almost forgot what he was going to say. Shaking his head in an attempt to clear it, he walked towards the amazingly beautiful woman watching him with a smile lighting her face and said, “Oi Shiori-chan. There is no need for fake ass honorifics when your around me.” Stepping closer to her, he lifted her chin and continued, “That snooty shit is for my brother, not for me. To you, I'm just InuYasha.”
With a sly smile gracing her face, Shiori looked up at InuYasha and said the last thing he ever would have expected, “But you are my alpha, InuYasha-sama. It's only proper that I address you as such.” At the rapid increase of his heartbeat, Shiori knew that her words had the desired effect. Sidestepping the know frozen man, Shiori made her way over to his cooking utensils began to prepare dinner.
Shock could only touch the surface of what he felt after she had called him her alpha. No one had every called him that before, and it was damn sexy. Turning his neck around, he caught sight of her full bottom pushing against the confines of her kimono as she swayed sinuously, and he became hard. “Shit, I know it's been a while, but I can't possibly be getting aroused by a moving ass…”
Hearing the excited chatter of his son as he returned from his room, InuYasha had the breath knocked out of him when Aoshi barreled into his stomach. Looking down at his boy's beaming face he asked him, “What's got you so excited pup?”
Giggling his son replied, “I forgot that tonight Shippo-onii-chan is coming and he said that he is going to take me camping, just like you and mommy used to do when you were looking for the jewel shards!”
Letting out a dramatic gasp, InuYasha picked up his son and said, “You're right pup, I forgot that you're going to be out with the runt tonight,” as he walked towards Shiori's kneeling form. Settling himself behind her, he continued, “So I'll be here alone tonight pup, what will I do all by myself?” Dropping his voice an octave, InuYasha teasingly asked, “Do you have any ideas Shiori-chan?”
Knowing that he could smell her arousal, Shiori took a deep breath and prepared to offer him a some form of an answer, when the reed door was thrown open, and the a rather attractive kit barged into InuYasha's hut. “Oi, Oyaji, where's my dinner?!” Turning her head, she watched as little Aoshi tore himself from his father's arms and jumped into those of the newcomer. “Whoa, is that the annoying kitsune, InuYasha used to travel around with? He's grown a lot.” Taking in all of the kit's physical changes, Shiori adjusted her position near the stove to get a better look. Hearing a quiet growl, she turned towards InuYasha who was shooting her an intimidating glare. “Wait, does he think I'm interested in Shippo...”
Catching the light growl himself, Shippo called out to is adoptive father, “Oi, what's with the intimidation factor? Stepping into the kitchen area, he saw the reason for his father's discomfort. At the stove was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen, human, demon, or half. Taking a deep breath, Shippo was able to pick up some very interesting scents from both hanyous so he decided to tease his father just a bit. Dropping Aoshi onto the floor, Shippo made his way to the fair maiden settled by the stove and dropped to his own knees in front of her. Knowing that their was one particular phrase that who get the best rise out of his father, Shippo lifted up the lovely female's hands and said, “Fair maiden, I have never come across such beauty before. Would you do me the honor of bearing my child?”
Shocked and a little bit put off at the kit's boldness in his superior's home, Shiori's eyes widened in stupefied horror as Shippo donned a secretive smile. Turning her head, she caught sight of InuYasha's contorted face and wondered to herself, “Did I miss something?” Feeling Shippo's grip on her hand tighten she realized that he really did expect an answer from her. Feeling the intense stares of three males on her, she began to stammer, “Ummm…well Shippo-kun…”
As soon as the endearment left her mouth, InuYasha stood up abruptly and left his own home. Hearing him bark a command at his son to stay inside, before he slammed the reed door shut, Shiori tore her hand from Shippo's grasp and shot him a hot glare of here own, “You Baka!!!” Looking down the small hall that led towards the door, Shiori rose to her feet and made her way toward the now whimpering Aoshi. Picking up the small boy, she tried to convince him that his father was not upset with him, but rather at Shippo because he was being rude. After the boy seemed satisfied with her answer, she tickled his sides to get him to smile and told him to ask Shippo to give him a bowl of stew for his dinner. Shooting Shippo another glare, she ordered him to feed Aoshi and left to follow her hero's tracks.
The Inu-Hanyou was damn fast and almost impossible to follow, but her own powers were nothing to put down either. It took a while, and she was almost sure he had let her, but after less than an hour of searching, Shiori caught up with the elusive dog demon. Watching him gaze at a field of wildflowers from over a cliff, Shiori slowly walked up behind him. With boldness she didn't think she possessed, she laid her head against his back and wrapped her arms around his slender waist. Breathing in his scent, Shiori felt her tears trickle from her eyes and settle into the fabric of InuYasha's trademark fire-rat. In a sob, she cried out, “I'm sorry InuYasha-sama, I'm so so sorry.”
Although he thought he had worked on his emotions over the last couple of decades, he knew it must have all been for naught because when he saw Shippo get on his knees in front of HIS Shiori and ask her to bear a child that was not HIS, he saw colors he swore he had left behind. The thought of Shippo, thinking about Shiori in that way pissed him off. But what made him so mad that he had to leave was the fact that she didn't stop him. He had gone through the triangles when he was younger and he damn sure wasn't going to go through it now that he was older and had a pup of his own. His son deserved more and so did he, and if Shiori was interested in anyone other than him, he wasn't going to put himself out there, not again.
But when he caught her scent trying to trail him, he knew that he might have overreacted. But he really couldn't help himself. As soon as he laid eyes on her grownup form, he knew that he had to have her beneath him. When she had called him “InuYasha-sama,” despite his initial protests, he knew he would love to hear her scream it as he made her cum over and over again. It had been a while since he had been with a woman, and he was more than ready for some action, and if he could get it from a beautiful girl, no woman, like Shiori he would…I can't be thinking about Shiori like that. I've known her since she was a pup, I couldn't even if she does want it.
He knew that she was interested as soon as she called him her alpha. Shiori wasn't like Aoshi's human mother who really didn't understand the Youkai hierarchy. She knew that he knew she knew what him being her alpha meant, and damn if he wasn't going to show her. If it wasn't for that stupid ass kit…
He knew she had caught up to him, but he was still surprised when she touched him. Even more so when she laid her head on his back. But he was damn shocked when she began to cry. He wasn't as naïve to the feelings of others as most thought. He knew that she would be upset by everything, but he really didn't expect the tears or the apology. The scent of tears had always got to him, but hers seemed to have a more potent affect. He didn't want her to cry over Shippo being an idiot or over him being a tad dramatic, so he told her in the softest voice he could muster, “Don't cry Shiori. It's not worth it.”
Not really seeking a response with his last statement, InuYasha was dumfounded for the umpteenth time that night when Shiori confidently replied, “But you are!”
Watching his mouth fall open in shock, Shiori knew that this was her moment. She had rehearsed for years, everything she wanted to say to him, everything she wanted to make him feel, but right now with his eyes on her, all her preparations abandoned her. Instead she spoke from her heart and said, “You InuYasha-sama are worth it to me. You always have been. I traveled all this way just to find you because I lo-”
Knowing where hr speech was headed, InuYasha cut her off and calmly said, “No you don't Shiori, don't say things that you can't possibly mean.”
Turning away from her, InuYasha sat at the edge of the cliff as a fire began to ignite in Shiori's eyes.
The nerve of him to cut her off when she was going to confess her undying love and devotion to him. How dare he tell her that she didn't love him. Of course she did, she had for decades, and now that she found him she was going to make sure he understood.
Marching up to his back, she almost chuckled as she watched him sit in his “doggy-squat,” but she didn't because she had to make him understand that she was a woman now. A woman who was in love with him. Taking a seat next to him, she was about to plead her case when he cut her off for the second time that night.
“She's buried down there, with my own mother you know.”
With her mouth wide open in surprise, Shiori turned to find his eyes gazing intently at her. Feeling an urge to fill the silent void, she asked him, “Aoshi's mother?” At his nod she continued, “You still love her?”
Looking ahead, again he nodded, but this time he continued with words. Turning his body so that he was facing her, the half-dog demon replied, “For a half-breed who never thought he would ever be accepted, I have been fortunate to experience several types of love in my life.” After grabbing her hand, he continued, “Yeah, I do still love her, but I no longer find the need to demonstrate that love by denying a chance at happiness with someone else. She didn't teach me that, but she did help me do it, and I will forever be grateful for her and for our love.”
Dropping her hand along with his head, he kept going, “Shiori, I know what you want from me.” Looking back up at her he saw the moonlight sparkle in her eyes, and gasped. Lifting a hand to run through her hair, “You are so beautiful Shiori, in every way, and I want to be able to give you what you want, what you deserve, but I can't.”
Leaning into his touch, Shiori was sure that she would give herself over to him as soon as he asked, but at his rejection, she pulled back slightly, “Why not InuYasha-sama?”
Grabbing both of her delicate hands, he smiled sadly and said, “Because I'm waiting.”
Here is my new one, I am in the mood for writing so more should come soon. I bet you didn't expect the pairing did you. I really like Shiori, and I think that she would be good for our Yash. So I hope you give her a chance as well as him, because this can make for a very beautiful story.
One thing I want to warn you all about is that I do not know if Takahashi has spoken on the life lines of humans who have relationships with demons, so in this fic, no humans will have extended lives. InuYasha in the manga was alive for 150 years before the whole tree thing, and Shippo is over 50 now, but looks like a toddler. Then there is Shiori who was supposedly about 8, but her mother still appeared young, so that might have really been in human years. So with all that said, I can't account accurately for ages, so I am going to make Shippo be a mature male in his late teens, InuYasha appear in his twenties, Shiori appear in her late teens, and little Aoshi appear between 5 and 6. That's about it, so please read and review and let me know what you think