InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the hell are you doing? ❯ 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What the hell are you doing??


Inuyasha drew his sword, feeling it transform into a big fang in his grip. A few metres away stood his regal half brother Sesshoumaru, the demon lord. Inuyasha cursed the fact that he not had listened to Kagome's advice and wish to stay in the nearby village, if he had he would not be standing here, facing his evil brother. Sesshoumaru was a tough opponent indeed, and the hanyou did not dare to think about what could happen if the lord succeeded in killing him. What would happen to Kagome, to his friends, would they be next in line for his lethal claws?


Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Shippou and Kirara watched the half brothers from afar, ready to engage if it was necessary. Kagome had an arrow aimed, Sango stood ready to swing her enormous boomerang and Miroku's had raised his staff for battle.


Sango felt very uneasy with the situation, her lower stomach was aching and she did not like it at all. Just to look at the staring brothers was making her arms tire and she lowered her Hiraikotsu to the ground, but she never let her guard down.


Inuyasha saw his brother charge towards him, and he raised his sword to meet his attack. But before the two of them crashed together Sesshoumaru sniffed the air and changed his direction and headed directly towards the little group of humans. "Kagome!!" It yelled in Inuyashas panic-stricken mind and he tried to cut his brother of.


Three pair of human eyes widened as they watched in frozen terror how the great youkai lord rushed towards them. Kagome let her purifying arrow fly through the air but the lord easily dodged it. Miroku held out his staff to protect Kagome and Sango but was roughly pushed out of the demons way.

Sango's dark eyes showed all the fear she felt as the demon lord came running right at her. But before she even had a chance to protect herself against him he had scooped her up, nuzzling his face into her stomach, making her drop her Hiraikotsu in the process and everyone looked confused as hell. He hauled her up on his right shoulder and carried her like a sack of potatoes, and then he dashed off into the forest. The sounds of shouting voices could be heard in the distant.


Sango watch in horror how her friends disappeared behind them. She tried wiggling her way out of his grip, failing miserable. A low snarling sound from Sesshoumaru made her heart stop and she stiffened in his hold.


"She is a responsive little bitch."He thought with a content grin. He moved to sniff her again and found himself harden even more. Her fertile scent was wrecking havoc with his instincts, something he never had experienced before. And it did not matter how much he tried, her scent was driving him wild. He had smelled her when he approached his brother's group. If he had used his brain back then he would have turned around and walked the other way. How was it possible that a mere human had such a power over his body?


Sango could feel the strife within Sesshoumaru and she was frowning, if he was trying to kill her was one thing, but this? It just made her very confused and she trembled a bit. But after awhile her training as a demon slayer had taken over, masking her fear. Fear would excite the demons even more, so she buried it deep within her soul. "I will not go down without a fight." She thought with determination and released the hidden blade in her slayer suit. But she would not stab him in the back, that kind of actions was below her, but she would sure hurt him enough so he had to release his grip on her, thus making it possible for her to fight him better. This position was very humiliating for her, and just to hear him sniff around her stomach every once and awhile was not making things any better.


Sesshoumaru let out a howl of pain, he dropped from the skies and set down in a clearing. He gently pulled Sango from his shoulder and sat her down on the warm grass. He saw the blade on her forearm and he growled low and reaches for his back, and he felt his blood flow over his fingers.


-          You bitch, he snarled and his eyes flashed red.

-          Asshole, she replied fast and raised her weapon as well drawing her short sword.

-          You will submit to me, he roared.

-          In your dreams demon.


They stood silent and glared to each other. Sango's dark eyes sparkled with fury and confusion. The oh so icy lord was showing emotions, that was a rare sight indeed. She knew she paled when he bared his fangs. "Why has he taken me?" she wondered, trying to cope with the odd situation.


-          Sesshoumaru, why have you taken me away from my friends? she asked boldly, needing to know his answer.

-          If you want to know the answer taijya you must lay down your weapons first, he said with a grin.

-          And be defenceless against a demon lord? I maybe a human, but that does not make me stupid, she spat.

-          I like you, you are a clever little bitch, I think you will be perfect for what I have in mind for you, he smiled evilly.

-          And what, prey tell, might that be?

-          As I told you, lay down your weapons and I will tell you.


"He has lost his mind, that's for sure."She thought as she took a few steps back, trying to get more space between them. But he followed her; a wicked smile grazed his lips. She shivered and felt her fear resurface in her mind again. And for a reason unknown to her; she let her eyes fly over his body, and she got a clear indication of his intentions. The great youkai lord was aroused!


Sesshoumaru saw the heated cheeks of the taijya and his smile grew wider. She had got some sort of enlightenment of what was about to happen. He would not let her get away, but he would not take her by force either, no - that was below his honour. A youkai male of his status should not ever have to use force to get his female.  He had to find a way to get her to give up freely. He sniffed the air carefully, trying to make out what kind of feelings she had and he was pleased to find that spicy honey-laced arousal, it was not much, but it was sure as hell a start. He removed his fluffy thingy, laying it on the ground around his feet.


Sango's mouth dropped to the ground. "What the hell is he doing?" she thought bewildered as he began to remove the ties to his clothing with slow hands. She felt a burning jolt go from her head to her lower spine. A light drop of sweat appeared on her forehead as Sesshoumaru removed his outer haori, tossing it over his shoulder in a sensual movement.


Sesshoumaru sniffed the air constantly, and he smiled a lustful smile when her arousal seemed to grow as he stripped from his clothing. "Try as she might, but the young taijya wants this Sesshoumaru." he thought with a very large ego growing. When he had bared his chest for the taijya he slumped down on his fluffy boa, laying on his side he patted the ground next to him, trying to get her to come to him.


Sango felt dizzy, her head spun faster than she could throw the Hiraikotsu. The half naked Sesshoumaru was inviting her to lay on his furry … tail.. "Or whatever that thing may be." She thought. A throbbing sensation tingled her thighs and her womanhood. She was horrified by the fact that she felt drawn to him, a fucking youkai lord.


-          Little taijya, you need not to fear this Sesshoumaru, he said with a voice laced with arousal. He stretched out his lean form, and he could have sworn he heard her moan in the back of her throat.

-          What is the matter with you?? she breathed hard.

-          I am feeling kind of lustful and I want…


He let the words disappear, leaving Sango to guess wildly about what he meant. He patted the ground once more, seeing her take a step towards him. Her fertile scent was driving him insane, but he held back, wanting her to come to him on her own free will.


-          Why do you not remove your armour, I know you must feel very warm, Sesshoumaru said seductively.


Feeling a rush of heat, Sango removed her armour as he requested, but she still held her sword in her hand, not trusting the seductive demon for one moment. She still had the black suit on, but as he smiled and moved like a lazy cat on his furry thing she felt like she was going to melt. "I think I hate you." she thought darkly and referred to her own body, it betrayed her like nothing else ever had. She was soon standing next to the purring youkai and she felt like she had no choice as she lowered to sit on her knees.


-          You have this Sesshoumaru's word that he will not harm you young taijya, he said, raising a clawed hand to cup her face.

-          And how much is a demons word worth? she snarled, not ready to give in just yet, even if her body was more than ready to do so.

-          I think that even my half brother could tell you that I have never broken a promise, and I will not start now.


Sango shivered as she felt his hand move down her neck. Her traitorous body made her close her eyes and lean into his caress. His hand moved over her sensitive breast, feeling the nipple harden under his touch. A low snarl could be heard and then a small ripping sound. Sango's eyes shot open and saw her slayer suit lay around her in shreds. She glared at Sesshoumaru but he just chuckled lowly and latched his mouth onto one of her perky nipples, suckling it like it was candy. Her dark moan made him suckle harder, biting down, almost drawing blood from her soft mounds.


Sango's hand dropped the sword and instead it grabbed a fistful of silver white hair, pushing his head closer to her chest. There was no turning back now for her, if he was willingly she was not the one to turn his offer down. But she would not be a submissive bitch; she wanted to be the one to dominate. So she pushed him back and straddled his waist. She smiled as she heard his grunt when she grinded her hot core against his hardness.


Sesshoumaru was quite stunned by the fact that she had taken over the dominant roll, and he would not have it. But as he felt her rub her sex against his, he was lost. He took hold of her small waist, making her grind a little bit harder. He looked up into her face, seeing the passion there he could not hold back anymore. He flipped them over so he was on top, pinning her small form down on his soft furry boa.


-          So will you join with me young taijya? he asked nibbling on her earlobe.

-          Y-yes, I will join with you Sesshoumaru, but please, I have a name - Sango!

-          Sango, that is a beautiful name, he said and pushed his hardness down between her thighs, making her gasp a bit.


He removed the last of their clothing with fluidly motions. Sango felt a bit awkward and self consciousness and she covered her womanhood with one hand. But he smiled and removed her hand, loving the way she blushed under his amber gaze. He kissed her for the first time, taking time to taste her velvety depths.


"He tastes good, great Kami, he tastes so good."She moaned and arched her back to feel more skin. His hands held her wrist down, unable her to touch him. He was going to make her submit to his power. He favoured her neck and sucked on it, leaving a large bruise. Sango stiffened when she felt his fang penetrate her skin. "He promised that he would not hurt me."she thought, fear seeping into her soul.


Sesshoumaru could smell her fear and he laved his tongue over the bite, lapping up her ruby red blood before he nuzzled his face into her neck, purring to calm her down again. When he felt her tension disappear he kissed her again, tasting her cherry red lips.


The soft vibration from his purring made her more aroused than she ever thought possible for her. And by the small sniffing sounds coming from the demon, he knew what he did to her. She let out an embarrassed and yet at the same time very excited sound. He moved to grab her wrist with one hand so he could use his other hand to roam over her well toned body. He kissed every scar he could find, lapping up her scent with his doglike tongue. But he had to let go of her wrist when he wanted to go lower, so he did. But she held her hands over her head and he smiled against her hot skin. She was submitting to his power. "Good girl."


He licked her navel, feeling her shiver under his gentle caress. He moved lower, feeling her heat against his chest and this time it was his turn to shiver. She was so responsive to his lust.


Sango felt Sesshoumaru's hand part her nether lips and she gasped as the chilly air brushed her wet parts. But she soon found it difficult to breathe at all as he dipped his tongue into her velvety folds. She let out a silent scream, arching her back to let him have better access to her secret flower.


Sesshoumaru drowned in her heady scent of spiced honey, he lapped eagerly at her womanhood, trying to get every drop from her. He grunted when her hands finally found their movements and latched them selves into his hair, tugging his face into her heated centre. He dipped his tongue into her tight canal, triggering her orgasm. He let her juices flow into his mouth and he moaned, already addicted to her unique taste.


He moved from her secret spot when he had lapped all evidence of her peak, he hovered over her, looking down into her flushed face and he smiled softly before kissing her, letting her taste the love from her own body.


-          Move around little Sango, lay on your stomach, he purred huskily.


She nodded with a shy face and did as she was asked. Sesshoumaru knew he never would see anything more erotic in his life. The taijya's soft behind rose so was standing on her hands and knees, he could see her silky folds glistening with more juices and he moved in to stand right behind her, rubbing his thick arousal along her slit.


-          D-don't tease me Sess, she stammered, almost unable to form the words.

-          If we do this you will be mine, forever, he growled.

-          Just fuck me! she snarled with furiousness.


"As you wish my lady."He grinned and let the head of his hard member slide into her tight flower. "Gods, she is so tight, this will be over soon if I can not hold back." He pushed in a little deeper, feeling her stretch around his thickness. As soon as he had filled her with his girth he held still, she had been a virgin; he knew that even though the physical evidence was gone, but that did not mean she could feel uncomfortable with him buried inside her. But evidently she was not that uncomfortable because she began moving on her own, making him slip out a bit before pushing back again, impaling herself on his arousal.


Sango could not form a single clear thought, all she could do was to feel the passion brewing between her and the great tai-youkai Sesshoumaru. A shy taijya with a short fuse and ferocious dog demon, that combination alone was dynamite. She tried to get him to move faster, she wanted to feel that wonderful peak she had experienced earlier with his tongue.


-          P-please, go f-faster, she mumbled.


Sesshoumaru did not be asked twice. He picked up his pace, making the small taijya scream raggedly as her wish was answered. He felt so good inside of her and she wanted to have more of him.


-          Do you want to feel good again Sango? He asked and pulled her up, leaning her back against his chest as he continued to pump into her wet core.

-          Y-yes, I want to feel g-good again Sess, she mewled.


His left arm held her tight against him as his right hand moved down to her nest of curls, finding the little nub, her pleasure centre. He carefully raked a claw over the sensitive skin and Sango screamed. Her inner walls clamped down on his hard shaft, gripping it like a fist, making it impossible for him to move at all. Her honey coated his member and he howled darkly and released his seed into her receptive and very fertile womb. He slumped back to lie on the ground, and he pulled her down with him, making sure their connections was intact.


Sango felt his swollen member spraying its release into her soft body for an inhuman long time, but right now she did not have the energy to care for it. Sesshoumaru's strong arms hugged her tight and she felt more loved and cared for than she ever had before in her life. Nothing could harm her as long as she was in his embrace. A small sad thought entered her mind. Was this just one time only for him, or was it something else? "But he said if we did this I would be his forever.. " But had he really meant it? She was just a mere human, he was a lord.


Sesshoumaru felt the sadness in her scent and he nibbled with his fangs over the bite mark, and his hand brushed gently over her stomach, she had been in her fertile period and he had not pulled out - hell he was still filling her with his seed.


-          No my dear Sango, this was not a one time only incident, I will do this joining with you again soon if you want me to, he whispered in her ear.

-          Ohh…


He smiled when he heard her small sound. This day had turned out to be not too bad after all.




A few hours later a small group of people, two humans, two full demons and a hanyou, reached the clearing and what they saw made them blush deeply and turn around and walk back again. In the clearing lay a taijya and a demon lord closely together in a state of pure love and bliss…