InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Hell happened?! ❯ What the hell happened?! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]




What the Hell Happened?!


Disclaimer- If I owned Inuyasha, don't you think I'd have more shirtless scenes of Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sesshy?!

One Rainy day in Tokyo, we find an old decrepit man sitting on a bench. His clothes are a ripped up potato bag and he is missing multiple teeth. He holds a box in his dirty scarred hands. Just then, he looks over at us with an evil grin as he beckons us to come and look into the box. He begins to open it ever so slowly when…….





Katie- *Grinning* Toshiba…..


Joey- ….What?

Old guy from before- WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY DID YOU SKIP SCENES?!

Director- Cut! No, old decrepit man, you are not in this story!And YOU!!!! *Pointing to Joey* WHO ARE YOU?!

Joey- DON'T YELL AT ME!!! SHE FORCED ME TO COME!!!!!!!! *Points to Katie*

Katie- HUHWHAT?!?!?!


*A huge explosion can be heard*

Joey- What the hell was that?

Katie- I don't know. But we need guns Joey. Lots of guns…..


Joey- *Making a hamster face for some unexplained reason*



Katie- *Carrying rocket launcher*

Joey- I'm not even gonna go into this one.


*Katie and Joey had gotten to the scene of the explosion, but nothing could prepare them for the terror that had awaited there. The impact from the detonation had caused thousands of horribly obese, cross dressing cosplaying men to be spewed out and set to roam Tokyo. AND THEY WERE HAIRY!!!!*

Joey- Now that's just wrong….


Katie- I guess Ashley must have been amusing herself again by blowing up nuclear waste plants.


Ashley- *Walks up to them all blackened from the bomb and her hair is disheveled* What's goin' on?

Joey- Uh, you just unleashed a pack of fat ass guys who like to dress in drag anime clothes on Tokyo.


Ashley- YES!! *Takes out a note book and starts writing something* August 20th, My dream came true. *Puts note book away. Actually, she just throws it over her shoulder and it hits the old guy from before and kills him* Whoops.



Ash+Kt- ME!!! *Grabs cans of pepsi*

Joey- *Takes a sip* Ahh, celebrating our friendship is always better…..with Pepsi….*Smiles like a moron at the camera*

Camera guy- CUT! *Sees Ash+Kt chugging the pepsis* Ummmmm, those are props. Ya can't drink them.


Katie- How come he got a real pepsi?

Camera guy- Cuz it was in his script to drink some! Those Pepsis are made of bathroom cleaning chemicals!!!!!

Ashley- Real?!

*Momentary silence*

Kt+Ash- *Continue drinking their fake sodas*

Katie- *Slams can down* We gotta help to destroy the fat dudes!!!

Ashley- You want I should take out the rabid sheep in a can again?

Katie- If I hadn't just drunken a can of bathroom cleaning chemicals cleverly disguised as a pepsi, then I would say hell no. But…..I DID DRINK THAT STUFF SO HELL YEA!!!! RELEASE THE RABID SHEEP!!!!

Ashley- *Sprays rabid sheep out*

Joey- Now what?

*The rabid sheep have joined with the obese ones and are now doing the unthinkable……playing ultimate ding dong ditch!!!! *Thunder and lightning**


Kt+Ash+Joey- *Looking around to find the source of the dramatic music*

Katie- Wait a sec…what in hell is ultimate ding dong ditch? *Thunder + Lightning*


Ashley- Where is that coming from?

Joey- Yea! And why is there thunder and lightning? It's a perfectly clear day out!

*They all watch as the rabid sheep and fat dudes ring a door bell and hid in the bushes*

Old woman- *Opens door* Is someone there?

Sheep and fatties- *Giggling*

Old woman- *Sighs and pulls out huge rifle from her purse and loads it* WHO THE FUCK WAS RINGING MY BELL?!

Sheep + Fatties- *Stops giggling and looks at each other with mortified faces. They then pull out a remote control and press a button. A giant bush piggy lands on the lady*

Katie- Ooooh, that's ultimate ding dong ditch….



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WARHAR!!! Evil cliffy!!! Review please! All flame proceeds will be used to fuel my flame thrower and torch the donors. You've been warned. Remember to review!!!! BYE!