InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ what to do............. ❯ the castile in the west ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
What to do…

Chapter 3

The Castile in the west …

inuyasha pov ...
What do you mean you two? Are you saying she left willingly with sesshomaruo?

Yes and she said she’s never coming back! Like she would like to come back!

Are you saying this is my fault?!

Yes it is if you have paid attention to her feelings more than you did that walking clay dummy then you would have seen that she had feelings for you! But no you had to go off with that clay dummy every night!

I … I … didn’t know … well if she’s happy with sesshomaruo then fine … I don’t care … !

Inuyasha how can you say that … we need her and she had the jewle shards …

She what …

i ran out of the hut and to the west to find kagome to take the shards back from her!

kagomes pov ...
I woke slightly as sesshomaruo lifted me from ah and un! And took me and shippo who was in my arms into the Castile. He walked down a long hallway and into a room with red satin curtains with a balcony. I seen a bed with dark blue silk sheets and light blue pillows with what it looked like a deep blue (but not as dark and the sheets) comfier. Sesshomaruo laid me down on the bed with shippo in my arms still. He pulled the covers up over me and walked out of the room and closes the door slowly. I herd him talk to some one out side I figured it was a maid because he ask her to get me some clothes to ware in the morning. Then I must have fallen back a sleep, because the next thing I know I woke up to the sun in my eyes and shippo having a nightmare. I gently woke him and smiled and told him that I’ll be back and went to the window and looked out. It was so pretty the garden could be see from my room. I seen Rin and waved to her then she ran to a woman and the woman looked up and then came in side. A few minutes later I herd a knock at the door I opened it. And a maid was standing there with her head bowed then she spoke in a soft voice …

May I come in my lady?

Yes you can …

Lord Sesshomaruo said I shall be your servant here … is there n e thing you might want or need?

She asked her head still bowed.

Um yes there is, where’s the bathroom?

Oh it’s through there my lady …

She had pointed to a door to the right of me…

Oh and please call me kagome and you may look up to me …

She looked up to me and nodded …

Yes my la … kagome …

What’s your name?

Kaya …

That’s I nice name …

Thanks … but I have to go and cook breakfast now … I’ll come up and get you when it’s done …

Ok … oh and will you take shippo out to play with Rin for me please?

Yes I will lady kagome …

And with that shippo jumped out of bed and ran out the door and I when to the closet to find a lot of clothes and gowns. I pulled out a long blue dress that had a light blue moon on the front and took it to the bathroom with me and I started a bath. I soaked in the bath for a wile then I herd shippo come into the room calling me and I pulled the plug on the tub and got out and wrapped a toile around me and pock my head out of the door to see what he wanted and then I seen him on the bed with Rin and I called to them …

I’ll be out in a minute …

K mommy they both yelled …

And I shut the door and got dressed and walked out to the bedroom and picked up shippo. I hugged him and Rin jumped off the bed and hugged me to. Then we herd a knock at the door and the servents voice …

Lady Kagome its time for breakfast …

Then we walked out of the room and followed the servant down to the dinning hall with shippo still in my arms and Rin’s hand in mine. We walked in and sesshomaruo was sitting at the head of the table with a seat set next to him. His eyes were dark and when he seen me walk in they lit up like the morning sun. I put shippo down and he and Rin walked with the maid to the other side of the table and I walked up to sesshomaruo who got up and pulled the chiar out for me and bent down and wisped in my ear …

You look wonderful to day … kagome …

Thank you lord sesshomaruo …

I blushed and looked over to shippo and Rin they were eating now and I seen sesshomaruo sit down. I look to my plate and started to eat. We ate in silence the whole time. When I was done I looked to sesshomaruo …

May I leave … lord sesshomaruo …?

Yes you may … but you don’t have to ask …

And with that I got up and shippo and Rin followed … sesshomaruo just looked in amazement as the two kids followed me every where I go. We walked out to the garden and sat in the grass. We were out there for about an hour and I felt him watching me and I got up and told shippo and Rin I would be back and walked in side. I walked to my room and I look at the bed then walked over to the balcony and seen shippo and Rin playing. I sighed I hadn’t been this happy in a long time then I herd my bedroom doors open and sesshomaruo walked in. I didn’t turn to him, I just kept looking down at the garden. Sesshomaruo walked over to me and looked down to the two playing in the garden.

They have taken a liking to each other … don’t you think … kagome …

Yes they have and I’m happy shippo has someone to play with …

And Rin has taken and liking to you as well … she follows you every were you go … like this morning you didn’t have to say n e thing she just got up and followed you.

Ya I know I took a bath this morning and when I got out her and shippo was sitting on the bed …

Lol … were they

I lean over the edge and yelled to shippo …

Shippo babe … will you bring mommy’s thing up?

Yes mommy …

Then I felt his hand around my waste … and he pulled back my hair from my neck and nuzzled his face against my neck … I shivered some, as I felt his breath against my neck. Then he stepped back quickly then I herd the door open and shippo came running in I turned and told him to put it on the bed and he did then left and I looked up to sesshomaruo and looked away quickly then walked back into the room I got through the door of the balcony and stopped because sesshomaruo hand was on my side again, I didn’t know what to do so I just stopped. I felt him against my back and it felt good, inuyasha had never held me like this before, the whole time I knew him he never did.

sesshomaruos pov ...
I had looked over to find she had fallen a sleep on ah and un, she was so peaceful. We arrived at the castile, I picked her up slowly so not to wake her but it didn’t help she had woke up some, she put her free hand around my neck. I took her to the bedroom next to mine and Rin so if she were to have a night mare, kagome would be closes by. I laid her and the little runt down on the bed and pulled to covers over them and walked out and shut the door quietly. Kaya was out side the door waiting for me, her head bowed …

My lord Rin is in bed …

Good you will be lady kagome servants … go and fined her some dresses and gowns … she’ll be staying her wile …

Yes my lord…

Then she walked off and I went to check on Rin, she was sleeping so I walked to my study, how could I bring her here seeing I know inuyasha will come looking for her, but she came on her own free will. Damn … soon enough you be mine kagome … but if the other lords find out about her … no she is Rin’s mother that’s all … I finally went to my room which had a door to kagome room I had my hand on the door but stopped … I cant the runt will smell me… so I went back to my bed and laid down … I woke up the next morning and went down to my study … then I herd the maid knock on her door and went in I her kagome tell Kaya to call her kagome and wondered why she was so nice to the servants. I didn’t care when I see the little runt run out of the room, I walked back to my room and to the door to her room and opened is slightly I seen her pick out a dress and walk to the bathroom. I shut the door and walked over to my bed and sat on it. Then I smelt it, the smell of jasmine and lily’s and of her … I walked bath to the door and opened it … she was taking a bath. I walked over to the bathroom door then stopped this is not right … I shouldn’t … I’m not … with that I walked back to my room. I sat on the bed taking in her sent … then I herd the little runt and Rin run down the hall and into kagome room … they yelled for her and she tooled them she would be out in a minute. I walked down to breakfast … shortly after she walked in with shippo in her arms and holding Rin's hand … Rin like her so much. She put shippo down and he and Rin walked to the table and sat down as kagome walked up to me I got up and pulled her chair out for her. She sat down and I bent down and whispered in her ear …

You look wonderful to day … kagome …

Thank you lord sesshomaruo …

I sat down and seen she had blush some … I seen her start to eat and I did the same … we ate in silence the rest of the time … then she looked to me …

May I leave … lord sesshomaruo …?

Yes you may … but you don’t have to ask …

I looked at her as she got up and walked to the door and seen shippo and Rin both jump up and follow her … I got up and went to my room and looked over the balcony … I seen her sitting in the garden with shippo and Rin… she had gotten up and walked in side… then I herd her walk into her room and look over the balcony … I walked into her room and stud be side her and we talked a bit …

They have taken a liking to each other … don’t you think … kagome …

Yes they have and I’m happy shippo has someone to play with …

And Rin has taken and liking to you as well … she follows you every were you go … like this morning you didn’t have to say n e thing she just got up and followed you.

Ya I know I took a bath this morning and when I got out her and shippo was sitting on the bed …

Lol … were they

I lean over the edge and yelled to shippo …

Shippo babe … will you bring mommy’s thing up?

Yes mommy …

Then with that I stud behind her and put my hands on her sides and pulled her hair back and nuzzled against her neck … I stepped back when shippo came in … she told him to put the stuff on the bed and with that he walked back out and she started to walk back into the room I stopped her and pulled her against me and kissed her neck wile taking in her sweet sent … I wanted her so bad … and I could tell she didn’t mine me holding her so I pulled closer to me and healed her … then I her some thing … it was Rin and we both ran to the balcony …