InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Used To Be ❯ What Used To Be ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
*Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha & CO. nor the song This Used To Be My Playground

Song: This Used To Be My Playground by Madonna

Symbols: ~{}~ Lyrics
' ' Thoughts


Inu Yasha looked to the clear blue sky, 'It has been two years now since we have defeated Naraku. Alot has changed since you left, Kagome.' Tears forming in his eyes, he brushed the thought of his love away from his mind. Everyday since she had left him he had returned to the Goshin Boku, he would talk to her as if she could hear him, keeping her updated in all that was happening in the feudal era. He closed his eyes and leaned back against the tree that had caused him pain, but had brought him much happiness.

"Why did you have to leave me, Kagome?" he asked to the air, sighing he let her memory fill his mind. His hand wandered absently to his beaded necklace, one of the only links to Kagome he had. He could have taken it off when she had left but it was a part of his memory of her. He let his fingers slide down the necklace to the middle, clasping his fingers tightly around the pink stone that had been attached to it after she had left.

~{This used to be my playground (used to be)
This used to be my childhood dream
This used to be the place I ran to
Whenever I was in need
Of a friend
Why did it have to end
And why do they always say}~

He stiffened when he sensed someone coming his way. He heard the soft footsteps stop under the tree, keeping his eyes closed he pretended he hadn't noticed the visitor's arival.

"Inu Yasha, must you torment yourself so?" the visitor asked.

"Keh." Lazily he opened his eyes, stretched and jumped down off the limb he had been on. "What do you want Houshi?"

Miroku smiled and placed his hand on his friend's shoulder. "Inu Yasha, it is not healthy for you to sit around moping. Come back to the village for a little while."

"I'm not going anywhere. I am fine, so stop worrying." He stood defiantly, letting out a snort in frustration.

Miroku sighed, "Inu Yasha, she is gone and she isn't coming back. We all miss her, but we will live. We all move on with our lives. You need to let go, she wouldn't want to see you this way." He gave his friend a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder before turning and heading back to the village. He never understood why Miroku, Sango and Shippo had stayed in Kaede's village.

He watched as Miroku faded from his vison, sighing he jumped back up on to the limb he had previously been on. "I'm not ready to move on." He silently whispered to himself.

~{Don't look back
Keep your head held high
Don't ask them why
Because life is short
And before you know
You're feeling old
And your heart is breaking
Don't hold on to the past
Well that's too much to ask}~

He jumped down out of the tree and walked aimlessly towards the well. He entered the clearing and inhaled deeply, he smiled, 'Even after two years your scent has yet to fade.' Sitting down on the edge of the well he glanced down into it, silently wishing to see her standing at the bottom. He slid down to the ground, his back against the well, pulling his knees to his chest. The tears came this time, no longer trying to hold them back he let them fall freely. Closing his eyes, he pictured she was sitting there with him.

Her smiling face faded from his mind, "No Kagome, don't leave!" he cried. The image in his mind was replaced with her right before she left. The look of shock and sadness shadowed her face as she slowly faded from view.


"Inu Yasha, we did it!" Kagome was smiling as she ran to him. She wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug.

Miroku, Sango and Shippo all ran up to her and everyone hugged each other. Their happiness was soon brought to a hault when Kagome screamed.

"Kami! What's happening to me!" Kagome held up her hand which was slowly fading from view, as was the rest of her body. Her face was full of fear, then she realized what was happening. Sadness spread across her face like a thick blanket of fog, "Good bye Inu Yasha, Shippo, Miroku, and Sango. I will miss you guys." Just before she faded from view she managed to get a last whisper out. "I love you, Inu Yasha." She was gone, taken away from everyone.

Inu Yasha ran to where she had been standing, droping to his knees he screamed her name. Sango walked up to him and wrapped her arms around the hanyou.

"I'm sorry, Inu Yasha." She looked to her friend, something on his necklace caught her attention. "She left you something to remeber her by." She smiled at the confused look she was getting and pointed at his neck. He lifted his fingers to his necklace, the jewel that had brought them all together hung from it.

*~{End Flashback}~*

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~*

Kagome was sitting at the desk in her room staring at the paper in front of her. She had fallen behind in school since she was taken from her friends, her passion for it had faded. She pushed the paper aside, stood up and walked outside not even noticing the worried looks her family was giving her. She walked up to the tree where she had first seen him, placing her hand on the wide trunk she closed her eyes. "Inu Yasha..." a whisper, barely audible, came from her. The tears came like they always did, falling from her face to the ground. She didn't even bother to wipe them away anymore.

~{This used to be my playground (used to be)
This used to be my childhood dream
This used to be the place I ran to
Whenever I was in need
Of a friend
Why did it have to end
And why do they always say}~

Mrs. Higurashi went outside and walked over to where her daughter was sitting. "Kagome, dear."

She looked up to her mother, her eyes swollen and bloodshot from her crying. "Momma, why? Why did it have to happen that way?" Kagome threw her arms around her mother and burried her face into her shoulder, crying harder. "Why...why won't it stop hurting?" She asked between sobs.

Her mother started to gently rock her daughter back and forth, patting her back, trying to calm her. "Kagome, you weren't meant to stay there. It was all part of life's plan for you, you grew up from that experience and you made wonderful friends while you were doing it. You should always cherish those moments you had with them, stop letting your memories tear you appart."

"But I miss them so much momma." She pulled away from her mother, her crying had slowed.

"I know you do dear, but it is time to go foward with your life. There are many wonderful things out there waiting for you, if you would just only accept them." She looked down at her daughter and smiled.

Kagome looked away from her mother, "Thank you. Could I just be alone for a little while longer?"

"Sure dear." Mrs. Higurashi stood up, casting a worried glance at her daughter over her shoulder, she went into the house.

Kagome stood up and placed her hand on the tree one last time, before she turned to finish her daily routine. Slowly she slid the doors open to the well shrine, walking down the steps she came to a stop in front of the well. Sitting down in front of the well she leaned her head against it as she silently prayed to Kami to open the well to her once more. She shut her eyes tight against the tears that were rising once again and placed a hand over her aching heart.

"Kagome..." came a faint whisper.

Her eyes shot open, there in front of her was Inu Yasha. She stood up and reached her hand out to his face, where her fingers touched the image rippled. "Inu Yasha, I am so sorry. It wasn't suposed to end this way." She fell to the ground before the memory of her love, her tears being soaked up greedily by the ground as they fell.

"Ka..go.." The whisper faded and the image was gone.

Crying still she pulled herself to her feet, staggering over to the well. Slowly she sat down on the edge and swung her legs over so they were dangling down into the darkness. She took in a deep breath for courage, then pushed herself off the edge into the well. She hit the bottom, no magic to take her back in time to her friends and her love. Staring back up to the roof that covered the well she laid down and curled herself into a fetal position.

~{No regrets
But I wish that you
Were here with me
Well then there's hope yet
I can see your face
In our secret place
You're not just a memory
Say goodbye to yesterday (the dream)
Those are words I'll never say (I'll never say)}~

Wiping the tears from her eyes, Kagome stood and walked over to the ladder leading up and out of the well. Forcing herself to climb it, one rung slowly after another, she made her way out of the shrine and to her room. She sat back down at her desk, not giving the papers on it any mind, she stared out the window to the tree Inu Yasha would always show up on to drag her back in time. For a brief moment she caught a glimpse of him perched on a limb staring in at her. She let her shoulders slump forward as she stood to get ready for bed.

~{This used to be my playground (used to be)
This used to be our pride and joy
This used to be the place we ran to
That no one in the world could dare destroy}~

Inu Yasha looked up, the sun had set hours ago, he remembered how Kagome would always say something about how beautiful the stars were. This time instead of looking away he truely took in everything he was looking at. "You're right Kagome, they are beautiful." He felt his chest tighten, and he turned his gaze away from the stars. He stood, hanging his head, he went to the lake they had gone to after getting the first of the shards.

He looked at his reflection in the water, "Keh, you look pathetic." Closing his eyes he brought water to his face with his hands, washing away the tears that had stained his face. He opened his eyes and watched as the ripples faded away to reveal his reflection once again. With that he began practicing his 'I'm a jerk' facade. When he was satisfied with what he saw, he stood and made his way back to Kaede's home.

~{This used to be our playground (used to be)
This used to be our childhood dream
This used to be the place we ran to
I wish you were standing here with me

This used to be our playground (used to be)
This used to be our childhood dream
This used to be the place we ran to
The best things in life are always free
Wishing you were here with me}~


Ye ah I know, it is sad, but it is suposed to be. Anyway, you guys review and let me know what you think of it, please.