InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Will Happen, Will Happen ❯ Fights ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own any character from the show Inuyasha; I do however own some OC (original characters) I will be adding later on.

" " = talking

* * = doing/happening

' ' = thinking

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"Inuyasha, do you hear that?" asked Miroku in a worried tome, "I think it's coming this way…"

"Feh." Answered an obviously uninterested Inuyasha, "it's just a demon, probably a weak one too, besides if it had a shard Kagome would have sensed it."

"Good point." Replied Miroku, still a little worried.

"Stop worrying!" ordered Inuyasha, fallowing it with a faint, "wimp…"


"AHHHHHHHH!!" screamed Kagome, Sango and Shippo, as a nearby tree nearly squashed them.

"Whoa, that demon's fast…" muttered Inuyasha, barely audibly.

Inuyasha turned his head to face a huge bear-demon, just as it flung its paw, with long, razor-sharp claws, in Inuyasha's direction. Taken by surprise, Inuyasha didn't have time to move completely and got his shirt scratched right off, luckily he wasn't hurt. Then, from behind, Sango's boomerang hit the bear, he didn't even twitch, this was one strong demon! Inuyasha took out his Tetsusaiga and attacked the bear-demon, injuring his right arm. With his left arm, the demon took another swipe at Inuyasha, scratching his bare chest. All of a sudden, an arrow flew and hit the demon right between the eyes. It was one of Kagome's enchanted arrows. The arrow made him lose balance and fall, creating an earthquake-like shake, which knocked Inuyasha to the ground as well. Miroku then used his cursed hand to suck up the bear-demon, a rather hard task because of its immense size.

"Wow that was…" Sango started to say.

"INUYASHA!!" cried out Kagome, interrupting her, "are you okay?!"

"Feh, of course" he said standing up, only to fall right back down.

"Oh, Inuyasha…" said Sango, "you're so hurt."

"I'm fine!" said Inuyasha, in an annoyed voice, "I just need to…rest."

"Well, we better sleep here tonight, then" said Miroku, I'm pretty tired anyways."

"I suppose, since Inuyasha can't move…"Started Sango.

"Will you guys stop?!" said an angry Inuyasha, "I'm fine!"

Kagome got a blanket out of her back pack and placed it over Inuyasha, who was lying on the ground, still bare chest, near where Miroku was attempting to start a fire to keep the demons away and keep them warm through the night. When the fire was finally burning, Miroku went to lie down, 'unknowingly', next to Sango. A few minutes later, Kagome also went to lie down, bringing Shippo with her, Shippo immediately fell asleep and started snoring peacefully.

'I can't believe Inuyasha got hurt. Inuyasha never gets hurt. That demon didn't even have a shard. How did he get hurt? He sure looked good without his shirt. Whoa, Kagome, concentrate! Inuyasha's hurt, that's way more important than the way he looks!' thought Kagome, 'But he definitely looked good! Maybe I should go check on him…well I don't want to wake up Shippo…' thought Kagome as she looked down at the kitsune sleeping on her stomach, 'although, he does sleep like a rock…and Inuyasha's hurt, I should definitely go check on him! Maybe I have some aspirins in my bag, he could use some to help ease the pain. That's it I'm going! But…what if he thinks I'm too obvious? No! I have to go, I can't sleep anyways…that's it, I'm going!'

Kagome abruptly got up, knocking down Shippo, who didn't even move. She walked to her bag, searched in it for a few minutes, finally found what she was looking for, a bottle of aspirins, took it out, then started to walk in Inuyasha's direction.

'God, this hurts! I can't believe that bear actually hit me! And that it actually hurts! Was Kagome actually worried? I think she was…maybe I have a concussion and I'm imagining things, after all if she was so worried why didn't she…do something? She sure is beautiful…wait what am I saying?! I sound like Miroku!' thought Inuyasha, 'Ouch that hurts! Oh she's moving…I wonder where she's going…oh she's coming this way! Pretend you're sleeping, and don't do anything dumb!! Why am I giving myself advice?! Nevermind that now, she's nearly here!' Inuyasha thought as he pretended to be sleeping.

"Inuyasha?" whispered Kagome, "are you awake?"

"Feh" whispered Inuyasha back, "yeah, I'm awake, what do you want?"

"I just wanted to see if you were ok and bring you some aspirins" said Kagome, "but by your attitude, I can tell you are!!"

"What's that supposed to mean!?" answered Inuyasha, "wench."

"What do you think it means?!" replied Kagome, starting to get pissed.

"Wench" mocked Inuyasha.

"SIT boy!!" Kagome yelled.

"Grrrr…" was a quashed Inuyasha's reply, "Stupid wench"

"Why are you always calling me a wench?" Kagome asked, now close to tears.

Miroku, Sango, Shippo and Kirara were all sleeping when the fight between Kagome and Inuyasha began, but it had gotten so intense that it had woken Miroku and Sango up.

"What's going on?" asked a sleepy Miroku to Sango who had been awake a few minutes longer than him.

Sango simply looked at him like he was crazy and said, "Are you deaf?!"

"Euh…I mean…what are they fighting about…this time?" replied Miroku.

"I don't know, I just woke up" said Sango, "but I have a feeling it's about that demon we fought earlier"

"It figures" Miroku said, "Inuyasha just can't accept help."

"SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT," loudly yelled Kagome, as she stormed off in Sango and Miroku's direction, "I NEVER WANT TO TALK TO YOU EVER AGAIN!!!"

"Kagome…" Miroku said gently.

"DON'T TALK TO ME!" yelled Kagome hysterically, "YOU HENTAI!!"

"Okay…"said Miroku, slowly backing up towards the forest, eventually disappearing in it.

"Oh Kagome…" said Sango sympathising with her.

"Sango!" said Kagome as she started crying, "Why…*hic*…is he…*hic*…so MEAN…*hic*?!"

"It's okay, don't worry, everything is gonna be fine." Reassured Sango, "You know Inuyasha, he doesn't mean it."

"No Sango" whispered Kagome, "I used to…*hic*… think that…*hic*…but…*hic*…"

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To the reviewers: I know I suck at grammar and syntax and that kind of stuff, but what about the story, what do you think about it?!

I'll try to update it soon, I have three chapters written already, but in a notebook, so I have to re-write it on the computer which takes a while.