InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Will Happen, Will Happen ❯ The Confessions ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters...whatever!

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"Inuyasha!" yelled Miroku when he noticed he was finally awake.

"What?!" replied Inuyasha, pissed and growling.

"Touchy, touchy" said Miroku, "what's up with you?!"

"Nothing!" growled Inuyasha again, "it has absolutely nothing to do with her, if that what you're thinking!"

"I wasn't thinking that at all …" replied Miroku, calmly, "but now that you mentioned it…"

Inuyasha growled, giving Miroku a dirty look.

"What's with you and Kagome lately? Did you guys make up yet?" Miroku asked.

"Feh!" replied Inuyasha, "…no…but it's not like I care anyways!"

"You have to stop living a lie!" said Miroku

"What are you talking about!?" exclaimed Inuyasha, "You're the liar!"

"Well…face it man" Miroku answered, "you like her, and don't deny it!"

"Feh!" said Inuyasha, stubbornly, "I don't love that wench! I can barely stand her!"

"Whatever you say…" replied Miroku, "And I didn't say love I said like…besides, I know better"

"What?!" yelled Inuyasha, "I don't love her!! Stop mocking me! I told you I can barely stand her! Shut up!!"

"If you don't apologize to her, she'll leave you know" informed Miroku.

"She won't leave!" replied Inuyasha, "…besides, she knows I need her"

"Ah, so you admit it?" asked Miroku

"Euh...what? …no…I…" stuttered Inuyasha, "I mean I need her to collect the shards, that's all, okay?!"

"Sure you do" replied Miroku

"I do! Will you shut up you stupid monk?!" yelled Inuyasha, angrily, 'he's right though, I do love her…I can't tell her though…besides, she's not even talking to me right now anyways…'

"Lying to me is one thing, Inuyasha, but don't lie to Kagome" said Miroku, "She won't forgive you so easily"

"Even if I wanted to, which I don't, I couldn't apologize, she's not talking to me, remember?" reminded Inuyasha.

"I think if you were to apologize, she would listen" informed Miroku, "and if you were to mention you loved her…"

"I don't love her!" interrupted Inuyasha.

"As I was saying…" continued Miroku, "Look, I know it, and Sango knows it, it's pretty obvious that you love her, so don't bother denying it, I don't believe you. I also know you're not much about feelings, so I don't really expect you to admit it, all I can say id, how do you know she doesn't like you back?"

"It's really that obvious?" Asked Inuyasha shocked, "Euh…I mean…Euh…DAMN!"

"Ah! So it really is true?" Miroku replied, "I had a hunch…"

"WHAT?!?" yelled Inuyasha, "YOU WERE MAKING IT UP?!?!"

"Hehe…" laughed Miroku, "Don't you feel better about letting it all out though?"

"You better not tell her…" threatened Inuyasha, pulling out the Tetsusaiga, "or else!"

'Euh…no problem." replied Miroku, laughing nervously.

"Good" Inuyasha said.

"So…you gonna tell her or what?" asked Miroku, curiously.

"Feh!" replied Inuyasha, "none of your business, monk."

"Well at least give let me give you a few pointers…" replied Miroku, grinning.

"Like you're any good in that field…" said Inuyasha.

"Ah…OH! Sango and Kagome went to take a bath and I totally missed it!" cried Miroku, disappointed, as he spotted them walking back towards camp, "no…"

"First off, don't go looking at Kagome!" threatened Inuyasha, "secondly, what's the big deal? The way I see it, you were saved from a few slaps…"

"Don't worry I hardly look at Kagome when I watch them… replied Miroku, "Although now and then I can't help but catch a glimpse…"

Inuyasha growled at him.

"If you were more…" Miroku started.

"Perverted" interrupted Inuyasha.

"Euh, whatever, you could catch glimpses of Kagome too" Miroku finished.

"Feh!" Inuyasha replied.

"Well I'm off to see Sango!" Miroku said, leaving Inuyasha alone.

While Miroku and Inuyasha had been talking, Sango and Kagome had gone for a bath in a nearby hot spring. Taking advantage of the time alone to talk some more about Inuyasha. They had been in the spring for a few minutes before either of them said a word.

"Do you want to talk about?" asked Sango

"What's the point?" sighed Kagome, "I know how he really feels now…he hates me"

"Oh, Kagome" replied Sango, "he doesn't hate you, quite far from it, actually…"

"Then why is he always insulting me?" asked Kagome.

"That's just how he is" Sango answered, "He hides his emotions!"

"I know that, but…" Kagome replied, "He doesn't love me anyways…he loves…her…Kikyo…"

"He used to love her, I wont deny it" answered Sango, "but Kikyo…Kikyo died, Kagome! She died!"

"But she came back to life" reminded Kagome, "and Inuyasha didn't seem too unhappy about it either…"

"It's not the same" said Sango, "she's different now, and Inuyasha knows it"

"That doesn't change the way he feels…" answered Kagome, the whispered, "He loves Kikyo…"

"No!" answered Sango

"I'm just Kikyo's reincarnation…" said Kagome, "that's all he sees…he doesn't want the 'new Kikyo', he wants the original."

"Don't be so sure!" answered Sango

"What do you mean?" asked Kagome, confused.

"Euh…well…" Sango stuttered, "Me and Miroku, we've seen the two of you…the way he looks at you…he doesn't hate you, trust me Kagome, far from it!"

'God, I sure hope it's true' thought Sango, 'I kind of only said that to make her feel better…he does look at her though…but is it really with love? Or just friendship?'

"Thanks, Sango…that helped…" said Kagome smiling, 'could it really be true? Does he really look at me differently? Then why haven't I ever noticed?'

"Say, Sango" Kagome said, felling better, "what's up with you and Miroku?"

"Euh…what are you talking?" stuttered Sango, blushing furiously, "there's nothing going on, honest!"

"Ah!" exclaimed Kagome, "I knew it!"

"What? Knew what?!" replied Sango, still blushing.

"You like Miroku!" replied Kagome, smiling smugly.

"What?!" exclaimed Sango, "No I don't! That's ridiculous! I don't love that stupid hentai! And stop changing the subject!"

"Ah!" Kagome sighed, "Fine, we won't talk about Miroku, for now anyways…"

"Good" replied Sango, "why don't we head back?"

"Sure…" Kagome said, then suddenly realizing something, added, "Hey! Miroku didn't come watch us take a bath today!"

"Wow…" Sango replied, "you're right…this is like the first time…wonder what kept him?"

"You sound like you wanted him to look…" said Kagome, "did you?"

"That's ridiculous!" exclaimed Sango, blushing again.

"lets head back" said Kagome, laughing.

"yeah…" replied Sango, still blushing, "I'm glad you're feeling better Kagome"

"well…" answered Kagome, "what can I do about it anyways? No point in moping around…I'll be fine…as long as I never have to talk to that arrogant jerk again!"

"Don't say that" answered Sango, "He'll come around"

Kagome and Sango dried off, got dressed and walked into the forest, soon arriving back at camp. The rest of the day passed without anything major happening, sure Miroku groped Sango a few times, she slapped him, and Inuyasha and Kagome continued to ignore each other, but apart from that nothing.

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Ok I know I said I would update Wednesday, but I was like really sick and I missed a few days off school and whatever then I had to catch up, so I didn't have time to do it, not to mention I do have a life…anyways, please R&R and thanks to RinElwin and Angel-chan3 for reviewing, just so you guys know, I will only add the kids in chapter 8 or 9 (I currently writing chapter 7, like the pregnancy part, and I don't know if I'll be able to fit everything in, so I might have to make chapter 8 about that too…) anyways, then it's gonna be completely OCJ