InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Will Happen, Will Happen ❯ The Kiss ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: lol…I don't know why I put one on every chapter…but, I don't own any of the characters used in this chapter, they all belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

Dedicated to: Jo, my cuz (her username's crazy-spirit) because she's been really annoying, bugging me to update for like a week! J

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"Miroku!" yelled Inuyasha, thinking the worst, "What the hell are you doing?!?!"

"OH! Inuyasha! Kagome!" said Miroku, surprised, rolling off Sango, and brushing dirt off his robe, "Euh…I didn't see you guys get back…"

"Sango!" Kagome cried, running to her side, giving Miroku a dirty look on the way, "Are you okay?!"

"What? Oh…Euh…I mean…" said Sango, intensely blushing, "Euh…you see…Miroku and I…Were just…Euh…"

"What!?" exclaimed Inuyasha, "You were kissing him? Voluntarily?!"

"Why is that so hard to believe?" asked Miroku, innocently.

"You're right Miroku, it isn't" answered Inuyasha sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"So?" said Kagome excitedly, taking Sango aside.

"What?" asked Sango, embarrassed.

"What happened?" demanded Kagome, curiously.

~ . ~ . ~ . ~ Sango's Flashback ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ (more or less)

After Inuyasha had left to get Kagome, Miroku and Sango had started talking about random things, while Shippo and Kirara ran off to play tag in the forest.

"I sure hope he can get her to come back" said Sango.

"I'm sure he will" reassured Miroku, "She's left before, she always comes back"

"Do you think he'll tell her how he feels?" asked Sango.

"Knowing Inuyasha, he'll say the least he can" answered Miroku, "So, to answer your question, no"

"I'm not so sure" replied Sango, thinking about their conversation earlier, "Hiding his feelings seems to be getting to him…"

"Possibly" said Miroku, "I know I couldn't handle not showing my love."

"Too true…" muttered Sango.

"Well, why should I hide the truth like Inuyasha?" answered Miroku, smiling and groping Sango.


"Owww…" Miroku groaned, "You don't have to be so aggressive! You should take it as a compliment, it's not every girl I like to…"

"Yes it is!" interrupted Sango.

"Well…" Miroku answered, trying to find an excuse, "you're the only one I grope so much…"

"I feel so honored…" mumbled Sango.

"You should!" replied Miroku, edging closer to her, smiling, "Sango-Chan, I really like you, and I'm not just saying that"

"Really?" Sango asked suspiciously, narrowing her eyes, "Because you better not be lying to me…for your own good!!"

"I can't believe you would accuse me of such a thing!" replied Miroku, "besides, would I really lie just to…"

"Yes!" Sango interrupted, again.

"Minor details", Sango-Chan" he said, getting even closer to her.

"Not really…" she answered.

"The point is, I really like you, and I swear, I would never lie to you" said Miroku, then whispered, "…about that"

"Euh…HEY!" Sango screamed as Miroku put his arm around her shoulders.

'Oh wait! That wasn't perverted' she thought, '…what's up with that!? …he's probably planning something big…or maybe he's sincere? …Miroku, being sincere?! About love?! …well, there's a first time for everything…even that, I suppose…'

"Sorry…" Miroku said, taking his hand off her shoulder, looking really disappointed.

"Euh…no, I'm sorry…" said Sango, embarrassed at first, but then smiling, "I overreacted…"

Miroku smiled at her, put his hand around her shoulders again, waited a few minutes in silence, then leaned over and kissed her. To her surprise, it wasn't perverted or aggressive, but very sweet and gentle, and quick. After a few seconds, he pulled away, nervously looking at her, pretty much expecting to get slapped, or worst, but she just smiled. Encouraged, Miroku kissed her again, more intense and passionately than before, unlike last time, Miroku's hand wandered, a lot. Sango got on her back, and Miroku on top of her, and just as he thought he was getting somewhere, he heard Inuyasha yelling insanely at him.

~ . ~ . ~ . ~ End Sango's Flashback ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ (even though it wasn't really…)

"Sango!" Kagome, said eagerly, "Tell me!!"

"Well…" Said Sango, as she told Kagome more or less what had happened.

"I always knew you like him!" squealed Kagome, "This is so cute!!"

"Do we have to keep talking about this?" said Sango, blushing.

"Of course not!" replied Kagome, "Although…it's pretty interesting!"

"Say, Kagome" said Sango, changing the subject for obvious reasons, "Did Inuyasha really apologize?"

"Well, euh, actually, he did" said Kagome, then whispered, more to herself than Sango, "and then some…"

"Really!?" replied Sango, slightly surprised, "and did he tell you…euh...I mean…nothing, nothing at all…"

Kagome looked at Sango suspiciously, "what were you about to say? And don't you dare say 'nothing'!"

"Euh…well, you see…" said Sango, trying to fix it, "Inuyasha told…well actually it was more like Miroku that told me for Inuyasha…well actually Inuyasha was pretty pissed about it…"

"Will you just tell me!?" exclaimed Kagome, getting impatient.

"Well, it was nothing really…just a little thing…" replied Sango, "It's not important…forget I said anything…"

"Wait!" exclaimed Kagome, suddenly realizing something, "are you telling me Inuyasha told you and Miroku before telling me!?!"


"Damn him!!"

"So he told you…he loved you?" replied Sango, "I didn't think he would actually do it…must say I'm surprised…"

"Ah, well…" answered Kagome, not really knowing what to say.

"So, what did you do?" asked Sango, "What did you say?"

"…Oh well…you know…" said Kagome, blushing.

"Did you tell him you loved him too?" asked Sango.

"…yeah…" replied Kagome, softly, blushing even more.

"And?" asked Sango.

"And…then he kissed me!" answered Kagome, smiling.

"Aw! How adorable! …and un-Inuyasha-like…" Sango exclaimed, "So are you guys like dating now?"

"Well…I'm not really sure…" said Kagome, looking pensive.

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Alright, sorry I took so long to update…I'm really lazy…ok, I was really busy, I had a 4 day weekend! (snowstorms) And I never feel like writing on the weekend…Not to mention I kinda have writer's block, I already wrote 9 chapters and a half, but I don't want to get to ahead, specially since I might need to change some things, either way, next week is march break, I might update a lot, or not at all, depends…

Anyways, I know I said this chapter would be messed up, but the thing is, because it was messed up, I decide to split it into 2 chapters, instead of having one with a normal beginning and incredibly abnormal ending. So this chapter and the next one are smaller, in like content, not necessarily words, I tried putting in a lot of descriptions and such in this chapter, to fill in. Anyways, I apologize in advance for the terrible next chapter; chapter 8 will be normal again though, don't worry.

Ok, I also have an idea for another story, how do you guys feel about Miroku/Kagome pairing stories? I know there aren't a lot of them…I mean in the show I'm all for Kagome and Inuyasha, and, Sango and Miroku, but in fanfics, I like Miroku and Kagome hooking up, realistically though, stories! (if you know good ones, tell me)

Basic summary of the story: Miroku goes through the well to Kagome's time (somehow, haven't really figured it out yet), but then can't go back to the Feudal Era…

So what do you think? I dunno if I should do it…

Ok, I like stopped posting this story on this site because I had problems with the site one day and got really pissed, so I only put 1 chapter in like a month, but today (2/29/04) I added 5 chapter, sorry don't hate me! I just posted the chapter, so there might some of my comments at the end of the pages from chapter 1-6 that don't really apply, like dates and stuff, I didn't feel like reading the entire thing, anyways, from now on I'll try to update more often…

Anyways, R&R people!