InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Will She Say? ❯ a secret ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"Inuyasha did you and Kagome have a fight again?" Shippo asked.

"No Shippo she has school she needs to study! In a year she will be able to be with us whenever she wants and wont need to go to school any longer." Said Inuyasha.

Kagome was a senior in high school. She was now 18 years old and she had matured very much since she first met Inuyasha. It was only 3 months until school got out and she was very excited.

Inuyasha soon got fed up with waiting for her. He had fallen in love with her and her with him. Neither knew that the other liked them but they had ideas.

"Inuyasha, Kagome forgot a book of hers would you go take it to her please?" Sango spoke up. She and Kagome had become even better friends. Ever since Sessomaru (sp) kidnapped Kagome to get Inuyasha's sword, Sango and Kagome had become closer. Miroku had confessed his love to Sango and so did she. The team had not been able to find many shards lately because Sango was now 2 months pregnant.

"Inuyasha? Inuyasha…. INUYASHA!!!"


"I was wondering if you would take this book back to Kagome. She forgot it."

"Yeah sure." `Damn cant that bitch ever remember her things? Its always `Inuyasha take this to Kagome she forgot it' or `Inuyasha can u take this medicine to kydae? It's for Miroku's poison.' Some one is always having me travel between times…'

His thoughts were caught short when he got to the well. He looked down it then jumped. And landed gracefully on the other side. He sniffed the air hoping to smell Kagome's sent but didn't.


It was the school bell. He missed her she was now in school and would have to wait till she got home.

`Damn not more waiting, I hate waiting its so annoying.' He thought as he hopped onto the ledge, and walked out of the well house.

"Oh hello Inuyasha…"

"Hi old man." Inuyasha called Kagome's grandfather that even though he wasn't to far behind him in age. He walked into the house and saw her mother. "Hello Mrs. Higurashi." He said as he started to walk up to Kagome's room for once not going through the window. He only did that when she was in her room.

"Hello Inuyasha, Kagome's not here right now she is in school right now you know.

"Yeah I know. I'm just going to wait up there `till she gets home."

"Why don't you come downstairs and stay with me. We could talk and if you want you could help me start dinner. It would be a lot more fun than sitting upstairs by yourself."

"Alright I guess." `Damn it why did she trick me into this?'

"So Inuyasha how close are you to getting the jewel finished?"

"Almost there we just need one more shard. Once Naraku died it was easy. The last shard is my brothers though. He won't give it to us unless I give him my sword." He patted the tetsuiga by his side. "So we have to figure out a way to steal it from him or just take it by force."

"Oh I see. Just make sure you protect my little girl ok?"

"I always do."

"What are you planning to do once you get the last shard?"

"I want to become human, move to this time with Kagome." `Oh shit I just told her mother that!!! AHHHHH!'

"Really? Well would you like some help finding a job and an apartment for you two to live in once you get the money?"

"Y... You'd help me with that??? You would help me get a job and stuff???"

"Of course I would. But you would need to learn about all the modern day things."

"Yeah I know. I know how to use a phone although I don't understand it that much. How can you have a conversation with someone on the other end.."

"I can show you some things today if you like."

"Sure we have the whole day why not? Oh but you can't tell Kagome my plans."

"Of course dear."