InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Will She Say? ❯ a peaceful sleep ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Hey I don't own Inuyasha or any of the characters…or pirates of the Caribbean or Johnny Depp. *Sigh* u know how this goes.

Hey people if I don't get some reviews soon I won't update for a while… I want to know what you all think! And be honest! I've had one person review but I knew the person and told her to so that doesn't count! Come on now! Don't be shy

What Will She Say?

Chapter 3: A peaceful night.

Kagome had on a white tank top with a little v-neck that was also a midriff shirt. Her shorts were also white with a black line down them not very much but Inuyasha like what she was wearing.



"You look good with that on… not that I like you or nothin' its just that…"

"Yeah I know. You don't have to say any more." She sat down on her bed next to him. she looked at him and he looked at her for five minutes until her mom opened the door and scared them both half to death. At that time they realized their faces were only centimeters apart.

"Ahem… I'm sorry was I interrupting something?"

"NO!" both of them said at the same time blushing like mad. Her mom turned and left leaving some clothes for Inuyasha to wear the next day since his clothes would still be wet. She was letting them dry on a clothesline rather than in a dryer.

"Would you like to watch a movie Inuyasha?"

"Movie?" He asked in confusion "Oh is it played in that machine by the TV?"

"Yeah. You've learned a lot in just one day I can tell. "

"Well what do you expect I am a demon after all bitch. I can learn faster than any human." At that moment he realized what he said… he was human right then and blushed.

"Ok let's see here… Ah here's one I think you will like its called Pirates of the Caribbean. Johnny Depp is in it and he's a very sexy pirate."

Inuyasha felt a growl starting to rise, but stopped himself before he got too far. `Damn what is that bitch thinking calling other men sexy! God if she was my woman… I don't know what I'd do but still I would be mad.'

"Inuyasha? Is something bothering you?" Kagome asked while brushing his hair.

"No I'm alright I'm just thinking, that's all."

"Oh ok." `He is probably thinking about Kikyou right now humph'

During the movie Kagome fell asleep on her bed so since Inuyasha was still there he took the time to just lay down next to her.

`She is so warm. And her scent it smells like jasmine. I cant wait till we can sleep like this every night.' He thought as he put an arm around her and moved closer.

Kagome had actually been awake when Inuyasha put his arm around her. `I wonder what he's dreaming. He's so calm its like he's not worried about anything anymore, that all his stress is gone. I wish we could do this more often… WAKE UP GIRL!!!! What am I thinking Inuyasha probably doesn't know what he is doing he's asleep remember he doesn't love you he loves Kikyou!!! Besides, who would want a selfish arrogant brat like him anyways? He's a two-timer! But he does have a nice ass. Well I better get to sleep its late. Ill love to see his face when he wakes up though.' She moved closer to him to feel the warmth of his body and fell asleep.



"Yeah Inuyasha what do you want."

"Can I have a glass of water???"

"Yeah hang on… oh my gosh! Do you know what time it is?? Its 3:50 in the morning!"

"I know."

"Well then why are you waking me up?"

"'Cuz I don't want to get up."

"You're such a baby…."

`Is that what she thinks of me?? A baby?'


"Here's your water happy?"


"No prob"

Inuyasha drank the water in one gulp and put the glass on Kagome's bedside table. He put his arm back around her waist, pulled the covers up with his other hand, and buried his face in her hair.

`Oh my gosh what is he doing??? He's like nipping at my neck! It feels good though ill just let him continue.'

When it was morning Mrs. Higurashi opened the door to wake up Kagome, but when she saw the two lovebirds snuggled there she just let them sleep. Inuyasha was back in his normal form, and Kagome was snuggled right up to Inuyasha's body.

Inuyasha was awake and had heard the door open but he didn't want to look to see who it was. He knew by her scent. It was Kagome's mom.

`Oh great what will she think of me now seeing me like this with her daughter. Well she knows that we love each other…. So maybe she won't care? Ill let Kagome go to school today. I mean what harm can be done.'

Inuyasha started to get up but kagome held him closer.

"Don't go."

"I'll be right back."

He went downstairs to talk to her mom. When he reached the bottom of the stairs he heard a cheery welcome.

"Well hello sleepy head. Did you sleep well? I saw you next to her this morning."

"You bet I slept well I haven't slept like that in ages…. And I know you saw us I was awake I just didn't want to move."

"Well would you wake up Kagome she needs to get ready for school. We can look for a job for you if you like."

"Yeah that sounds great when Kagome leaves I'm going to go tell Miroku and everyone where I'm going to be though first."

"Ok well you better hurry up… oh here are your clothes they are dry now."

"Arigato domo."

He was going upstairs when he got a brilliant idea… or maybe not so brilliant.


Well that's all for now. What do you think should I keep going or no? Review!