InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Will She Say? ❯ The day before the dance ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: yeah, yeah I think you all get the idea that only Rumiko Takahashi owns Inuyasha and no one else does.

A/N: Hey I have been pretty busy so I am writing this on a day that I have a 2-Hour delay! YAY!!! Well I hope you like this one. Oh and to see the dresses from the last chapter. You can go to and find it because that is where I first started out.

Chapter 8

The day before the dance.


"Yeah what."

"Your hair appointment is in 5 minutes."

"I'll get there on time. Remember I'm a demon I can run pretty fast. In fact I think I'll leave now."

He took of to get to the hair salon. He had on big baggy jeans, a wife beater, a light blue button down t-shirt, and a hat. When he got there he was swarmed around by at least 20 different teenage girls.

"OOOHH look at his hair!"

"He is such a hunk"

"Look at him he's so cute."

"Will you go out with me?"



"I have to get my hair cut and I'm getting engaged soon so I can't go out with any of you any ways I'm to old for you. I came to get a hair cut, not to be admired by a bunch of girls! Now if you will just excuse me."

"Hold it. You aren't Inuyasha for a chance are you?"

"It depends, who's asking?"

"Well I have you written down for my 2:00 hair appointment. I was just about to go and get you because you never showed up."

"Well let's get this over with. I want to get back soon."

"Alright. You have to take your hat off though."
"Umm I don't want to."

"Oh come on. Its not like you've never gotten a hair cut before."

"Actually this will be my first."



"Well take your hat off and stop being stubborn." She grabbed his hat and yanked it off of his head. She gasped and almost fainted. "Y…You is a. a demon!"

"No really? I didn't notice. And I'm not a full demon just half. Now just get this over with and be careful of the ears."

"Yes sir."

He got his hair cut but not too short. It came down to where normal ears would be. He paid the girl then took off so he could meet up with Kagome at her school. When he got there he saw her talking to a guy.

"Hey Kagome!"

"Oh hi Hojo."

"Look do you want to go with me to the dance?"

"Oh I'm so sorry. I am already going with someone."


"You don't know him…."

"She's going with me. So back off Hobo I think your name is?"

"Its Hojo and why would Kagome go with you?"

"Because she wants to."

"Kagome do you really want to go with this… this slob?"

"He is not a slob Hojo. But yes I do want to go with him. I have been through a lot with him and he is a really good friend. Even though you and I have gone on dates and stuff. I have spent more time with him than with you. Sorry Hojo but I have to be going."

"Inuyasha what are you doing here? Oh and I love your hair! It looks really good. You should keep it like that."

"I wanted to walk you home. And thanks I like my hair like this too. I think it will stay out of my way when I fight now."

When they left Hojo he was fuming with anger. `What is with that guy? He is going to pay. Kagome is mine. He can't have her. I was going to ask her to marry me at the dance. But I cant now. He likes him and not me. That's it I'm going to do something to him so that he can't go.'

"Oh Inuyasha I have to go across the street to get something."


She walked in front of him and right as he was about to step onto the sidewalk… WHAM!


He flew over the cars hood and landed onto the pavement. He was unconscious. Kagome dragged him up onto the sidewalk and yelled for someone to call the ambulance. She looked for the person who hit him but they had driven off. The ambulance pulled up and asked Kagome what happened. She told them the whole story and they told her to get in the ambulance. Tomorrow was the dance and it looked like they would not be going. `Inuyasha come back!'

He had woken up in the ambulance. He looked over and saw Kagome crying. He grabbed her hand and rubbed it with one of his clawed fingers.

"Don't cry. I'm fine."

"Inuyasha! You're awake! ::Sob:: I was so worried! I thought you were hurt pretty bad when I saw you get hit by that car. Do you know who did that to you? Could you remember the scent?"

"I recognized it but I can't remember whose it was."

They got to the hospital just then and he was rushed to a room for some tests while Kagome was sat outside to wait. When the doctor was done with the tests he told Kagome that she could come in.

"How'd it go?"

"Alright I guess. I told you already I feel fine though."

"I know your body is different from ours but you were just hit but a speeding car. They have to make sure that absolutely every thing is fine."

"Excuse me we got the results back rather quickly. It seems that he is all right aside from a few bruises. He can go when ever he likes."

"Alright I'm outta here!"

"That's wonderful I'm so glad to hear that he is alright."

"If he has any problems send him right back over here."

"Will do."

Inuyasha had already run out of the room and was playing around with a vending machine.

"How the heck does this thing work? I want that thing there to eat but I can't get it! I know I have to smash this thing in front of it trying to get it out."

"Inuyasha wait. That's not how you do that. Here you put money into it. And then type the number that u want. And wha la!"

"That's weird. And pointless. Thanks though. Tomorrows that dance thing right?"

"Yeah do you feel like going? I mean you were just hit by a car like a few hours ago…"

"Kagome?" he reached down and pulled her into a hug. She was shocked.

"Inu…Yasha? He let go of the hug and looked into her eyes.

"Your nervous. Calm down. I'm fine you don't need to worry! Lets get home I need to get something."


When they got home Inuyasha told Kagome to go to her room and he would be right there. He went to her mom with a nervous look on his face.

"Inuyasha dear, what's wrong?"

"Ok I just got hit by a car." She was shocked so he quickly finished what he was going to say. " I'm fine nothing big, it's just that I want to ask her now. Do you know somewhere romantic to go to?"

"Of course let's see you could always go to the park and ask her by the pond. I'll order a bouquet of flowers to be sent here today so that when you get back they will be here. Or you could go to… hmm let see… I GOT IT!!! Take a cab and go to a Japanese garden and under the cherry blossoms ask her."

"That sounds perfect. Get the ring."

"Got it already. Here have fun."

"Kagome come on you can come down now!" Kagome came down the stairs to see a strange sight. Her mother hugging Inuyasha.

"I think I came at a bad time."

"No you didn't I just was happy to hear something Inuyasha told me that's all. You will find out later today. Inuyasha has planned something for you two so get going."


They walked out the door and down the street. When they saw a cab they got in and Inuyasha whispered to the driver where to go. Kagome was getting suspicious and was wondering what was going on. When all of a sudden Inuyasha put a blindfold around her eyes and led her out of the car shortly afterwards.

"Inuyasha what is going on?"

He chuckled and said, "Just follow me and you will be fine."

Finally they got to where he wanted to be. It was the perfect spot. He undid her blindfold and said to her,

"Kagome, ever since I saw you I loved you. You are my life, my joy, my everything. If I ever lost you I would be lost forever." At that point her took her hand and looked into her eyes. He got down on one knee and continued. " I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So Kagome, will you marry me and live your life with me?" he opened the box and bit his lip waiting her response.

"Inuyasha, I… I will I love you too. I always have."

That was all he needed to know. He picked her up and swung her around in a circle then planted a kiss on her forehead. "I love you baby."

When they got home and Inuyasha had a huge smile on his face and Kagome still had a shocked look on her face she knew what happened and did not need to ask. Kagome went upstairs to pack to go tell Miroku and Sango while Inuyasha stayed downstairs telling Mrs. Higurashi all the juicy details.

They went down the well to meet up with their friends but had a guest when they appeared.


That's all for now! Hoped you liked it thank for reading Review!! Ill get the next chap up soon. Bye for now!