InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Will She Say? ❯ suprise ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey everyone what's up? Well I am soooooo sorry I have not updated in a while but I have a good reason. I was really extremely sick and almost had to go to the hospital. So that gives you and idea how terribly bad I felt. Well while I was sick in bed I was writing on paper this chapter. I hope you like it and I apologize once again that I did not update.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or anyone else. Except the soul of a friend which I bought on ebay!! Just kidding.

Chapter 9


"Kagome!!!!!!!!!" Shippo greeted the couple with his usual jumping all over Kagome smothering her with hugs.

"It's so nice to see some familiar faces around. It was getting so boring with out you two."

"Hai, I must agree with Lady Sango."

"Kaede wants to talk to Inuyasha immediately so we better start heading to the village come on!" Shippo was eager to get back seeing as he had to show Kagome his new drawings that he had done while she was gone.

"Wait! Don't you want to hear the good news?"

"Did you and Inuyasha get in bed and get you pregnant lady Kagome? I always knew you had it in you. Congratulations!

SMACK!!!!!!! "Pervert!!!!!!"

"Thanks Sango. No, Inuyasha and I did not do that and I am not pregnant but…"

"We that is Kag and I are engaged and getting married." Inuyasha cut her off.

At that all mouths fell open no one know what to say. Then Sango and Kagome started jumping all over screaming. The guys just shook their heads they would never understand women.

"Well Inuyasha… you have good taste I mean I bet you just cant wait to get her in bed with you can you?"

WACK BAM BOOM! All three had clobbered him over the head. "Pervert!"

"Shippo was just watching this whole thing go on when he piped up, "Inuyasha, I thought you liked Kikyou."

"I did a long time ago. I liked her when she was alive. But now…."

"Now my body is nothing but ashes and grave yard soil? Is that what you were going to say? Remember Inuyasha you belong to me. No one else may have you."

"Look Kikyou Kagome and I are engaged we are going to get married. You just aren't well… you. Your body has turned cold. And time doesn't go on for you anymore so just give me up I don't love you all you are is souls and dirt. You can't love me the way you used to.

"I can and I will. I will not let you go back with her. YOUR BODY AND SOUL BELONG TO ME NO ONE LESE MAY HAVE YOU!! Remember that Inuyasha. I will bring you to hell with me next time we meet but now I have to go."

As Kikyou walked off Inuyasha just stood stunned not knowing what to do. Sighing he turned to Kagome.

"Wait up Kag!"

"Inuyasha I know you want to be with her. You still love her so why not just go and be with her? It would be best if you did."

"No it would not. I don't love anyone but you. Its you I want to be with not Kikyou." He gave her a hug and continued. "Ever since I met you I loved you. I had this feeling in my heart that I never had before. It felt natural when I was with you and I never want to be with out you. Kikyou is dead she does not have a purpose here except to cause pain." He let go of her and started walking. Kagome was left back there just thinking

"Hey Inuyasha I have a question."


"When the jewel is finished what will you choose? Will you become full demon or will you become human? We have one shard left and that's Sesshomaru's.

"You know kag I really don't know. I've been thinking about that for a while but I just don't know." He looked to where she had been standing and she was gone. "Kagome where'd you go?"


"YAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!! PUT ME DOWN!!!!!! I WANNA GO HOMEEEEEEEEE! Take me back to Inuyasha now you kidnapper!"

"I'm no kidnapper. You're my woman so I have the right to pick you up when ever I want have you forgotten? Mutt face back there should never see you ever again though he is just stupid and ignorant and does not protect you unlike me I will protect you till death."

"Koga listen I don't love you I love Inuyasha"

"That hurt."

"Inuyasha and I are engaged we are going to be married.

"What!! Well now I guess is the best time to kill him"

"No!!! You may not and will not kill him I forbid you."

"And why not?"

"Because Inuyasha and I will be long gone before you can touch him.

"And just how will you do that."

"Because I am not from this time I travel between times through a well and Inuyasha and I can go thorough it but you will never get though."

"Bitch your lying."

"No I'm not.

"Prove it then.

"Take me back home jack ass."

`Once I find this well ill destroy it.'

"Found you! Kagome get back I'll handle this."

"How cute the puppy has come back."

"Yeah I can catch up with you better since you don't have the shards anymore."

"Jerk I'll kill you for that"

"Guys stop fighting!"

"Kagome go back to the well and go through ill meet up with you there see you baby."

"But what if you don't come. I know ill send Sango and Miroku to help."

"Fine just go!"


"Kagome where were you we have been looking for you every where!"

"Miroku… hurry… Inuyasha… Koga… Fight."

"I'm on my way."

"Here sit. I will take you back to the village on Kilala."

"Thanks… But actually I want to go to the well I got to go down it."

"What happened?"

"Well you see after you left Inuyasha and I were walking and Koga kidnapped me. But then Inuyasha came and he started to fight with him. he wants me to wait on the other side and that he would meet me there.?

"Ok. Well here we are go and ill help the guys.

"Don't hurt your self Sango you are pregnant you know."

"Yeah I know."


While Inuyasha was swinging his sword around Koga was planning something. Inuyasha was walking right into a trap.

Hey everyone sorry I haven't updated past this chapter but I cant think of what to do.. if u have ideas my screen name is: Sweetangel52989 thanks I will really enjoy hearing about ideas that you have.