InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Would You Do? ❯ What would you have done? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Ok so maybe not the best way to handle things. But could anyone really blame me. I have two...count them with me.. One, two very what I can only think to call enraged youkai hot on my trail.
Yeah I thought you would run too.
Now how did this happen well ...let me tell you just ignore the wheezing as I try not to have a heart attack doing this marathon.

The big battle had come. Naraku and Kikyou in the flesh... well rotting bones and undead flesh more like it.
Me, Inu , and the gang along with Sesshomaru and his Lil toad friend were fighting. I was kicking some major ass with I do say so.
And I do.

This is when it happened. Miroku was brought down. I couldn’t waste me energy to save him and he was dying quick. I made Sango flee with him to keade . That wasn’t as hard to do . Her love for him finally outweighed her loss for her dead brother.
One day I hope she will be able to look me in the eye, but I needed to free him and take back the shard.

That was the first time Sesshomaru looked at me. He stopped everything and watched me choose to win over feelings.
It was only a moment but I guess it was enough.

Back to the fighting. After Sango , Miroku and Kilala were out of the running that left a pissed out undead Miko and her partner in crime Naraku.
If she said Come to hell with me ‘ One more freaking time I thought I would scream and I did.
I realized he would not kill her at least not before she killed him . These were the other points :
1. She was in my way
2. I hated to bitch
3. I really hated the bitch and she had my soul and had to the nerve to act like it had ever really belonged to her. ( this point I did make mention of to her...)
4. As a miko it was me job to put her to rest.
5. I really wanted to hurt her.

With all those holy reasons under my belt I switched from attacking naraku to his Lil lover Kikyou.
And we didn’t just fight long range. It was a full out cat-fight.
And I won.
For any of those who thought the bitch was going to, let me say this the bitch was mine.
Want to know why I think I’m so tough...Touch me and find out.

Ahem anyway, That had to be the best moment in my life socking her square in the jaw and then uppercutting her ending in a round-kick to the side of her head.
Oh yeah, the beauty of it. She was strong but I was trained and pissed off. I was really enjoying this. ...Well I there. True warriors are suppose to enjoy the art of the fight. Besides the bitch had it coming. Damn my language has gotten more colorful... must be the lack of oxygen to my brain.. So this is what being Inuyasha feels like. Ok that was mean ..but it was funny..
Anyway the fight seemed longer than it was and after balding her in a few places I called back my soul from the bitch and purified her at the same time.
It can’t be called overkill if the thing was already dead right?

Silence ran through the clearing . Why are we always fighting in clearings... the thought clearing were suppose to be nice places. Places to relax, picnic, meditate. But no she always seem to be warring in them. Despite this it seems that I had succeeded in drawing the attention of all the youkai there.

Naraku was pissed you could feel it dripping off him. He wasn’t the only one. Inuyasha’s were red.
Naraku started to laugh then. Leave it to him to turn his on pain into pleasure at someone else expense. Well I wasn’t going to let him. I knew inu felt betrayed and furious at the moment but I would deal with that later. No one hurts my friends.
Naraku was going down.
Right in the middle of his ranting taunting Inuyasha while keeping Sesshomaru at bay I formed a arrow out of my power so that even if he tried to hit it away he would have to touch it.
This arrow was even more special because once it touch the ki of the youkai it would keep purifying the signature. So his shield wouldn’t protect him either.
I had been working on this one and frankly this was the first time I was going to see the full power of it.
I send my will into that arrow . I wanted him to feel my wrath ..his know that it was me that killed him. That once again his was being rejected by the one woman he wanted. And that more importantly his soul would never come back. Yup ,I was going to seal it . Seal it so far away that it would in the gods hands.
And I told him that too.
I felt almost feral grinning down on him his life in my hands as he screamed , growled , cursed. His neck cloaked by my palms. And then I stopped. I released my hold on him only enough to the kill him yet and I turned to Inuyasha.
Naraku was weakened yes but as I backed down he wobbled to a stand.
He was just under Inuyasha’s power level . Maybe at Kouga’s at this point.
I robbed him of putting his love to rest...I would not rob him of this.
“This is all I can give you..” I whispered hoping some part of him would understand I was stronger now .. But I still ...I still cared for him .. I did what needed to be done but I still wanted him to have his day.
His eyes never blinked but he nodded he reminded me of Sesshomaru at that moment, during that time when he attacked Naraku.
I won’t go into detail but it was not pretty. He had such rage and yet he never said a word. He was really in his moment. Naraku suffered I know that ... I was scared he looked worst than when he transformed when the sword was not near.
He didn’t even use his sword. Naraku went down at his own hands.
Once I saw he was done . I finished the job as he walked away from the pieces of naraku and purified him to the gods.

Letting out a sigh and smiled. It was done. I purified the blood on my hands but I could see I had cuts of my own. I was bleeding in more than a few spots.
The place smelled of death ..I didn’t like it and I knew life would not come through here as long as it smelt like it. So I purified the ground of death, blessing the souls of the young women Kikyou had stole mindful of Inu and Sesshomaru .
I let Kagura go . She had suffered enough. That little girl nodded leaving as well. The rest were killed during the battle.
That’s when it started. I turned and Inu and Sesshomaru were sniffing around . They both looked at each other in a discussion too low for my ears to pick up even though my senses were becoming sharper the more I trained Keade was surprised even. She said I seemed to possess a soul far different than Kikyou , almost inhuman.
They turned as I was about to inspect the wound on my stomach . It was making the fount of my shirt red.
Their eyes were red again and I could see there fangs as they started to growl. Ok now I’ve heard Inu growl but this was different ..first off Sesshomaru was showing emotion.
Second , it wasn’t towards Inu but me.
Third and most importantly, they seemed to be working together.
When they started to move towards me , I ran and fast.

Which brings us to the present.
I am currently running for my life faster than any human should in pain and confused as ..well as fuck why this was happing. My only thought was that maybe One , Sesshomaru has decided to help Inu kill me for my Betrayal or Two My blood was driving them into a crazed state.
Which would still most likely lead to my death.

This is making me think about that time so long ago. That night when inu had turned. He hadn’t wanted to kill me that night.
The thought was making me feel a different type of warm. But that was different I really don’t think he wants to do that to me when I just killed his first love.
Sesshomaru.... Again it was unlikely but the sounds of their howls, and look in their eyes.
Running isn’t probably helping but I’m not going to stop now.
I need to get the fear out of my scent.
Sango had told me enough that Demons would get intoxicated off the scent of a wounded scared female.
Well shit should I be laughing.
I could feel them. Almost smell tem behind me. They were getting closer but I had an idea. I masked my scent and dove into the stream that appeared up ahead. I swam all the way to the waterfall and hid behind it.
Know I know that my blood would be in the water but hopefully it would help to dull the smell of my blood and which way I went. My breathing was laboring but I willed myself calm as I watched from my shelter. I had just masked my aura when they bounded into the clearing.

Even in this state Sesshomaru looked at his best. Inuyasha too.
His fire rat haori discarded his bare chest shining with sweat.
He was indeed a sight.
Sesshomaru’s hair blew around him . He had discarded of his armor and with having both of his arms back now he was quite a sight himself . Feral , powerful. They smelt of pure man.
I gasped lightly . How could I smell them.?

I didn’t have much time to think of this as Inu had heard the sound faintly and was now heading int the stream. Sesshomaru followed . They waded through with grace.
Now I know your asking why I just didn’t fight them.
One I don’t think wounded I could take them both on.
And two , I really didn’t want it to come to that. Inu was my friend and Sesshomaru had become my comrade. I just wanted to hide out until they came back to their senses.
They were coming closer and I cursed silently moving further into the cave.
I tried to move as silently as I could . It was dark but I didn’t want to use my power make a light and attract them.
There was already a chance they would smell my blood in the cave.
So I used my new sense of smell and pushed on .
A few twists and turns , I had found a small opening that I could barely squeeze into so I figured that would keep them out.
My eyes had adjusted to the darkness. I could hear them coming.
Sniffing... grunting... Calling my name.
Sesshomaru calling my name... I didn’t think he knew my name wasn’t nigen wench.
Know I was nervous. Looking around the space there were two ways in and out. The space I had used and the small space in the roof of it.
They were close now and they knew it.
Soon I greeted with two sets of gleaming eyes.
Come out . Yeah right. Sometimes men really did think women were stupid.
I shook my head wincing me stomach hurt.
“We can take the pain away. Kagome let use help you”
I think I liked it better when their eyes were red and they weren’t speaking.
They looked normal again and their scent seemed calm. I stopped wondering how I could do this and just went with it. It had saved me so far.

I could tell that they weren’t releasing their full scent.
“Kagome , I’m not mad at you I understand... I was just hurt before.. Please let us help you. We can smell your blood Kagome...” Inu spoke low his voice almost a purr.
“We won’t leave Kagome...give it up ..” Sesshomaru spoke again.
Wish they would stop talking so could think. I turned away from them giving them my back maybe they would get the point.

My voice wasn’t working at the moment. I could feel their eyes on me. Watching me... roaming over me. I almost liked it but it was more nerve racking.
“Go away.” I hissed. I had given up on hiding my aura and scent , most of it that is. I still held my fear.
I heard them sniffing and them I felt their eyes off me . They were still out there I could feel it.
They were just regrouping. I took the time they were giving . Stripping off my top and covered the small opening. Sure the blood would call them back but it would also give me some privacy to think.
I tried to climb up the walls. I felt one of them move back to the opening .. It felt like Inu. “Go away Inuyasha” I called back. I didn’t want them to know I was leaving just as I got to the top ,reaching my hand out it was grasped by the clawed hand of sesshomaru. I knew it was him I could feel it.

I screamed trying to pull back ,forgetting to protect my scent as I panicked . I worked in the way that he let me go with the full force of my scent assaulting his nose at once. The bad part was that I started to fell and even though I didn’t break anything , the fall banged me up.
Inuyasha stated clawing at the opening growling soon joined by Sesshomaru. They pulled the shirt through the opening and I heard the sounds of it being shredded.
After trying the opening a few more times things started to die down.
I heard them leave and return . I smelt the fresh meat and soon heard the fire.
They were camping for the night. I knew the fire was for affect as both Inu and Sesshomaru could eat it rare.
I still laid there, cold, and hurting. “ I couldn’t heal myself because the strength needed would knock me out and I sorely believed that the only reason they didn’t break in the opening with their swords yet is they knew I could still hurt them.
The smell of the food had me whimpering soon. I know I shouldn’t be but I am.

Sesshomaru came to the opening again , a knowing smirk on his face.” Come out, we know you must be hungry. We’re not going to hurt you. Come on...” His voice sounded so inviting. “ Aren’t you cold in there? We could keep you warm.”

“No” I replied meekly though I sat up as he moved a piece of bare cook meat to the entrance. It smelt so good my mouth parted and I whined moving closer till I was just out of reach of the opening. “ Try it..” He coaxed dangling it before me. I was so hungry . I reached for it and he let me grab it but kept my hand eating the piece out of my hand swirling his tongue around my palm to get the juice off. And whimpered pulling my hand from his searching me palm for a taste of the meat. Whimpering when I only tasted him.
He was talking again and I turned my attention back. “ No no now not like that... You have to come out first...”
I growled at him “No...” I was shocked ...I didn’t know I could growl but it felt good.

He moved away then and was soon replaced be inuyasha.
His eyes were so soft and kind. “ Kagome , please..I’m worried about you..please.. You have eat something.” He coaxed me back. I could trust him now right.. I mean his eyes weren’t red. His voice was so calming. He held out a piece of food and let me take it.
It was so good. I moaned in happiness . But I wanted moved. Yes I could trust him to feed me .
I moved to the entrance as he held up another piece of meat . It was farther away though and I whined .
I would have to lean in with my full front to their view.
Inuyasha soothed my fears. “ Don’t worry Kagome.. I won’t let him see you. I just tired and need to sit. You can reach it. That’s it.. Little bit closer.”

But was I grabbed the meat I was grabbed by Sesshomaru and pulled out the rest of the way.
I screamed , growled, kicked and bit as they tried to pin me to a spot. Getting to my feet I tried to beeline it to the opening but I was caught and pinned. Inuyasha holding my arms behind my back and forcing me to lean against his frame. Sesshomaru pinning my legs down and together with his thighs.
I snarled and cursed them both. Fear laced my scent again as Sesshomaru hovered over me. I was afraid when he simply stared to feed me.
Out of instinct I ate. I glared and growled at them but I ate .I was rewarded with Inu brushing my hair to the side as nuzzling my neck nipping lightly in response to chide me his low rumble soothing me. His touches, sesshomaru ‘s closeness and the food was making me hazy.
I felt uncomfortable around them only in my bra and ripped shorts. They were still wet and they felt weird against my heated skin.

“Stop “ I whimpered when Sesshomaru has stopped with the food and started licking at my wounds. Inuyasha soon followed suit. Leaning down to the ground the two of them caressing their tongues over me.
A knot was forming in my stomach and a squirmed under them. Watching them was exciting me and I didn’t want it to. Sesshomaru’s tongue on the cut on my stomach. Inuyasha everywhere else. I was glad I wore the shorts. Still when inuyasha pushed his head between my legs and smelled my heat pushing his nose in is cried out bucking and squirmed to roll over onto my stomach . It didn’t hurt much. Their saliva healed the wound. They were still on me though pinning me under them. Weakening me with their touches.
Inuyasha started biting lightly at my crotch. Sesshomaru nipping up my back to the locks of my bra. He moved to the crook of my neck and played with the pulse there. I was vibrating with their heated growls as I still tried to fight them.

I grabbed onto the rocky wall pulling myself up and finally worming from under them. My back to the wall I downed down at their golden-blood rimmed eyes, the matching smirks as they knew my body was relishing their touch.
This was not how I planned on losing my virginity. But it seemed that was their intention and I never planned on being with two males.

Two hot... tones. Males intent on playing my body like a finely tuned violin.
Sesshomaru had broken the clasp of my bra , and in climbing to stand it had started slipping off. I had to clasp my arms in front of me to protect my modesty.
They smirked at me and slowly started to release what I could only describe as their musk.
My senses went on high alarm at the scent of their lust. Knowing that their lust was towards me directly wasn’t helping either.

“Why... Why are you two doing this?” I questioned a desperate heat growing in my loins. I wanted to touch myself . Their heat bringing on mine.

“Because...we know ...”Sesshomaru replied coming up to her right side as Inuyasha followed taking the left. “You are one of us.. You are Miko” He started nipping her neck roughly for leaving him.
“And you are Youkai” Inuyasha finished brushing his clawed hands over her stomach.
She gasped arching into them her eyes almost filling with tears at her frustration.

“The battle has broken the hold you miko had over your demon and know you will merge into one. And we will help you. “Sesshomaru started again pulling down one of her straps and kissing down her shoulder.
“You are going into heat... we can smell it in your blood... give yourself to us... let us help “ Inuyasha coaxed moving his hand to slide inside her shorts. I groaned arching against his hands.

This was all too much. No , this is rape.. Youkai, miko.. It made sense with what she was experiencing but they could find a better why to explain what was happening to my body.
My body , that’s right it’s mine...
I release my miko energy making then back off . I growled deep and feral. “Back off now. I’m leaving.. I’m going to Keade and you are not going to stop me if you want to live.”

I had never felt this way before. So strong and confident yet conflicted. I knew what they said was probably right. I also know that I probably want them...both .However I wanted to be the one to choose.

I don’t know if I will really make it to Keade but if it was the fighter they wanted it was the fighter they were going to get.

“You ... give me your Haori” I know normally Sesshomaru would want me dead for this but at this point I was in charge.
Still he growled at me but he smirked “ Take it” sitting back on his haunches he waited, Inuyasha smirking at me.
“Fine” I moved closer bent down and started to untie it from his form. Sliding my hands up I pushed it off his shoulders and started to tug it off his left arm. He grinned a pleasant growl rumbling from his body as I struggled to get it off and keep my breasts from their vision. Suddenly he dipped his head down and clamped his lips to mine as I went to yank off the right side.

I was so shocked I didn’t pull back soon enough and when I went to protest he simply slipped his tongue inside my mouth.
Ok know this was not my first kiss but this was by far the best. The guy could kiss. I mean those mind numbing kisses that make you think you’ve peed your so wet.
Still this is so not the point and I really need to let go of his shoulders and get up.. Any moment now.
Just as I began to pull away I felt inuyasha behind me.
Did these guys not get that I could hurt them.
He slid his hands under my bra and cupped me from behind as Sesshomaru continued to battle with my tongue.
I moaned , I couldn’t help it. The feel of his fingers rolling my nipples under the cloth of my bra as Sesshomaru conquered my mouth. Inu’s mouth at that sensitive spot at the crook of my neck.

Sesshomaru parted my legs as Inu pulled me back .
Sesshomaru’s hand stoking my center through my shorts. He moved his mouth to my breasts as Inu’s hands moved to my hips. I feel so wanton. Arching and moaning against them.
I realize by Inuyasha’s growl that I’ve been caressing his ears while my chest was arched giving more access of my breasts to Sesshomaru’s mouth.

Sesshomaru’s hand stops moving and I groan in frustration when Inuyasha stops too.
First they don’t give up and now when I’m willing they stop.
My body needed their touch and I really don’t I can leave without them cooling this heat building inside me.

“Take off your clothes Kagome” Inuyasha’s voice was so deep and husky. I felt myself responding to his voice.
I whined at first though a light blush caressing my face. He chuckled lightly turning me to face him . My back now to Sesshomaru.
“Let me see you... let me touch you... Let us give you what you need..” I feel so nervous and yet somewhat turned on taking off my bra and shorts in front of their gaze.

I took off my shorts first rising to undo and slip them off and then sank back down slipping off my bra. I didn’t take off my panties though. I don’t feel that bold yet.

He smirked nodding “good girl now lie back “Sesshomaru wasn’t that far behind me but I obeyed inuyasha, my chest covered by my arms.
My hair was fanned out against the cool surface of Sesshomaru’s haori . Sesshomaru moved to the side of me and uncrossed my arms. He bit at my breasts sucking up the blood. “ Do not hide your beauty from us.” He whispered from between the valley of my breasts.
Inuyasha spread my legs toying with my lower lips through the thin cotton . He slipped a finger under and felt my wetness. I cried out. No one had ever touched me there.
He smirked at me as his head dipped in and sucked my clit through my panties.
I faintly heard him call Sesshomaru and then watched as he sliced my panties off.
I tried to close my legs then. I didn’t want them to see my reaction to them staring at my heated core.

Sesshomaru stilled me “ Do you not know it is one of the best things you can give a male. To show them how much they please you.” Inuyasha and Him opened my legs wide bracing one leg one each one of their shoulders and started to feast on my puffy lips and swollen nub.
I yes I have thought about this happening one day. But not like this. The lights would be off , the place dark and my secret lover would appear and please me until morning.
This was not in the dream. I couldn’t help watching them until both of their tongues entered me at the same time.
I fell back crying out there names , begging and pleading growling and grunting.

It feels so, so right . I want it, I can feel the knot in my stomach spring boarding as one of them clamps onto my clit the other to the entrance of my core and sucks hard.
I try to warn them but they won’t stop and I feel my release hit me as they lick it up. The fever cooling some. My mind is blank and I can only hear the moment as they lick me clean . I only respond to the growls as they place my over one of them. My eyes won’t open.
I know I’m on someone’s hard chest and I can feel the rough tongue start licking me again spreading my juices over and all around my privates. The fingers enter me again and can feel the sucking on my neck as I’m pulled up enough for my breasts to be played with.
I opened my blurred eyes as I felt the pressure of someone on top of me sandwiching me in .
I felt their manhoods pressing against my stomach and my ass and wondered faintly when they had stripped.
The toil was building again and I focused enough to see Sesshomaru beneath me , meaning inuyasha was behind.
I groaned in pleasure as Inuyasha ground his manhood against my pussy then they stilled. I don’t know why but I push my hips up and that’s when he enters me. I howl out in pain and pleasure as I’m stretched and fill the scent of my blood and musk filling the room.
Sesshomaru stroked and caressed me as Inu grunted Lil things into my ear pounding into from behind. Just I was becoming adjusted to him we rolled and Inu pulled out of me. I was now back to chest with Inu under me and Sesshomaru above. He wasted no time filling me again with his cock.
I cried out in pleasure turned on more was I rubbed against Inuyasha’s firm manhood as sesshomaru pumped into me without mercy. I wanted it I wanted this I wanted them both. I could feel His straining cock sliding between my butt cheeks as Sess as I think I can now give him a nickname push me into him.
Their hands and mouth was everywhere .
I heard Inu’s groan for his turn but Sess seemed too caught in the feel of my tight warmth. Inu’s was getting desperate. I felt his cock twitching and soon his fingers were seeing just how far my pussy would stretch. Not far enough for him to join his brother unfortunately. I was still too new.
When his fingers moved to my other hole I tensed whimpering. He played with my neck growling soothingly and whimpering in need to me and pressed his fingers in to test me out .I was groaning soon. As I got use to it.
If this was going to happen I rather it was him I don’t think sess would be as gentle with me in my heat.
He removed his fingers and soon his cock found my entrance he pushed in and started rubbing my clit as Sess suckled a breast.
Sesshomaru’s movements seemed to intensify Inu’s. I feel so full and aroused.
The toil in my stomach squeezing as I am about to back out from the feel of my body being used so fully.
I could smell blood caused by the marks now on Sess’s back from my nails.
He growl out in pleasure and I screamed out their names as they started bucking wild into my form. Sess grunted Starting to come as inuyasha started to move my hips with his pumping , his cock twitching hard and he too was reaching his they clamped down on each side of my neck marking me.
It sent me over the edge I climaxed as they filled my holes with their seed.
Sesshomaru was closer So I marked him first tasting the velvety cooper taste of his blood before he pulled out at my growl . I wanted to taste Inuyasha too.
It was harder to turn for Inuyasha but I did and marked him too.
We shared a long kiss as Sesshomaru kissed my back.
I can hardly breathe . I have never felt so alive. I know I’m going to hurt tomorrow but right now I was happy they made me stay .
I still might yell at them after my heat is gone. For taking advantage and all.
I don’t even know what or why we marked each other. Why it felt right to do so and if it would really change anything after we left this cave.
I felt inuyasha moving and him wiping off his manhood that still felt firm against me. I felt Sess behind me. They wanted to go again and now that they knew that they could both have me at the same time didn’t want to waste the opportunity.
I look big eyed at Inu and then look back at Sess. “ Again?”
Sesshomaru grinned at me nodding “ Yes , again.. “

I sigh as I feel them start to play with me again preparing my body for round two. At least they’re trying to give me pleasure.
I can feel the heat wave building inside of me.
I need them again soon enough so this was heat.
It was going to be a very long night....
I don’t even want to know what will happen in the morning. Do you?

But seriously if you had been in my shoes, What would you have done?
I thought so..


Autho r Rant : Woot I did it. Completed 16 pgs guys ..I hope you like it. You have no idea how much soda it took to keep me up. It’s 3 am right now but I’m proud of myself. I forced myself not to do a cliffy well not a big one and not to leave this until I finished it today. And I did.. It’s my first one shot I finished in one day and could be more if I get enough Responses to.
But it’s my first completed flic with this pairing so please be kind.
Hope you enjoyed it . R&R

KagomeReborn Out