InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Your Eyes Did To Me ❯ Make Room For Me ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Inuyasha & co. belong to the illustrious Rumiko Takahashi.  
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Inuyasha & co. belong to the illustrious Rumiko Takahashi.  I do not profit from these fics.
7 - Make Room for Me
When Sesshoumaru entered his room the sight that greeted him cemented all the decisions in his mind even more. In the middle of the very tousled sheets lay a goddess wearing one of his long sleeved white dress shirts, held closed by only two buttons, revealing her cleavage, belly button, and most deliciously the little patch of black curls at the apex of her thighs. Her still damp hair framed her face and she turned to look at him and shot him a brilliant smile that made his heart beat faster before clicking the television off and setting the remote back on the nightstand. “That didn't take long.”
“This Sesshoumaru could not stay away,” he said playfully. He crossed the room to set the tray on the other nightstand and then crawled towards the beauty waiting for him like a hungry predator. Starting at her toes, he placed soft kisses on her skin and took in her sweet clean scent as he made his way up her body. He smirked at her, flashing his fangs, when he found that his scent was still mixed with hers, even after her shower.
“What are you smiling about?” she giggled.
“My scent suits you,” he murmured in her ear before nuzzling his nose into the crook of her neck. “You should always smell like this Sesshoumaru.”
Kagome smiled. “I bet if you have anything to say about it I will.”
“Of course.” He'd intended to say more, intended to do more, but her stomach growled loudly, reminding him and his blushing bedmate of her breakfast waiting for her and getting cooler by the second. “You should eat,” he said, sounding rather disappointed while pulling away from her, “before it gets cold.” He moved the glass of orange juice to the table before carefully setting the tray across her lap. He watched nervously as she picked up her fork and poked curiously at the omelet.
“How did you know what I like?” she asked him with a lifted brow.
He averted his eyes, trying to appear like he was casually looking out the window, and answered softly. “Inuyasha.”
“Ah, I was wondering about that. Is he alright? He seemed pretty upset yesterday.”
“This Sesshoumaru spoke with the half… with him,” he caught himself, “a bit. It may take some time, but hopefully he will be able to forgive the past for your happiness.”
“I think he will… eventually. So,” Kagome started hesitantly, unsure of how to begin and averting her eyes as she continued, “I guess I should start bringing my stuff inside, in case he wants to use his car.”
Sesshoumaru frowned. Did she not want to live with him? “You intend to stay here? I thought…”
“I don't know. What were you thinking? I didn't know if you'd want me moving into your place right away. That and it would make things harder… the not sleeping together thing… if we were sharing a bed.”
“I have lived without you for two very long months. I do not wish to continue to do so when it is no longer necessary. This Sesshoumaru would be willing to sleep on the couch if it would make you more comfortable, but I definitely desire for you to share my apartment… if you want to, that is.”
She smiled softly at his nervousness. “You'd be willing to sleep on the couch and let me have your bed? You really do want me with you, don't you? If you think it'll be alright then I'm for it. Still, I think I should leave most of my stuff here, at least for a while. We have enough adjusting to do without you feeling like my crap's taking over your house.”
While he didn't like the subtle implication that things might not work out between them, her willingness to move in, even with less stuff, was good enough for him at the moment. A thought struck him and he smiled. “There are a few things this Sesshoumaru must attend to today. Perhaps you could use this time to speak to the… to Inuyasha.”
Kagome lifted a brow at him curiously, wondering what he was planning, before nodding. “Yeah, he can help carry my stuff in so I can sort through and find what I want to bring. When are we… Do you need to go to work sometime?”
“Father placed this Sesshoumaru on vacation the day before you appeared, so you have me all to yourself,” he replied seductively. “Unless you desire otherwise, I will take you home with me tonight.”
“All to myself, huh? Sounds promising.”
“So he just left you here to bring your shit in all by yourself?”
“He said he had something to do. Besides, I'm not doing it myself, am I? I've got you and your father to help me,” Kagome said with a laugh. “Look, I know you don't like him, Inu, but you're gonna have to find a way to get over it, okay? Don't look at everything so negatively.”
“Why not? He's probably at his place hiding all the evidence of what he's really like right now. I bet you find an entire drawer of panties from his `conquests',” he sneered. The hanyou had done nothing but think and stew over what his brother had said that morning until Kagome came to ask for his assistance and he still wasn't sure how he felt about the whole thing, settling on bitter for the moment.
“Inuyasha, it is unwise to badmouth your brother when he's trusted you enough to leave her in your presence,” Inu Senior interjected in a lecturing tone.
“Trust me? I've been taking care of her for years! I don't give a fuck if he trusts me; Kagome does and that's all that matters!”
Kagome rolled her eyes. “This is going to be a wonderful day,” she said sarcastically. “Inu, you need to quit it right now. Those boxes aren't going to carry themselves!”
The hanyou let out an annoyed huff before heading out of the guest room she'd chosen to house her things to bring up another load. He hated the knowledge that she was moving in with Sesshoumaru, out of his home, out of his protection and control. What if she needed him? What if that bastard hurt her and he wasn't there to save her? It was a situation he didn't know how to handle and he didn't like it one bit.
Once Inuyasha was out of earshot, Inu Senior sat beside Kagome on the bed. “You know, it's rather funny. I've spent years wondering how to get Inuyasha to make you his mate, thinking that you would be the perfect daughter-in-law. All this time and now I find out I was focused on the wrong son!” Kagome chuckled softly and Inu smiled. “So, do you want to tell me why we're not taking all of your things over to his apartment since you are moving in with him?” he asked in his all knowing fatherly tone.
“I… I guess, his place is so neat and organized and I'm going to totally screw that up with all of my crap. I don't want him to get overwhelmed. It'll be enough change just having me there without the mess of things that come with me. I wasn't sure if he'd want me to move in right away anyway.”
“There is no way that my son would entertain any other option. I'm surprised he's left you alone at all. He thought he'd lost you forever, Kagome. The last thing he wants now is to be separated from you.”
“Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. He even offered to sleep on the couch and let me have the bed while we get to know each other better.”
“Ha! He's gonna ride the couch?” Inuyasha laughed, having caught the tail end of the conversation upon his return with the last of her things. “Good. Maybe if he can keep his dick out of you for a while your brain will start working again and you'll realize what a huge mistake you're making.”
“Inuyasha…” his father warned before returning his attention to the little miko. “You should be aware that Sesshoumaru is worried that once you get to know him you may not like him. I am afraid that he may behave in the way he thinks you would like instead of…”
“He's tryin' to say that he's gonna try and be something he's not… as in, not a giant prick. That's the only way you're gonna like him and he knows it, if he acts like someone else,” Inuyasha declared arrogantly.
“That is not quite what I meant, my boy,” Inu Senior growled in frustration. “I simply meant that perhaps you should speak with him on the matter.”
Kagome smiled. “He's not the only one that's nervous. I think we'll be fine, but it couldn't hurt to talk some things through. And you,” the miko turned angry eyes on her best friend. “You and I need to have a talk too.”
“And that is my cue to go,” the old taiyoukai said with a smirk. “Let me know if you need any more help, Kagome.”
Once they were alone, Kagome focused on Inuyasha, who had his ears plastered to his head just in case she planned on yelling. “Inu, I know this is hard. You're my best friend and you always will be, but you knew this would happen some day. Can't you at least try to make up with him?”
The hanyou scoffed. “Just because he admitted that it's his fault and said he doesn't hate me anymore doesn't make up for all the years of shit he's put me through,” he said bitterly.
“He said that? Really?” she asked in a surprised tone. She hadn't expected Sesshoumaru to actually admit he did something wrong. He seemed far too proud for that.
“Ha! Of course, you're gonna think that's sweet of him or some shit and who fucking cares about how big of an asshole he's been. You know, you used to give a shit about me.”
Kagome motioned for him to sit beside her and began to gently rub a furry white ear. “Inu, I still care about you. You're still my best friend. That's not going to change because I'm with your brother. No one expects you to just forgive and forget either, not right away. You're going to need some time to get used to the idea. What I need is for you to stop trying to make it worse. You two can't learn to be brothers until you stop being enemies. He took the first step. It couldn't have been easy for him to apologize, to have to explain himself. Did he tell you why he acted like he did?”
“Yeah,” Inuyasha muttered.
“And can you understand where he was coming from then? Can you see why he acted the way he did, even though it was wrong?”
He let out a small sigh before nodding. “Yeah, I do. It's just… my whole life, Kaggie. My whole life he's treated me like I'm some disgusting, diseased thing unfit to be in his presence. How am I supposed to get over that?”
“Slowly,” she answered honestly. “Give him a chance to prove that he really doesn't feel that way any more. We'll do something together, the three of us, and maybe then you'll start to understand each other more and figure out a way to be friends.”
“I doubt it,” he mumbled skeptically.
“But I'll try… for you.”
Sesshoumaru returned to find Kagome sitting on the bed in a guest room, surrounded by piles of folded clothes, toiletries, and other day to day necessities. He'd managed to get everything done he'd hoped to and he couldn't wait to show her all his hard work.
“I'm surprised that Inuyasha is not here with you,” the taiyoukai said, smirking as she jumped slightly, startled by his voice. Even with her newly increased senses, she was apparently still oblivious to her surroundings.
“He's busy pouting. Besides, he didn't want to help me repack. We just did it once and he's not a patient packer.”
“Do you require this Sesshoumaru's assistance?”
“Nah, I'm pretty much done. I just need to shove this stuff in those bags and I'm good,” she said while gesturing from the piles on the bed to several large duffel bags sitting on the floor.
He watched her shift a few stacks before scooting to the edge of the bed where he met her with a passionate kiss. “This Sesshoumaru missed you,” he murmured in her ear seductively.
“No, you didn't,” Kagome laughed softly.
“Yes, I certainly did. Did you miss me?”
“Maybe,” she teasingly replied.
He pulled her body tightly against his own and burrowed his nose into the crook of her neck, breathing her scent in deeply. They'd only been apart a few hours but he felt like he was already going through withdrawal. “About this no sex thing… When exactly are we starting this?” Not touching her body would be the second to the hardest thing he would ever do, the first having been living with the belief that he'd never see her again.
Kagome giggled. “I was thinking when we left here. That way there's a definite line, a change in surroundings, ya know?”
“I wish this Sesshoumaru had known earlier. I would have planned to stay tonight and leave in the morning.”
“And why can't we?” she moaned softly as he left a trail of kisses along her throat.
“Things have been planned, preparations made. We will simply have to make the most of the time we have.” His hands began gliding over her curves and he frowned. “Did you have to get dressed? I was rather enjoying the unhindered access to you.”
She laughed at his adorable pout. “I couldn't very well run around the house and out front in just your shirt carrying my things, especially since not one, but two pairs of my panties have gone missing. Unless you would have preferred that I give everyone in the house a show?” When he let out a little growl she smiled. “That's what I thought. It's not like clothes don't come off.”
“And come off they will,” he purred as he began to remove her clothing slowly, enjoying revealing her body just a little at a time and taking the opportunity to ensure he worshipped every inch of her.
Not wanting to risk upsetting her piles of things on the bed, he carried her across the room, setting her down gently on the edge of a dresser, glad she hadn't covered it in her things as well. He kissed her lips before traveling along her throat to trace her collar bone. He allowed his tongue to slip out and sample her sweet skin, groaning at the slight saltiness left behind by her earlier exertion. Even her sweat tasted incredible.
Kagome moaned as his hands slid up and down her spine and along her sides. He had this way of touching her, something she'd only ever experienced with him. It was as if his hands awoke every cell, every nerve ending they passed over, making her whole body tingle. She buried her hands in his hair as his lips wrapped around a pebbled pink peak and her back arched, pressing her breast further into his mouth, his tongue swirling around her nipple expertly.
She leaned back on her hands as he continued lower, pressing playful kisses to her navel, loving how she squirmed when he exhaled against her, his breath tickling her sensitive skin. Her legs spread obediently for him as he dropped to his knees, silently thanking the interior decorator Izayoi had hired for choosing that specific dresser for that room as it was just the perfect height for what he was dying to do.
One finger glided over slick folds and he groaned softly before licking it clean and leaning in for a more thorough taste. Kagome moaned and panted in pleasure as Sesshoumaru knelt before her, his beautiful golden eyes glowing up at her as his tongue hit spots she didn't know existed. His long, claw-tipped fingers wrapped around her calves as he brought her to her first peak and then her second. He would have gone on forever if he hadn't made plans. As it was, he definitely wanted to fuck her one more time before their `no sex' dating period began.
He licked his lips as he rose, slipping his arms under her knees along the way, pulling her a little closer to the edge at a much more precarious angle, Kagome trusting him not to let her fall. He smirked at her, her face flushed pink, her forehead beaded with sweat, her breasts rising and falling with her heavy breaths. She looked absolutely ravishing, and by the time he was done he would make sure she felt absolutely ravished as well.
“I'm going to miss that,” he purred, making her laugh. “But not as much as I will miss this.” With her knees hanging over his elbows, he leaned in, slowly pressing his way into her tight, hot passage, watching as his length disappeared into her body. He pulled out almost completely before sliding back in at a torturous pace, enjoying the expression of ecstasy on her face. “And how long are we going to be abstaining?” he drawled out lazily with his slow strokes.
“Kami, I hope not long,” Kagome groaned. “Why do you have to be so damn good at this?”
Sesshoumaru sped up his thrusts slightly. “You wouldn't have it any other way and you know it.”
She let out a little gasp of pleasure as he hit an especially nice spot before grinning at him. “You're right about that. As much as I love your voice, Sesshoumaru, shut up and fuck me.”
It had been hell to tear his self away from her, but it had to be done. He'd left her presence for hours, a very difficult feat, to prepare for her homecoming and it wouldn't do to let it go to waste. He turned to look at the goddess beside him and a real smile pulled at his lips. He'd never thought he'd see her there again, sitting in the passenger seat of his car with her hand resting on his thigh, making the knowledge that he had to keep his hands off of her all the more difficult.
They were almost to his building, his trunk filled with several bags of her things. To be honest, he wished it was more. He wanted to be surrounded by Kagome, and some part of him saw her hesitance to bring everything as a sign that she didn't have faith in the success of their growing relationship. Still, he understood her reasoning and refused to allow it to bother him. She was moving into his apartment. Whether she brought all of her things or not didn't matter so long as she was there.
Finally he pulled into the parking garage beneath his building and parked in the second spot from his private elevator. He hurried around the car and opened her door for her, enjoying the sense of déjà vu, and when Kagome lifted a brow at him he smirked. “When you bring your car, this will be your parking space,” he gestured to the open space closest to the elevator door, where he'd parked that night two months ago.
“Isn't that your spot?” she asked curiously.
“Not anymore.” He quickly gathered her things from the trunk and inserted his key in the elevator, making the silver doors slide open. Sesshoumaru gestured for her to enter and followed her inside before the doors slid shut once more.
Kagome shifted nervously where she stood beside him. It was odd; going back to his apartment after all this time, moving in like they'd been dating for months and it was the perfectly logical next step. Nothing about their relationship was quite normal but then, she decided, being normal was overrated. She was happy with the way things were progressing, even if they might appear strange to someone on the outside looking in. Her thoughts were cut off by a ding as they arrived at their destination.
Sesshoumaru set her bags just outside the elevator before gently taking her hand and guiding her into the entryway of the apartment. “Welcome home,” he purred in her ear before lightly kissing her pulse.
She breathed in deeply and smiled. “I guess you did make plans, huh? Smells good.”
“This Sesshoumaru is glad you think so. It is not quite ready yet though. If you don't mind, I would prefer to give you a tour of the rest of our apartment a bit later.”
“Our apartment?” Kagome asked with a grin.
“Our apartment,” he repeated. “Perhaps while I finish preparing dinner you would like to begin unpacking? Shall I show you to the room I'm sure you remember?” He smirked at her blush and, when she nodded, picked up her bags to lead the way to the bedroom. He set her things on the bed and walked to one of the dressers, pulling open all the drawers on the right side one by one. He opened the drawers of one of the nightstands and then the closet door, gesturing to the large empty space.
“You made room for my stuff?” she asked with a soft smile, touched by his preparations.
“Of course I did. I want you to be comfortable here with me, happy. If you need more space, please do not hesitate to tell me. My things are easily moved.” He took her hand and led her into the bathroom. Gesturing to one of the two sinks, he continued, “All those drawers are empty as well and you are welcome to put your things on the counter too if you would like.”
“I can't believe you went to all this trouble. I don't think I brought enough stuff to fill all the space you made!”
“This Sesshoumaru would happily retrieve the rest of your belongings for you at any time,” he said with a smirk, pleased that she seemed to like his surprises so far. “I must check on dinner.”
Kagome returned his gentle kiss before watching him walk away, leaving her alone in their bedroom. She couldn't keep the smile off her face at the knowledge that he'd come home not to hide things, as Inuyasha had suggested, but to clear space for her, to make room for her in his room just like he had in his heart. It had to be the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for her and their evening was just getting started.