InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whatever it takes ❯ One-shot Songfic ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Whatever it Takes-Lifehouse
What strangled smile fell from your face
Kagome smiled weakly, fighting to keep her eyes from watering. “It's ok Inuyasha. I understand…You've made your choice.” She turned and made her way out of the forest, leaving a smug Kikyou and a shocked hanyou behind. As soon as she thought she was out of sight she burst into a sprint, tears following soon after. A sob escaped her throat as she flew toward the well. She grabbed the small bottle of Shikon Shards around her neck and ripped it off, the string snapping painfully against her skin. Without a word she tossed the bottle onto the ground beside the well and leapt in.
Itkills me that I hurt you this way
Inuyasha started to follow her, but Kikyou grabbed his arm. “You made your choice, Inuyasha. Just like she said.” Inuyasha growled furiously. “No! I didn't! You made it for me. You're not the Kikyou I remember. She's long gone.” He ran after Kagome, skidding to a stop in front of the well. He'd stepped on something sharp, though he'd barely noticed. He glanced down at it, the pink shards shimmering in the silver moonlight. He stared in shock for a moment before growling in anger and desperation. She couldn't come back now…unless he went after her. But he couldn't. He'd done nothing wrong…He didn't have any reason to go after her and apologize…But guilt gnawed at his insides.
The worst part is that I didn't even know
He hadn't been choosing Kikyou…he'd been trying to decide. He'd run off to get some peace and quite, some alone time to think. She'd shown up and kissed him. Kagome had been standing there…Now he regretted not stopping Kikyou.
Now there's a million reasons for you to go
Not only had he hurt her by taking a long time to decide, he'd kissed Kikyou, and lately they'd been fighting a lot due to his confusion and frustration. He growled louder, flopping down beside the well and leaning against the ancient structure.
But if you can find a reason to stay
“Kagome…Please…come back…” But inside, beneath his denial and guilt, he knew she couldn't. Not unless he stopped being to damned proud and went after her.

I'll do whatever it takes
To turn this around
I know what's at stake
I know that I've let you down
And suddenly he made his choice. Kagome. Life. Love. With that thought he leapt into the well, the shards clenched tightly in his hand.
And if you give me a chance
Believe that I can change
I'll keep us together whatever it takes
He loved her. The realization hit him once more as he emerged on her side of the well, this time ten times more powerful. Her scent floated past him as he hurried out of the shrine that housed the well. He followed it to her bedroom window.

She said "If we're gonna make this work
You gotta let me inside even though it hurts
Don't hide the broken parts that I need to see"
She'd asked him to open up to her. To talk to her. Something he'd never done for anyone else. He'd run off like a scared whelp.
She said "Like it or not it's the way it's gotta be
You gotta love yourself if you can ever love me"
He loved her, but he tried so hard to deny it. He didn't want to get hurt again. But somewhere, deep inside his guilt ridden heart, he knew that Kagome wasn't like Kikyou. She was her reincarnation, but she was nothing like her. She'd never hurt him. And he'd hurt her.
I'll do whatever it takes
To turn this around
I know what's at stake
I know that I've let you down
He spotted Kagome sitting under the tree where they'd first met, her face buried in her arms, her knees tucked up. Her hair fell around her face like a dark silk curtain. He slowly made his way over, kneeling silently in front of her. “Kagome-“ She jumped, staring at him in surprise before standing and turning to run. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to him, a bit roughly. “Kagome!” She glared at him furiously. “What the hell do you want?” Gulp. “Kagome I-I…I'm sorry…” He glared at his feet, as if they were the cause of all his anguish.
She stared at him in surprise, tears still streaming down her face. She shivered despite the warm summer night.
He looked back up at her, his amber eyes full of sorrow and regret. “I'm sorry. I should have stopped her. But…” She jerked her gaze away from his. “Don't bother with the fake apologies, Inuyasha. It's obvious who you've picked.”
He growled furiously. “Kagome! Stop it! Please…” His voice softened. “I don't want Kikyou…I…I realized today that she's not the same person I fell in love with…That Kikyou is long gone.” He paused, gently turning her to face him, his gaze locking with hers. “You are.”
She stared at him in surprise, tears still rolling down her cheeks. “Inuyasha-“ He silenced her with a kiss.
And if you give me a chance
And give me a break
I'll keep us together, I know you deserve much better

But remember the time I told you the way that I felt
That I'd be lost without you and never find myself
Let's hold onto each other above everything else
Start over, start over
He reluctantly, slowly pulled away, staring down at her hopefully. “I realized today, that without you, I'm nothing. I love you. Without you near me, without that love, I'm lost. I don't know who I am when you're not beside me, Kagome. Please…Forgive me.”
She felt the tears stinging at the back of her throat again, burning the back of her eyes. She let them fall, throwing herself into his arms. She buried her face in his shoulder, breathing in his calming scent, bracing herself against him.
His eyes widened, his body tensing as she flung herself into his arms. But when she pressed her face into him, breathed him in, he breathed her in as well. He relaxed and wrapped his arms tightly around her shoulders. As he buried his nose in her hair, pressing kisses to her cheeks, he barely heard her whisper those three magical words that lifted his heart.
I'll do whatever it takes
To turn this around
I know what's at stake
I know I've let you down
And if you give me a chance
And believe that I can change
I'll keep us together whatever it takes