InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whats That Kagome ❯ That Damn Demon ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hey well here's chap.4 sorry it took so long to update i had "other things" to worry about ^_~ Plus school i thank everyone who had patience with me THX! and plz review i'll love you forever ..hehe.

What's that Kagome!?!


Inuyasha got off Kagome staring at her in shock and amazement. 'How in Kami's name did she get all those little metal boxes to cover all her teeth.' he pondered still staring at her. Kagome then got up also.

"Uhh..Inuyasha?" she said waving her hand in his face.
"What?" he said getting out of his daze and looking at her.
"What were you thinking?"
"How did you do that?" He asked slowly but calmly.
"How did I do what?" She asked innocently.
"How did you get all those metal boxes into your mouth?" He asked susipiciously.
"Well...they came out of my teeth." She thought she would tease him before telling the truth.
"Kagome thats nots possible."
"Its was a desicion to make. I choose to get them." Inuyasha's jaw dropped.
"WHY IN KAMI'S NAME WOULD YOU DO THAT!?!" Inuyasha yelled mad that she choose to put metal boxes on her already perfect teeth.
Holding back a huge laugh she continued.
"Because...I felt like it."
"Felt like it, Kagome, why in the seven hells would you feel like doing that?!"
"I don't know I just did." She said shrugging.
Inuyasha narrowed his eyes and took a step towards her while Kagome then took a step backwards hitting her wall.
"Inuyasha?" she said but with lighting speed he had grabbed her and pinned her to her bed.
"Inuyasha what are you doing?"
"That demon is making you say those things and made you put those werid metal boxes on your teeth! So now i'm gonna kill it once and for all!" He said growling alittle.
Kagome wiggled her hand out from underneath him and smack her hand onto her forhead and sighed while shaking her head.
"Kagome!!!" He yelled seeing her head shake.
"What!?!" she yelled confused.
"Ok. Kagome listen to me. I want you to shake your head, hard and fast while i hold your ear open.."
"Inuyasha now why would i do that!?"
"BECAUSE maybe if u shake it hard enough
the demon will come flying out of your ear and I can kill it.."
Kagome blinked.
Inuyasha blinked. "....Well?.."
Kagome burst out laughing.
By that time a knock came at her door.....


Wel l Im srry i had to end now but i tohught u guys needed a chappie so here yah go!! enjoy plz plz plz review!