InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a door closes... ❯ The Miscommunication ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 4- The Miscommunication Recap: The dead are buried, Kagome’s a hanyou, and Miroku’s now curse free and healing up nicely. What now?
“Ow,” Miroku hissed as he rose unsteadily, leaning against the wall before making his way outside with his staff. He needed to meditate, so much had happened, he needed the centering and focus of his discipline to sort things out. The last few days on his back hadn’t been a joy.

“Here,” Sango said softly, coming over to help him.

“You should stay in bed, you must rest,” she chided.

“Dear Sango, always concerned. But meditating will help me more right now...unless you’d care to keep me company as I rest?” he asked archly, a lecher as always.

“Pervert. Let’s get you some fresh air,” Sango snapped, a faint flush crossed her face. Miroku had asked her to marry him once Naraku was defeated, now that it was done, it was no longer just a hope for the future. The prospect was daunting.

The observant monk smiled at her as they steered outside.

“Sango...” he began.

“Meditate,” she told him, helping him to sit in the sun. She needed some time, and after a hesitation, added, “we can talk later.”

Scratching Kirara fondly as the neko jumped into her arms, she walked away to think, tucking herself out of his sight.
She watched covertly as the monk set his staff in front of him, folded his legs, and slipped into a meditative trance, his face serene in a way it rarely was. The difference never ceased to surprise her, on one hand, Miroku was a lecher, a cheat, and a ‘scam artist‘, as Kagome so often called him, on the other...

He never asked for payment when he exorcized a true youkai. He’d helped the poor and the injured, faced dangers for others time and again, using his Kazaana to protect them, and had lived with the cursed hand from childhood without flinching.

A fine and courageous man, if on occasion a frail one. Was it any wonder he’d thrown himself into life so much when until he’d met them, he’d had little hope of survival? that he was free, would he even want her now? He would have time to find someone else now, to live a life free of his horrible fate. It scared her, nothing in Sango’s experience had prepared her for any of this, it wasn't like it would‘ve been at home.

Her father would either have flattened Miroku or adopted him. He wasn’t what she’d imagined as a future husband when she was small, that was sure. As a fully trained tajiya and the daughter of the headman, she’d had her pick of suitors in the village. According to her people’s customs, if she’d wished, she would’ve wed, and her children been reared by less valuable women in the village while she served with her group. Her mother had done this, she remembered, until her death in battle meant her father reared them alone with help from the women. At home, her needs had been met and the only worries were the next job with her friends and family and the celebration after. Now...the village was in ruins and she was alone.
For a time, her new friends had served the same sort of purpose as her group. She’d slipped into the familiar role of being on the hunt, sharing the labor, dangers and the joys equally. They were her fighting group, but the reason for them being together was gone. Sango’s choices seemed far bleaker now, there was no homecoming, only graves, and the life of a peasant woman with Miroku, staying in one place, raising children and tending a home attached to a temple. She knew he wanted to have a home and family one day. But, being a Tajiya was what she was.

Miroku yes, perhaps, but not that sort of life, the normal life. Kagome was the one person in the world she’d felt close enough to confide in nowadays with her troubles, and she...she wasn’t even human anymore. That complicated things. Sango didn’t think anything of it before, but in the last few days it had begun to weigh on her. Most men, men who hadn’t been raised around them, would never accept a Tajiya bride, one with no dowry, who associated with youkai and hanyou by choice.
One who was not a virgin.
That had been ritually disposed of during the end of her training by one of her fellow slayers, it was too dangerous to be a maiden fighting youkai who could scent one out. There had been other times as well, with friends in her group. It was their way, a sharing of pleasure that left no dishonor among them, even if it wasn‘t moral by outsider’s standards. How Kagome had stared when she told her! Sango was probably more experienced than the lecher himself, if not having had the chance in some time.

She would only share with an honorable male human, after all, not someone who‘s idea of a greeting was a request to breed! Inuyasha had known, of course, with that nose of his, but she knew he hadn’t breathed a word of it. It was Miroku or nothing, he would understand about that, well, she hoped, but did she really want him? Or was she just afraid of being alone? If she wed him out of fear, would they become bitter and miserable? She needed more time...she had to explain things as well.

Miroku felt centered, relaxed, able to look at things dispassionately as he slipped out of trance, suppressing the pain in his side and back. Mushin had taught him well, the old drunk could swill all night, and be up and about the next day hangover free after a good meditation session. Sango had left, and his mind turned over what was going to happen.
First, Kagome. She’d become his friend, almost a younger sister to him, as well as an endless supply of ‘osuwari’ induced entertainment and future-produced snacks. Inuyasha’s actions had changed far, far more than he knew. Almost overnight, the sometimes silly, kindly young miko had become a hanyou that would, in time, match Inuyasha in strength. He trusted that human heart of hers, but she needed training and guidance, badly. Totosai was her only hope. He’d accompany them gladly, he owed her, cared for her as family, and besides that...
He had to be there to stop Inuyasha.
Miroku was an expert in youkai, and he’d long known the hanyou worshipped Kagome as his own personal Goddess. She accepted and cared for him as is, more than once had protected him and in return won his steadfast adoration. His friend seemed happy enough bumbling in and out of intimacy, showing her his love with unflinching and literally painful devotion and pushing her away in fear when it seemed likely to lead to anything. From hints over the years, Miroku had inferred Inuyasha was not a virgin, but he wasn’t sure. He did know the hanyou had been alone most of his life.

Now though, that was different, his Goddess was a potential mate of his own unique type. Youkai killed for mates, died for mates, and Kagome had long since showed she didn’t think it was impossible to accept him. Far from it. No females of her caliber were available for the hanyou before, and Miroku wasn’t sure what instinct and loneliness would drive him to do while Kagome couldn‘t defend herself fully. Before she could reject him easily or leave him when she’d no longer need his protection. It wasn’t blatant enough yet for the women to note, besides, both Sango and Kagome were virgins and innocents. So he would protect his friends from themselves.
His selfish side whispered that it did give him an excuse to wait before dealing with Sango as well.
Sango...he loved her utterly. She was perfection, beautiful, strong, courageous, determined and honorable. Yes, he’d grabbed her ass and tried to seduce her, but he adored her. He’d asked her to wed him in the fleeting hope he’d be able to one day, and have a family. Now, well, now he was free to do so. So why didn’t he feel like celebrating? He’d been freed of the Kazaana once before and he had gone home to pray at his father’s grave when Kaguya had decided to try and stop time. He hated to admit it, but the life of an itinerant suited him, and he‘d been eager to journey to solve the mystery. Now though, he had a betrothed.
He didn’t have a lot to offer. What were they to do, wander the countryside fighting youkai? She deserved a home, fine children, and she likely wanted to remain close to her former village. Miroku liked people, good food, comforts while he traveled. Not living in ruins and spend his life gravetending! But, the only honorable course was to honor his promise and marry her. Sango would make an excellent wife, he was sure, he did love her and he always wanted a son. Lots of sons and daughters, not to mention lots of the thing you had to do to get them.

So why was the thought scaring the hell out of him? For a moment, he wished his own father were here to advise him. Although, to be honest, he wasn’t sure what help he’d have been. Miroku’s mother had left them, unable to deal with a husband with a cursed hand and an eye for pretty women. He’d been raised by Mushin after his father died, hardly an exemplar of behavior, and well...his own experience had been inadvertently summed up by Kagome when she’d been talking about a friend of hers in her own time. When she’d explained the phrase, he knew exactly what it was alright.
Pity dates.
Sure, he hit on women, he adored women and everything about them, but most of the ones who’d accepted had been youkai trying to kill him and old women! There’d been well...ok, so he’d only bedded a woman once. Could he help it if no woman of character would settle for him with his curse? One that all of his sons would have? No, they rightly chose to look for love elsewhere. In his heart, he wanted to love the woman he’d be with, even as desperation at the curse drove him to seek someone, anyone to share with, to leave something behind that was going to survive him. There had been no time for courting one, so he simply cut to the chase.

“Would you bear my child?“

Hope had made him ask Sango to be that woman, and to wait for him to be free. He had his beloved woman of character at last, but...was his her equal? Could he give up the life he preferred for her?

‘She’d hunt me down...she doesn’t deserve that in any case,’ he reflected as the thought of running crossed his mind.

“Miroku?” Sango asked, she’d approached as he looked lost in thought, not a trance.
“Sango. Come, sit with me,” he asked, patting the ground beside him.
“Miroku...” Sango began, smiling at him awkwardly as she sat. She looked diffident and a bit nervous.
“Yes, my dear?” he replied.
“I’ve been thinking. We’re getting married. But, um,” Sango tried. He deserved to know about her not being a...well.
He reached over to stroke her cheek with a smile, but paused at the but.
“Yes...? Tell me what troubles you,” he asked.
“I think we should wait. Until Kagome is seen to anyway. Don’t you?” she asked quickly, looking away. Coward. She was a coward, and it made her cheeks burn.

“Of course! You are right, my dearest. Our friends need us focused on the current crisis, and that has to take precedence. It is my duty as a monk to aid those in need, after all,” he raised a hand in blessing as he spoke, thanking the gods for the reprieve. The concealed relief in his voice wasn’t hidden enough, and it made her glare at him.

“You do still plan to wed me?” Sango asked sharply.
“I do indeed,” Miroku said soothingly, one hand sliding around.

Revised Author’s notes-Ok! Yes, Sango’s not a virgin. Surprised? Miroku will be! To all of you who’ve been reading, my thanks again. Inuyasha and Kagome next up! Fair warning, this next chapter has a lime, (not necessarily great, but hey, this is my first story!) more violence and adult situations as well, all manner of good things promised by the rating. When it gets posted, check it out! You might like it. Thanks for Reading! Namiyo