InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a door closes... ❯ The Lessons ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 5 The LessonsForgot to say it last time, but as I’m sure everyone knows, I do not own Inuyasha or any related characters, nor do I make money from same.
Recap: The dead are buried, much has been learned, misunderstandings and fears abound, and it’s time for a trip in a day. Hopefully it isn’t dragging too badly. This chapter takes place right around the last one.
Inuyasha’s last few days had been odd to say the least. Late afternoon sun left dapples across him as he sat under a tree well away from the hut, watching Kagome obediently sniff for the trail he’d had Sango leave through the grass and rocks earlier. She knew what Sango smelled like, so this was a good way for her to practice how to distinguish a particular scent and follow it. Her face was intent as she was slowly working her way along on hands and knees, she had to learn this stuff, and she was doing her best, even if it was frustrating at times for both of them. Inuyasha admired her determination as she lost the trail when it crossed some flat stone, and found it again without asking for help, even if it meant she was getting more independent.
She was remarkable. Even everything that’d happened, she stood by him, loved and supported him, and he loved her with a near obsessive intensity in return. He was naive, dense on occasion, and stubborn, but he wasn’t stupid. He’d known as soon as he’d seen the magnificent hanyou in the brush that the old, comfortable relationship they shared was over. Inu youkai had a need to guard, it was part of their blood, they needed something to protect or they were incomplete. Inuyasha was only half, but it was as strong in him as any full youkai, and for two centuries, he’d had no one to watch over. Thanks to her, he had an odd, extended family of his very own and an untouchable beloved who depended on him to defend her, and he relished it, content. He’d always pushed off thoughts of the future and enjoyed the present.
Until now.

Now, if all went well, she wouldn’t need him to protect her. She’d be able to guard herself and could leave him if she chose. He was torn between his desire to see her safe, which meant trained, and his need to be at her side. Even if they loved each other, she couldn’t marry a hanyou, so he‘d carefully avoided courting her before, her family trusted her to his hands and he wouldn‘t let them down, even if it was from himself. That his ‘protection’ had included keeping any males away from her...was just part of his duty. But if she could defend herself, and no jewel as an excuse he‘d have to part from her. Since he wouldn’t, couldn’t, leave her or dishonor her by merely taking her as a lover, there was only one solution, one he’d fantasized about for years without a hope of being able to.
He’d claim her as his.
There was nothing in the way, they were both hanyou now instead of a human and a youkai blood. Now, he could do as he’d long wished, and no one would object to a union between two of the same species, they’d probably be happy for them. He knew she loved him as much as he loved her, and he’d do everything in his power to make her happy. Sudden sneezes distracted him, and he looked up. As always for the last few days, he never thought that she might not know the rules of the game...
“How do you stand this?” Kagome wailed, eyes watering. She’d been doing pretty good so far with today’s lesson, but she’d gotten a face full of pollen, starting a sneezing fit. It wasn’t as easy as it looked, and she had new respect for Inuyasha’s talents from times like this.

“You just do! It’s not hard! Sango was here, where’d she go?” Inuyasha yelled back as he approached, he never had to think about this stuff, you learned, or you died. Comfort didn’t add into it.

“What’ll you do if you get lost? Sneeze till I hear you?” he sniped with a sneer, he couldn‘t have her giving up, his Kagome was a fighter, she just needed to be pushed in the right direction.

“Very funny! I never had hay fever until now!” she yelled back.

“Just smell around it!” he shouted, throwing his hands out in disgust. There wasn’t any hay here, anyway, baka wench.

“All I smell is an unwashed hound!” she hollered back, glaring. They both had their ears forward and were radiating anger. He bared his teeth at the cheap shot as they fell into the old dance.

“It‘s not me,” he snapped, adding with a sniff, “so it must be you, bitch!” He went too far, and knew it, too late. She’d promised not to say it when he was teaching her, but that wasn’t going to save him now.

“OSUWARI!” she shouted, storming off for the top of the tree as he was flattened. Kagome took some deep breaths and held the trunk lightly as she knelt on the tree limb high above. She wasn’t so angry she’d run off, she wasn’t fifteen anymore, to run away and get into trouble. Not after what Sango had warned her about, what kept her working till she wanted to scream Osuwari or throw things, or both.
She was in danger. There were few female youkai of any sort, and it wasn’t unknown to see mixed youkai types in offspring. If a male youkai seeking a mate found a hanyou, death was the most likely outcome. If not, they’d try to breed her, and without knowing how to fight or flee effectively, she’d be helpless. If she was backed into a corner by one, she’d go full youkai, and likely kill anyone nearby. Even a rescuer.
He finally caught sight of her after the spell released him, poised on a branch. She looked utterly delectable as she darted off to another in the massive tree when she saw him.

“Kagome!” he shouted, jumping to the chase. ‘Shit, she’s fast!’ he thought. He jumped after her, finally cutting her off high in a treetop after she‘d scooted about the tree.

“Damn it, wench! Slow down!” Inuyasha caught her arm as he jumped onto the branch she was perched in.

“Inuyasha! It’s fine, let me go! I won’t fall,” Kagome said. She realized he’d been pushing her because he was worried, and almost apologized until he raged on.

“It’s not fine! It’s dangerous out here. Or did you forget these woods have youkai all over them? What were you thinking, bitch, I can‘t protect you if you osuwari me!” he snapped. She gasped, looking like she’d been slapped.

“You did it again?” Kagome asked very softly, her eyes hard as she looked very deliberately at the ground far below them before glaring at Inuyasha. The threat was very clear.
“I may be a female dog, but you’ll never call me that word again!!” she hissed.
“OSU-wnph!” he clapped a hand over her mouth and pushed her against the tree.
“STOP IT! You can’t just keep doing that, damn it, stop biting me!” Inuyasha felt her teeth sinking into his hand as her eyes blazed. It felt like she was pulling away from him with her defiance.

“Mn mn,” Kagome mumbled, refusal in every line of her. She gripped the trunk behind her for balance as she sank her teeth in and gave her head a shake for good measure. It served him right!

His breath caught as her scent washed over him, nostrils flaring, he removed his hand, she’d left teeth marks. Scared of losing her, he couldn’t help himself. Leaning in, he took her chin in one hand and kissed her before she could do more than register he‘d let go.
**Lime Begins**
Kagome’s eyes widened, as his mouth was warm and hungry on hers. They’d kissed before, but those were gentle, diffident, nothing like this! She stiffened in surprise, even as he left her breathless. His tongue found entrance when she gasped, and it sent shockwaves through her as she returned the favor, relaxing into the kiss, one hand sliding up to curl around his neck , fingers tangling in his hair as she leaned against the tree.

Her seemingly swift submission thrilled the hanyou even as he was nervous about what they were going to do. Her knees nearly gave way as he, encouraged, dominated her, one knee pushing between hers, holding her pinned with his weight as he pressed against her. Pushing him off never crossed her mind as the man she’d loved for years finally touched her, her anger melting away. Inuyasha’s mouth moved to her throat, growling as he began biting and roughly licking her soft skin, making her eyes close in pleasure as she moaned softly, one leg sliding up his thigh as her free hand toyed with his chest.
YES! She accepted him! His heart soared. His hands moved, one running roughly along her slim curves, the other bracing against the tree to keep them upright as he nibbled her neck and moved down, running his tongue along her collarbone before he went up the other side, leaving bite marks. The feel of her thrilled him and it was all he could do to keep them from falling over. No female had ever made him feel like this.

She felt him tremble against her, and shivered, not sure where this was going as she moaned softly, shyly and cautiously running her hands along his chest and back. He was what-? Making out with her? Ok, she decided dazedly, three years of her life spent jewel chasing meant this was her first time. She’d always wanted to, and she shyly returned his advances, making him bite her harder in reaction as he greedily explored her, pulling her shirt up to expose her breasts and caressing them with hand and mouth.
The feeling of fangs grazing her breasts sent warmth rushing through her as his hand roamed in new and exciting ways, and his growing erection pressed against her hip, making her eyes fly open and her spine stiffen in startlement as he unceremoniously shoved her skirt up to bunch around her waist. He moved back slightly as his shaking hand awkwardly ran over the top of her panties to the front. When he fumbled with the elastic waist of her bikini’s, she looked at him and gulped, taking her hand away from his neck and catching his where it clasped the thin fabric, pushing him back slightly with the other. Er...wasn’t he going to do some other things before they went there? At least, she’d assumed they would.

“uh...” she began, but was brought up short.

The intense amber gaze that met her questioning stare was primal in it’s need and his ears twitched nervously, he was breathing raggedly and his face was flushed. This awkward, pushy boy wasn’t the gentle, deft lover of her dreams. Sweet Kami, what was he-he didn‘t mean to-he did! Kagome was left speechless at the sheer gall as she realized he intended to have her without so much as asking her. There wasn’t a lick of fear in Kagome, just shock and fury. Just seduce her out of the blue, without a moment of consideration! Inuyasha was extremely lucky she knew to her toes she was in no danger, he’d never try and force her, or her blood would’ve roused and he’d have had an enraged youkai on his hands.
Inuyasha paused when she didn’t seem to be reacting quite as enthusiastically as she had in years of near nightly fantasizing about this moment. Kagome was supposed to be ripping his clothes off about now, right? She always had in his imagination. He knew it wasn’t quite what he‘d planned out all those times, but he wasn‘t going to let her run off and change her mind. When all she did was stare at him, he growled in annoyance and kissed her again, but that growl, that damned possessive attitude of his snapped her out of the daze she’d fallen in.

“What the-the hell do you think you’re doing?” she snapped, twisting away, and she smacked him as hard as she could.
With the strength of a hanyou.
Inuyasha, totally unprepared, had enough time to register he was falling before he hit the ground, breath knocked out of him, his cheek bruising and a lip split, staring up at her with flattened ears, hair full of leaves, and an expression so full of pained confusion she reached out impulsively with a hand from her branch even as she pulled her skirt down.
Inuyasha was stunned, embarrassed, and furious. She was rejecting him?? How could she? What had he done wrong? He honestly had no idea, she’d always trusted him before! He bitten her, she’d submitted, then she changes her mind?! What the fuck was she playing at? How else did you claim a woman?

“What the fuck do you think I was doing?” he yelled back, getting up painfully.
“I don’t know, one minute you’re yelling, the next you’re all over me! Three years and not so much as a- a butt grab, now this! What were you thinking?” she demanded, face scarlet as she glared down.

“You submitted, don’t play dumb!” He barked, waving a hand, totally at a loss. She could’ve just said no!

“I’m sure you didn‘t think we’d-we’d just up and, and-do it in a tree??” she sputtered, trailing off. Kagome stared at him in disbelief as he, red faced, crossed his arms, avoiding her eye, clearly humiliated. Her first thought was that he ought to be, the second was regret at how badly it’d gone wrong. What could possibly have started this? He-

‘He...really thought I was ok with it,’ Kagome thought, and was numb as she jumped down.

“Why?” she asked, too shocked to be angry anymore. Kagome was hoping he‘d say it. Say he loved her, that he needed her, wanted her, something!

“Forget it! Let’s go,” he didn’t want to be anywhere near her, but he couldn’t leave her. Kagome felt much the same, when he decided to shove her away again. All they’d been through, and he couldn’t even answer her?
“Wait! Inuyasha, I have to know-” she began to ask , she had to try, and his furious glare made her snap her lips shut as anger and embarrassment welled up.

“I said forget it! We‘re leaving here tomorrow!” he all but force marched her back to the hut in silence after that, and left her there without a word.

She stared after him, one hand brushing her lips and tears in her eyes as Miroku came up behind her. His eyes were suspicious as he watched the hanyou run off, discretely tucking the special ofuda he’d prepared back in his sleeve. The ones designed to bind Inuyasha at need. He was going to have to talk to him, the bites down Kagome’s neck and her upset were a good indication that things had gone perilously close to too far as dark clouds scudded the sky, promising a shower as the sun set. He prayed it wasn’t a bad omen as Kagome curled up and pretended to sleep in the hut, tears dampening her pillow as she lay there, rain pattering on the thatch.
Inuyasha didn’t return to them that night. Instead, he sat in a tree where he could watch over her, and kept rubbing his eyes. Not all the wetness on his cheeks was from the shower. ‘I’ve lost her...’
Revised Author’s notes-Thank you for reading as always! Chapter five! Emotional disasters everywhere! See? Hardly any lime at all. But, more later, yes, actually I’d planned on them getting a bit farther, and something quite different, but it didn’t want to turn out like that so I didn’t force it. Your patience and reading is much appreciated.
Ofuda are the paper spells Miroku and the other monks and priestesses use.-Namiyo