InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a door closes... ❯ The Pack ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 12- The Pack
Don’t own Inuyasha!

Recap: Inuyasha’s gone to ground in his old lair, and Miroku is trying to get him to snap out of his misery, while Kagome and Sango travel on to Kaede’s village. What happens to the ladies? What exactly does it mean to be a packmate? Read on!
Sango and Kagome made their way to Kaede’s, sunk in misery. When Kagome heard her friend’s plight, guilt swept through her as she did her best to comfort the Tajiya, even as her own heart was broken. He was gone. Her mind kept turning over all the things they’d done, when he’d come to get her from her own time, the fights, the love. Osuwari. How much he’d always cared for her, how safe she’d always felt with him. It hurt like nothing she imagined to lose him, and Kagome just walked beside Sango, broken and numb, like half of her was missing.
Sango wasn’t any better, she’d told the truth, and Miroku had left her. Yes, he said he’d come back for her, but...would he? It hurt, but, at least she had the comfort of having parted well, not tossed aside a bare moment after being proposed to and accepting! Not that he’d asked properly from the sound of it. Inuyasha...such a child! He hadn’t given her a chance to explain. If he truly had loved her friend, he would have understood there was a reason and listened, she was sure of it. She was not on the side of reconciliation for them, and was beginning to suspect Miroku had used an excuse to run, well...if he had, she would not try to find him! At least, that’s what she told herself.
They got three opportunities to work off their upset, as youkai wandered into their path. Most of the fights lasted moments, hardly enough to bother with, as Inuyasha would say...Kagome started to cry again. With the tears was a budding anger, after everything they’d had together, he hadn’t loved her enough, trusted her enough. His parting shots kept replaying in her mind, and Kagome hardly felt the seeds of resentment begin to grow.
Arriving in Kaede’s, they found out there had been attacks, fought off with minimal injuries, and greeted a by turns rapturous and outraged on their behalf Shippo, before both cried on the old priestess’ shoulder and ended up sleeping on her mats again as they had so many times. The next evening, after hearing what happened, she gave them some advice as they sat in her familiar hut, eating her excellent cooking.

“Let them stew and they’ll come back.”

“But- Kaede, I didn’t tell him! He’ll never come back,” Kagome said sadly, poking at her meal with her chopsticks more than eating it.

“He will, child. Inuyasha is devoted to you, he just needs time and so do you. Would you truly take him back now, without hesitation, after he rejected you?” the old priestess asked, making the female hanyou pause. Kagome started to answer, sniffed, and sighed as Kirara looked up and mewed.

“He’s here,” she rose and set her bowl aside.

“Who?” Sango asked, getting up with Kaede.



The youkai Lord wasn’t happy. His plan had been simple, she’d accept Inuyasha as mate, they’d ally, and he’d be able to honor his Father’s wishes and cleanse his own honor. That was the plan. He hadn’t been able to resist being the one to inform him of Kagome’s new status, so he’d ordered her to be silent on the matter, assuming he’d have time to talk to his half brother before he got up the courage to court her. He doubted Inuyasha‘s pride would let him try again so soon.

Now though...he’d crossed their backtrail. Just the females and the neko? Curious. You did not abandon a chosen mate! A bit of backtracking and he found an old trail of Inuyasha’s going away, and the monk’s following that, not staying with the Tajiya the human was attached to. He elected to follow his packsister’s trail, and had arrived in the village barely a day after they did. He now stood impassively well away from the village on the path that led to it as the humans muttered, Jaken and Rin with him as usual. He sniffed, and frowned when he saw her, Sango, and the old priestess coming toward him. Tears? What had that baka done this time?
“What has happened?” he asked, seeing Kagome come to him. No fear, good, but her posture...and the smell of tears.

“Sesshomaru, I-he-” she started to tear up again and covered her face.

“Yes? The monk and Inuyasha are gone. Why?” the youkai asked, a bit taken aback at the display.

“He found out about her oath to you after he asked for her hand and agreed, and rejected her for it,” Sango said softly behind her. The powerful youkai froze, eyes narrowing. How dare he! That little-he dared reject and dishonor his own brother’s packmate! Prideful, insolent little half human bastard!

“Leave us,” he ordered the two humans.

“You will-” Kaede began, but Kagome nodded, sniffling.

“It’s ok,” she said and they did as she asked, Sango holding a hand out for a moment, worry in her eyes.

“If you harm her-” Sango began, she didn’t trust Sesshomaru one bit. It was his fault!

“Leave,” the controlled anger in Sesshomaru’s voice made the women jump.

“Come, child,” Kaede had seen something that made her relax, taking Sango’s arm and pulling her away.

Sesshomaru was worried about Kagome.

The hanyou hardly noticed they left, until Kagome felt a hand cautiously rest on her shoulder. She looked up to see Sesshomaru-touching her?

“Come,” he told her. “Women of my pack do not cry in public,” he said stiffly. He guided her to a rock and sat down with her to wait for her to calm, and blinked as she turned and wept on his shoulder. He had to comfort her, the packbond required it...awkwardly, he put his arm around her, looking furious as he held her gingerly and she cried into his chest. How dare Inuyasha put him in this position!

“That ingrate!! The shame, the infamy! The insult!!” Jaken was torn between defending his master, and the fact that he didn’t approve of Kagome. At the moment, the officious little wart was not helping.

“Enough!” he snapped at the little youkai, who yelped and fled.

“Lord Sesshomaru, is Lady Kagome going to be alright? Aren’t she and Lord Inuyasha going to be mated now?” Rin asked as she approached, feet silent on the grass. Her Lord had told her she was to refer to the hanyou that way when Kagome had been adopted. The now ten year old girl pulled a handkerchief from her sleeve and offered it to the weeping woman.

“Thanks, Rin,” Kagome took it gratefully, confused by their actions, and her response, the feeling of comfort she had with Sesshomaru, his scent was soothing her, not causing her fear as before. Sensing his acute discomfort from his body language and stiffness, she tried to get herself under control.

“No, Rin. That is why she weeps,” the Lord answered gravely.
“Oh. I am sorry, Lady Kagome. How sad,” Rin said kindly, patting her back as she knelt at their feet.

“Why are you calling him that? Since when are we Lord and Lady?” Kagome asked at last, looking from one to the other.

“You are...Lord Sesshomaru’s sister now, Lady Kagome,” Rin looked at Sesshomaru, hesitating, who nodded permission. “Father has explained this. Lord Inuyasha was to become his proper brother,” Rin said calmly as Kagome pulled back from the youkai in surprise. He let her, looking intrigued at her reaction.

“Sister? FATHER??” Kagome questioned, staring from one to the other.

“Packsister. Did you not feel the packbond?” Sesshomaru corrected, studying her.

“I...I didn’t realize, it feels so, so good to be near you now,” Kagome looked surprised, and he nodded.

“We are packmates,” he told her dryly. It did feel...pleasant, he admitted to himself. When she was not making an unseemly display at least.
“But, Rin? She’s your-adopted daughter? I always thought you’d...uh...” Kagome didn’t know how to say she thought he would claim Rin as mate one day, that is, nicely. Sesshomaru looked shocked for a moment as he realized what she was implying.

“No. That was my father‘s...curiosity, not mine,” Sesshomaru informed her, frowning in distaste at the idea. She was a mere human, a child, his-daughter! Baka female. It must be that perverse monk’s influence, that was an odd one, even for a human!

“I am not allowed to call him Father in front of others, it’s a weakness to an enemy. But you are a packmate now,” Rin said quietly, not understanding, something that relieved the Lord to no end behind the impassive mask.

“I-I didn’t know. I’m very sorry.”

“We shall not discuss it. Tell me what has happened,” he snapped. She smiled awkwardly at the youkai Lord and nodded, just as glad to drop the topic.

“ made a mistake,” Kagome told them what happened, and at the end, Rin had tears in her eyes, and the youkai was frowning. Unfortunate. He’d wanted to honor his father’s wish, and gain Inuyasha’s strength and hers, she was correct, he’d erred. But the insult...unacceptable.

“Stay with Rin,” Sesshomaru ordered her, letting her go and rising.

“Not if you’re planning on going after him! I won’t let you hurt him,” Kagome said fiercely.

“He was disrespectful and insolent. This will not be allowed,” he told her.

“I still love him! You promised!” she clutched his arm.

“Even if he no longer loves you?” Sesshomaru asked.

“...even then,” Kagome replied softly.


To everyone’s surprise, Sesshomaru stayed near the village, camping in the forest. The truth was, if Inuyasha wasn’t there to complete her training, he would have to see to it, and he did, remorselessly driving her to learn how to use her abilities and to fight. What had served as a miko would not do for a hanyou. He permitted Sango and Kirara to be involved as well, the Tajiya was picking up tricks even she hadn’t heard of before, and the next few days passed swiftly. You could only cry so much, and they were exhausted at the end of each day. Then, the night of the new moon came, and Kagome waited breathlessly.
The sun set as she stood with Sango next to the well. She’d tried it before, but it was sealed, there was no jumping through it to the future. she’d see. Thoughts of her family had never been far away.

‘Mom...Sota...Grandpa...’ she thought, as she began to feel-funny. Weaker, her senses began to fade, she looked at her hands, her backpack in hand, and saw, even as the pack became much heavier. The claws she had become used to were-gone!

“Well?” she asked Sango, who grinned.

“You’re the old you again,” Sango tried not to chuckle as Kagome felt her ears and smiled nervously. She ran her tongue along her teeth...human teeth!

“Yeah. You know, it feels weird?” she confided, looking into the well, afraid of trying. Afraid of telling them...A sudden hand shoved her in!

“See you later!” Sango called, she knew full well Kagome would have waited half the night to go home. But she needed her family there too right now.

“SANGO!” she yelled, and fell, feeling the sudden sensation of floating she knew so well before she landed on the bottom of the well. She looked up, and there was a roof, the roar of cars in the distance. She was home! Climbing out, she dashed out of the wellhouse across the familiar grounds of the shrine to the front door.

“I’m home! I‘m back!” Kagome yelled, bursting in as the rest of her family were sitting down to dinner.

“Kagome!! You’re back! We were so worried! How long are you staying?” her mother grinned. She was the first to hug her, she’d been gone over a month, when she was only supposed to be gone a week, two at most.

Now that she’d graduated high school, Kagome had spent less and less time here, and her mother had been steeling herself for the day she wouldn’t return at all, by choice or-because they’d lost. Last week, she’d caught herself considering packing up her daughter’s things and converting her room into an office for the shrine. She held her now though, and something seemed...different. Her mother was the descendant of many Shinto priests. She lacked Kagome’s gifts, but sometimes she sensed things and there was a change here. Nothing she could put a finger on, but she was different.

“It’s a long story, Mom. Could we eat first?”

“Come on, sis, have my seat,” Sota offered, as her grandpa fussed over her, asking about the ugly bow. Kagome sighed, and put off telling them, being with her family was too wonderful to spoil it. She didn’t even notice they were treating an unexpected guest.


“I suppose we’ll need to shop tomorrow, dear. There was a coupon for chips, so that‘s a plus. I do wish you’d eat healthier food,” her mother noted as they did the dishes together, Kagome drying as she washed. It felt odd...the electric lights, the sounds of the city, it was all so unfamiliar anymore. She sighed, the training that day had left her tired, Sesshomaru hadn’t known her plans.

“Mom, we do fine. But I have to tell you...”

“Yes? Kagome, I know something’s wrong. Tell me, dear,” she asked her, wiping her hands on a towel.
“Well. We won, Mom. Naraku and the jewel are...both gone,” Kagome said, and was pulled into a hug!
“You mean it? That’s-that’s fantastic! You can stay home now, and go to college-”

“No, I have to go back-tonight,” Kagome sighed into her shoulder before she pulled away.

“Why? Kagome, I know how hard it’s been, but now you can stay with us, Inuyasha can come visit.”

“Hmp! A half youkai! If the jewel’s gone, you’re well rid of that one, Kagome. They can’t be trusted!” Kagome’s Grandpa, crusty, opinionated, and devoted to her, had to say it.

“Father!” her mother tried. Too late.
Her daughter’s face crumpled and she ran upstairs. The door to her room slammed shut.When her mother tried the door, after giving her daughter some time to cry and breathe, it opened to show Kagome on her bed, that odd bow on the floor, clutching a photo, of a group of odd looking people, her finger resting on a grouchy, red clad figure scowling at the camera, arms folded.

She came in and shut the door.

“Ready to talk?”
A nod.


“Where is she?” Sango paced, she’d waited quite awhile, and no Kagome. Dawn was nearing, if the dream she’d had was right, Kagome would be trapped for a month on the other side of the well!

“Come on, Kagome! Come back,” Sango looked lost, as Kirara tried to comfort her. She could take Miroku being apart from her...but not all alone!

“Come back from where?” Jaken asked, he’d been spying and the tajiya jumped.

“None of your business!” Sango told him off.

“But, it is mine,” Sesshomaru said quietly, leaning against the sacred tree.

“Oh...” Sango gulped. It wasn’t her secret to reveal.

A blue glow behind her made the youkai stare.

“Sango! Give me a hand! It’s full in here!” Kagome looked up to see-

“You will explain,” Sesshomaru leaning over the well was the last thing she expected!
She did so, and the youkai and Rin were fascinated. They’d seen the odd items their old party had, but where they and she had come from had been a mystery. She smiled, the bags she had with her were larger than normal, along with her backpack and a stuffed duffle bag. Her mother had known it would be a month, and wanted to give her what help she could. They had decided not to tell Sota or grandpa yet, and had hit an all night chain store for some heavy shopping before a subdued farewell.
Kagome presented Rin with a sleeping bag of her own as a gift, and Sesshomaru nodded in approval, secretly pleased at her thoughtfulness. The sooner she accepted her new role, the sooner they would be able to work together as pack should. As he once had with Father, until he chose to indulge himself with Princess Izayoi and shame their family. Not that he needed help with his child or his duties as a Lord, of course... though it would be most useful.
And a powerful tajiya as well as-hm. Pack ally, he thought idly. Curious. Now he also knew Kagome’s time of weakness, and could place her somewhere apparently much safer than he’d considered to guard her on those nights. He filed away the suspicion it was the baka’s as well.

“The weather will turn cold soon, this will help keep her warm,” Kagome said with a smile. She would tell no one about Rin, even the tajiya, and he knew it, as he realized-he trusted her. Completely. Interesting.

“It is accepted.”

The sun was rising, and they all watched as she...changed back. Sango looked nervous still, but she saw Kagome actually look almost herself again as she and Sesshomaru spoke, and sighed. Perhaps...perhaps the fearsome Lord her friend now was bound to wasn’t entirely evil. She hoped.

“Rin. Jaken. You will tell no one of what you have seen or heard here.”

“Yes, my Lord!” the little girl nodded solemnly as the little youkai agreed with a frown. As if he would!
“Come. It is time to continue training. Both of you.”

“But-I haven’t slept!” Kagome exclaimed as she looked at Sesshomaru, seeing a resemblance with the look he shot her. Idly, a bit punchy from lack of sleep, she wondered if he’d like ramen.

“Nor will you, until we are finished today. Jaken, take my packsister’s belongings to the Priestess. Come.”

“Yes, my Lord...” the little youkai saw the mound of things and groaned.

Kagome followed him into the woods, unlimbering the Hamayami as she realized she was looking forward to it...and that it was good to be home.

Author’s notes-Well, here it is, Kagome’s new position and such will be gone into in later chapters. I always wondered about Rin, this seemed like the most logical outcome of her relationship with Sesshomaru, and why he had broken with their father. (3rd Movie) I do enjoy the Sess/adult Rin pairing, but this feels more cannon to me and that’s what I was going for in this one. Thanks for Reading!-Namiyo