InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a door closes... ❯ The Courting-Part 2 ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 19 The Courting- Part 2Inuyasha isn’t mine, nor do I make money from it! Really.
Recap: The continuation of part one! Courtship’s begun, and Inuyasha has to be...polite? Can he pull this off? Will Kagome let him back into her life? Can they work it out or has too much happened? Read on!
She blinked as Inuyasha showed her into the cave and he was...anxious again? Wondering, Kagome stepped in. Behind her, he held his breath.

Inuyasha had faced youkai, humans, animals, mad priestesses, everything under the sun without flinching...but he was terrified of courting the woman he loved. Of everything that came with her if she accepted him. Damn Sesshomaru! Calling him Lord at his fucking castle, like a damned...alright, technically he was one, the son of a youkai Clan Lord and a human Princess...but damn him anyway!

Binding his wench to him, stealing his Kagome away, he had an entire fucking Clan to bow to him, and he took her! Made her packsecond, got close to her! Dared get close to his beloved! Even that mangy wolf hadn’t been like that with her. Kissed her on the cheek, like he had a right to even look at her! Stiff-necked, noodle eating, game playing bastard! And now...shit! He’d have to do something horrible, just to get her back! Show throat to that-the thought was outrageous. Unthinkable. Slightly nauseating. But...
‘Kagome is worth it. She did it for me because she wanted to be with me, and made the best of it. She set terms with the son of a bitch, probably told him off too! Kagome loves me, she’ll be with me forever, all I have to do is show her I need her, remember the baka rules...and breathe,’ he reminded himself, realizing he needed air.

Kagome frowned. The place smelled of him, and instead of the stone she expected, she saw what looked like an odd wooden wall with a curtained door. Clever, the entryway would cut the wind, probably got cold here in the winter...a sniff. Inuyasha’s scent-it seeped from the wooden walls, even the stone. It was deeply imprinted and not new, and it took years to get that way...old claw marks along the peeled, aged wood...

“This is-really your home?” Kagome asked in amazement, as soon as she passed the curtain and hit the main room she knew this place wasn’t a recent acquisition. An established lair and territory! Like Lady Atae said he had to have...but-no way! What else hadn’t she known about him?

“Yeah,” he said with a nod as she looked around curiously. He was glad the monk and himself had replaced most of the scavenged stuff with the best of the unbroken stolen furnishings, to get it ready before she was brought here.
“I didn’t know you had one, or a territory! Why didn’t you ever say?” Kagome asked nervously. There was a cheerful crackle from the fire, and the smell of supper wafted to her nose. It was nicer than she would’ve thought, and she was a little embarrassed that she‘d never actually thought to even ask if he had one before.

“Uh...we were busy finding the jewel shards and nobody asked,” Inuyasha almost added an insult, but bit it down. Nobody had bothered! Not that he’d have told them, true, but they could’ve asked! Humans.

“Anyways, sit...please,” he steered her to a mat near the fire before he went to get supper. She waited, looking around quietly and biting her lip. Maybe he’d mess up soon and she could go! Wouldn’t he? As she half hoped, she peered around.
It was a medium sized, roughly rectangular chamber, one that had been partitioned. Rock walled on the right and left, a cave with a slightly curving stone ceiling overhead. Wooden logs that were tightly fitted against the stone formed walls on the short side and at the cave mouth. Two more doors, well, openings...both curtained with embroidered cloth, were set into the partition opposite the entrance. Kagome saw a sort of cooking alcove in the wall, and food was in a pot over a small fire, the smoke going up into what looked like a natural chimney of sorts. Quite tidy, she had to admit it...a low table, some few cushions and odds and ends...spotless and hm. Tapestries on the wood walls? Odd. Must’ve been Miroku’s decorating or something, she decided, the monk had great taste after all...and yes! He’d been here a relatively short time ago, traces of his scent lingered.
Kagome had to admit, this...wasn’t what she’d expected. Any of it.
To her surprise, he served her first. Plus, instead of the basic but quite edible meal she’d expected from his campfire cooking, it actual dinner? Not a bad one really at that. He watched her closely as she ate, not touching his meal until she’d tasted everything as a sign of respect. Technically, he was courting a higher ranking female than himself, after all.

Inuyasha did the talking, telling her awkwardly how large his territory was, how long he’d held it, when he’d started constructing the lair they were in. Again, following the ritual. He ate with better manners than she’d ever seen from him, neatly dining without a slurp, rude noise, or spilling a drop. It bordered on creepy. was creepy.
Myouga, watching from the shadows of a corner, was quite proud of his young master. He always knew there was a Lord lurking under the anger and attitude. If he could just keep it up...and all the flea could do was watch and pray! If he offered advice, even spoke to them, it would violate the rules. His poor master...and poor Kagome.
Who was worried. He couldn’t think she’d agree! Not again!! But...that was the most talking she’d ever heard from him without swearing. All about himself, yes. But it was required at the first meal they shared like this, so that she would know what he offered her as a mate. Not to mention she learned more about his past during one dinner then she had in three years of being together without a crisis bringing it to the surface. Kagome wondered who was watching them, there had to be a witness here...Myouga! Had to be, to be able to prove that the forms had been observed as protection for both of them. That is...if he was really serious.

Kagome wasn’t quite sure she believed it yet.
“Alright, who are you and what have you done with Inuyasha?” she finally asked after watching this performance in bemused silence for awhile as she ate, covering her frayed nerves and confusion with a bold front. This Inuyasha seemed like someone she’d never met before! And at least she wasn’t bound by the politeness rule. He was, and she intended to make use of it. Kagome had to make the right decision here.
No matter if he liked it or not, it was no longer just the two of them involved. She had a Clan’s welfare to think of, and a packmate and a niece she missed already. A Clan and pack leader he despised. Not to mention Sango and Miroku. Their safety was on the line here, she knew that. Why did he risk so much for this? He’d run off as soon as he’d found out about her oath! Spit on her...hurt her so much she’d turned away from everything that reminded her of him and towards her new responsibilities.
‘Choose wisely, he said!’ Lady Kagome, daughter of Inutaisho, wielder of the Hamayami, packmate and Second to Sesshomaru, Lord of the Inu youkai and the Western Lands...sighed as she remembered her dear pack leader‘s advice.

“What? I can’t have manners? Lady?” he asked.

“I didn’t know you even knew the word!” she shot back, recalling more than one meal she’d simply made sure not to watch him inhale whatever was put in front of him.

“When a noblewoman eats in my home, I have ‘em,” he mumbled, reddening. Far better saying that than-that he had good manners, and just never bothered with using them. Why should he have? No one expected hanyou to be polite, and he hadn’t felt the need.
“Oh,” Kagome said uncomfortably. She felt like she was on a date! A weird prisoner date, but a date no less. The sad part was it was the closest to one she’d been in years. If he’d acted like this before, even once...but no, of course not! With a sigh, she ran a finger along the small table he’d set in front of her, considering.

“Um, dinner’s pretty good,” she commented, “and...this is a very nice place.” He was trying so hard, at least she could meet him partway...just to let him down easy and get him to tell her why he was doing this. Inuyasha was so different tonight! Not to mention-she’d seen what was around his neck in the spring, a gold, heart shaped locket. He’d tucked it under his new kimono, but she’d seen it.
“You like it, Lady?” Inuyasha asked intently, watching her again.

“Um...yeah, it‘s all really nice. Really,” Kagome replied, glancing down at the Hamayami next to her. He’d been careful to leave her weapon with her, just like the rules said. She licked her lips.

“Hah! Um, I’m pleased you’re pleased, my lady,” he said quickly, and her ears flattened.

“Ok. That’s it. You’ve acted like a gentleman, now that we’re dressed,” she rolled her eyes, “and haven’t insulted me once! Either start acting normal or I’ll feed you the Hamayami!” Kagome yelled. If he did...she’d be free and able to leave! Just one ‘wench’ or ‘bitch’...and she’d be able to close the book...

“Do you really like the lair? You don’t want to be shown around? You’ve liked everything so far, Lady Kagome?” he asked quickly, one hand clenched in a white-knuckled fist under the table where she couldn’t see it from nerves, the questions making her pick up the bow. Darn him! He would ask!!

“Yes! It’s fine! It’s marvelous! I love the kimono, the bath was very sexy, and dinner was delicious! You’ve been the perfect date! I couldn’t be more pleased!! Happy, psycho?” The look of incredulous relief on Inuyasha’s face made her stare at him in complete befuddlement. If he hadn’t dumped her...he had no reason to be so happy! She wasn’t letting him in again!
Inuyasha had no idea what ‘psycho’ meant...probably an insult, but she’d said the important parts. Not to mention he knew damn well what ‘sexy’ meant! Hah! Didn’t matter if she yelled at him, he reminded himself, holding his temper tightly. Patience, patience...this was a hunt, not a race.
“Lady Kagome, eh, I have to know something,” he began, and she scowled.

“Ohhhh...what!?” she snapped as he leaned over his own supper.

“Do you still love me? I have to know, do you love me like...I love you, my Lady?” he asked gruffly, wincing in anticipation of what she’d say. She paused, bow in hand to whack him one. Kagome was silent for awhile and she put it down with a twist of her lips in...regret? Anger? He couldn’t tell.

“Of course I do. I...never stopped. You left me after I said yes, remember?” she replied, sounding hurt as she looked away.

His eyes softened, nearly glowing as she said it.

“Why did you come back? Why did you and Miroku rope Sango into this, Inuyasha? I had to knock her out to keep her out of the fight and capture Miroku because of you! Tell me that at least!” she asked, brown eyes curious and her ears perked forward.

“You, uh, did, Lady?” he managed. Damned rules! She’d done it?? Crap! He’d thought it was the castle guards! What the fuck was she thinking doing that to them? Kagome had...used them against him in their duel...shit. Sesshomaru’s fault, all of it!

“I smelled that pervert on Sango three months ago, I just didn’t say anything when I should’ve! No way he’d ever hold out on her! He willingly let himself get caught for her, you know!” she told him. There was just the slightest edge on her words that made him want to growl and bare his fangs in outrage. The implication that he wouldn’t do that for her...damn damn damn!!
“Oh-da-Look, I can’t talk about anything like that yet and you know it! Please, Kagome? Uh, Lady?” he asked urgently. They would argue if they went into that, and she’d be gone for good. No way!

“Fine! But I want a complete explanation when you can,” Kagome slumped tiredly, rubbing her eyes. She felt too worn out and confused to fight. This wasn’t happening!

“Thanks, wen-,” Inuyasha froze when her face lit up at the slip, and he stopped himself in time. The Rules! “I...forgive my rudeness, my Lady, you’re tired. Let me show you to your chamber. Everything in it is yours, as a token of respect admiration,” he ground out as he rose, offering his arm. Making him jump through fucking hoops for her! Damn it! He’d been devoted to her for years, she knew it, and now she was making him crawl like a worm to get her own back. But at least-so far she seemed to be going along with things, and she did love him. She’d admitted it.
‘Oh...This ought to be good...’ Kagome thought as he led her to his room, now redecorated, to make it nice for her and suitable for a pair. That had been a pain in the ass, he had everything the way he’d liked it, but he’d done it, just like when he’d stuck his neck out in those raids. All for her, the stubborn wench! His wench...he pulled the curtain back at one of the doors for her.
A double sleeping mat, his best hangings, some nice furnishings...all set up and tidy. He’d dug out some of the nicest girly crap he’d swiped from the village and put it out for her on a low table, and more clothes were folded and waiting for her. Kagome didn’t notice, she just stared at the bed and paled. It wasn’t a single. It was-offered as their-it was exactly what was required, she hadn’t really believed it would be.

Oh. Kami. He really did want her back.

“If you don’t want to sleep in here, there is this room. Where I’ll be sleeping,” he reminded her stiffly, clearly waiting for her reaction.

“Oh.” Was that disappointment? He didn’t dare ask, hands curling into fists, safely tucked into his sleeves where she couldn’t see as he held his tongue.

“It’s...fine,” Kagome said, smiling nervously as she managed to look past the bed. It was a nice room, after all. A surprisingly pretty one. She was tired...

“You accept the gifts and chamber, Lady?” Inuyasha asked as the silence grew. He was starting to sweat. If only he’d claimed her that damned day in the tree! Before she had a pack or, maybe two baka sentences, she’d have said yes, let him claim and mark her...they’d never have been apart! A winter spent warm with her safe by his side, not with a damned monk who pried and poked and made him think about shit while she was off with Sesshomaru! Now they’d been separated so long, and she’d changed so damned much, become such a-she’d slaughter him if he ever said it, but she was a magnificent bitch now. He was an outcast...she’d even called him one. No! Kagome was still his treasured baka wench underneath. Had to be.

“Oh, um. You...seem to have gone to a lot of trouble, it’s really very pretty,” Kagome ventured. She took a deep breath, and nodded. “Yes, I do. Thank you, Lord Inuyasha, for your generosity and care of me,” she said carefully, staying calm as she gave the formal, correct reply. Just-yes to the presents...that was big deal...he winced. Now she said it! Damn again. He was not a damned Lord!!
“As, eh, you wish, Lady.” To her dismay, he bowed. She returned it, and Inuyasha could barely keep his face straight.

She returned it! She’d eaten with him, approved of his lair, accepted his offered marriage chamber full of gifts and bowed in mutual respect! YES! All she had to do was go to sleep in the bed without the damned bow by her hand and they’d be wed! The first day, no less!! Hah! And Miroku bet a week! He was forgiven. So-his wench had made him act like a baka for an evening. He could deal with it, he supposed, Kagome had reasons to be pissed, and in the morning, she’d be his mate. All his...the vivid memory of how she’d felt under his hands when he’d nearly mated with her months before got very distracting for a moment.

“Goodnight, my lady,” he said, and she closed the curtain with a nod. But he winced and bit back a comment when she muttered softly.

“Creepiest. Thing. Ever.”

Inuyasha strained his ears. She changed into something else...good. She went to bed...good. Tossing and turning...not good. He sat up half the night listening nervously...until soft breathing and a peek told him she was asleep, her to her hand! Shit. Still not forgiven. He should’ve known...

Author’s Notes- What, you thought they’d just get together or something? Nahhhh. Come on! Much left to cover, they’ve got some stuff to work out before any such decisions are made.

Poor guy. Just...poor guy. A note on ‘sit’. I remember a perceptive reviewer asked me about it when this chapter was first posted. Inuyasha asked Kagome to sit down in this chapter, and the person wanted to know why she wasn’t flattened since ‘sit’ is the command word in the English dub that most of us, including me, are most familiar with. So I thought I’d mention it here. In Japanese, there is more than one word that means sit. Assume he used a different one then the dreaded word. It’s the reason I use the Japanese for that command in general, it helps set it apart since English lacks the variation. Anyways, thanks for reading!- Namiyo’