InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a door closes... ❯ The Oath-Part 1 ( Chapter 23 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 23- The Oath-part 1
Nope, I do not own Inuyasha! Just love it.
Recap: Inuyasha and Kagome are mated at last, and unaware of the events taking place around them. What happens now? Read on!
Two days later, Kagome yawned, and snuggled against her beloved as she awoke. If she’d been a cat youkai, she’d have purred. Her mate did have wonderfully talented hands, and she would gladly attest to that now. In all honesty, she couldn’t ask for a more peaceful, pleasant honeymoon. They’d decided to go back to the castle early, so that Sango and Miroku wouldn’t have to be stuck there too long worrying. But, like most newlyweds, or newlymated as the case may be, they wanted a few days alone together first.

With a smile, she kissed Inuyasha awake. If she was up, no reason to let him sleep and waste time that could be spent doing other things...
“Damn,” he said, nuzzling her affectionately in a ‘good morning’. Inuyasha chuckled, he’d hoped she would be pleased, but he hadn’t expected her to be so passionate, so eager, so very wonderful. The hanyou smiled and his hand trailed down her bare side, he’d been right, that other woman had been exercise. This, now, this was love. Big difference. Better all around like this. He then made the worst mistake he could’ve made...and said as much to his new mate. In their marriage bed. Just before they were about to make love again, as a casual innocent aside. As a compliment. She went dead pale.

"Was it...K-Kikyou...?" Kagome forced out, and he shook his head, kissing her lightly. She didn't respond to it.

"Huh? No. Another woman."


"A-human...? Someone...else...?" Inuyasha never saw it coming. He nodded. Big. Mistake.
Five minutes later...

“Who the heck was it?! How many were there?” Kagome bellowed, and he dodged another piece of crockery. A robe clad Kagome was busy hurling anything she could grab at her now half dressed and desperately dodging spouse. If he was a human or lacked battle honed reflexes, he’d be concussed by now!

“Kagome, she’s gotta be dead now! Stop it!” Inuyasha swore as he tried to fasten his hakama and duck as she made her displeasure known. Damned jealous wench! He’d had no idea she’d take it like this! What the hell did he say that was so bad?

“You slimy, sneaky, rotten little-oh!” A basket came hurtling at his head.

“I hadn’t met you yet! Hell, I hadn’t met Kikyou yet! I’d think you’d be happy I thought you were better!” he again regretted ever saying anything as a stool was lobbed at him.

“What, were you comparing? I’ll get you for this, Inuyasha!!” Her pack was flung next and he caught it, using it as an impromptu shield to cover his retreat as she came after him.

“Don’t make me say it, Kagome! You don’t do this to your mate!! It was over a century ago! Damn it, it didn’t mean anything!” he yelled, as another crash echoed and she came storming out of the bedroom.

“I told you-” *crash* “I hate that term! I don’t care if it meant anything!!”


Shards of what had been bowls flew as they hit stone and all but exploded with the force she was throwing them with. She looked for more things to throw at him and hefted the biggest cooking pot they had, giving it an experimental swing with her eyes blazing. Inuyasha’s eyes widened as he watched her warily. He’d never seen her so pissed off! “Crap!! I warned you! Osuwari!!” he snapped, and a there was a thud and a metallic whump as she and the pot hit the floor. He peeked around the pack again, to see Kagome lying flat on her face.

“Damn it!” Inuyasha scowled, approaching carefully and ready to dive for cover if he had to. Her head came up after a moment, and she bared her fangs and growled. “I’ll say it again!” he told her, sounding anything but confident as he held out a hand in warning when Kagome’s ears went flat.

“If it didn’t mean anything, why’d you bring it up!” It wasn’t a question, but he started to answer it anyway. Until his survival instinct kicked in.

“Well, I...uh...”

“You-you-if you ever so much as think about, look at, or sniff another woman I’ll make you regret the day you were born!! Is that clear?” she growled, getting to her feet and panting as he backed away again.

A quick nod.

Kagome closed her robe properly and scowled, looking around the formerly tidy home that was now strewn with debris. Baka!

“I’m going to go take a bath now, alone, and calm down,” she informed him, pushing her hair out of her eyes. Kagome still was furious, but tried to get some control. Baka! She’d married a baka!!

“What? Not till you apologize for wrecking our fucking home and clean up this damned mess you just made, wench!”

“BAKA! You started it, so you can clean it up!!” Kagome went for the pot again, and he dove for it.

“I didn’t throw anything!! Why the hell are you so pissed off!?” he demanded, glaring.

“You-you-you didn’t even try with me until I changed, two timer! And then you tell me you were with other women! Mortal women, no less! Why do you think?” she yelled, nose to nose, both crouching and with a hand on the cooking pot handle, pulling. The metal was warping under the pressure.

“Huh? Kagome, I respected you, why would I have done that? I wanted to marry you not-dishonor you!! You don’t do that with decent women!” Inuyasha answered, and she stared at him in annoyance. But finally she did let go of the pot handle-to his relief.

“What’s that supposed to mean, decent women?” she asked suspiciously, and he gulped. Thinking fast, he said the only thing that could’ve saved him.

“I love you, I didn‘t love her. I only love you, you jealous, baka wench!” Kagome frowned.

“Prove it,” she said at last.

“Prove-heh,” her spouse grinned and kissed her thoroughly.


Sesshomaru was a terror. Sango and Miroku knew it, knew too that he was headed for Inuyasha’s territory in order to-extract payment. The monk had felt the barrier go down, had known what that likely meant when Jaken had told them to pack not long after. Miroku had desperately tried to convince his bride to flee, to run away on Kirara and save herself, but she wouldn’t. He had to go, and he knew it. No way both of them could get away. But Sango would not live without honor or her new husband.

Her honor was already tarnished enough. If she fled, she would be shamed and alone, and if she died for it, so be it. They would be together at least. Ah-uhn flew beside them as they led the youkai lord to his packmate, with a slightly worried Rin and a very upset Jaken on the dragon’s back. Now, they finally approached the valley by air, having gone at full speed the entire time. The inu youkai ignored the weariness of the humans, even his child’s, from the punishing pace he set to reach his packsister.
Lord Sesshomaru had no patience for mortal frailty at the moment.
So it was that they arrived early in the morning two days later. A glance at a large, scotched area outside it, clearly a battlefield, made the youkai Lord’s heart sink behind his mask, and he growled, gripping the third blade he carried, that he had collected from his private apartments before he left the keep to save her.

So. His packsister was in danger here! Unworthy baka, could not even protect her for a mere few days!! But he found a pair of hanyou standing at the canyon entrance to the valley, waiting with no little confusion. The scent of her pack leader had been on the wind as they‘d been...making up, and the couple barely had time to untangle from each other and dress, wondering what was wrong!
All was peaceful? Kagome was here, and unharmed? Sesshomaru scowled, sniffing as he landed lightly with the rest in front of him. He drew Toujikin and glared at the humans slumped on Kirara.

“Do not interfere,” he told them as he strode forward. Sesshomaru’s eyes were fixed on the green and white troll kimono clad female who knelt before him, bow in hand, neck turned slightly in submission. He noted without interest the furious expression on his brother’s face, who hadn’t cared for being interrupted during what Kagome called their ‘honeymoon’. Inuyasha had been looking forward to doing other things at the moment then dealing with Sesshomaru. He’d been thinking he had days before he had to face him.
“My Lord, you are-” a puzzled Kagome broke off when he sheathed the sword, gestured for her to rise, and took her chin in his hand, sniffing. What he found wasn’t pleasant news at that moment.

His brother’s scent was imprinted all over her. He glared at the pissed off looking Inuyasha. The same with him, he could tell from here. So-they’d mated? But the bond...why then had she been in such danger? If he had dishonored her...tricked her somehow or some such foolishness, he would die as slowly as the youkai could devise. Sesshomaru tried to think, to let her presence and scent soothe him and clear his mind of his fury.

“Explain,” he ordered. Lady Kagome frowned. She scented his distress and saw the worry under the poker face, and wanted to kick him, and herself for not thinking. The Dokueki! Oh, darn. Fury too, Kagome knew it. Something had gone terribly wrong, she knew that...more than this...but for now-overprotective Inutaisho! And now she had two of them on her hands as her spouse’s outrage washed over her nose. Oh, goody.
“With respect, my Lord is the one who owes an explanation. Did my Lord not think my suitor, now my-mate, able to attend to my safety? To be sure there was a Dokueki, my Lord, but it was slain by Inuyasha as the rules of courtship required...two days ago. All is well here, the courting was done properly, and you have arrived well before the appointed day,” Kagome said formally and innocently, hands folded into her sleeves, as Sesshomaru’s eyes narrowed. He knew that tone. She’d done something sneaky, that he would not approve of, he knew it, and she knew he knew it. Two days before had been her night of weakness...what had she done?
“Feh. Guess not,” Inuyasha grumbled, and she wanted to hit him, who all but growled at the youkai Lord when he touched her. His glare screamed ‘hands off!’ at his brother, who returned the angry stare with distain as he looked down his nose at his shorter sibling. He would touch his packsister as he pleased. Mated to a baka or not.
Sango and Miroku both looked intensely relieved. Nothing like the lifting of a possible death sentence to lighten your mood.
“I will inspect the marks,” Sesshomaru said, face impassive.

Kagome lifted her hair and pulled back her collar, as did Inuyasha-with a smug grin of possessiveness. They both bore the small, brand like marks of Inu youkai mates. A pair of bites, given at the correct times during the pair’s first mating, that on Inu turned into a matched set of symbols of their union, representing both mates. An outline of a crescent moon and an arrowhead crossing on top of it.

Sesshomaru saw it, and his eyes widened slightly. The arrowhead was Kagome’s youkai mark...the other was the mark of a scion of the ruling House of the Western Inu. No other than a blood descendant of Lord Inutaisho would leave it. In truth...he found it unpleasant, visual evidence of the fact that this ill-mannered baka was of the same lineage. On one side, in any case. Disturbing.
“The witness,” he said with a barely suppressed growl. Choose wisely, he’d asked of her...had she? So Lord Sesshomaru held out his hand for the flea. His father’s faithful servant, his childhood tutor, just as Myouga had been sent to be Inuyasha’s...when their father had foolishly run to his death for the sake of a mortal female.
Myouga sighed and hopped into his former student’s hand. Having given them privacy after Kagome had accepted him, he’d stayed outside the lair afterwards. The flea frowned in no little surprise, Sesshomaru’s blood...didn’t have the sour bitterness it once had, he could smell it. Only the almost spicy tang of the poison inherited from his mother. Odd. He gathered himself and spoke.

“Lord Sesshomaru, it is all true. Most remarkable, actually, Lady Kagome using her own aura to assist my Lord with this-Dokueki. It allowed him to use the kaze no kizu-”

“Did she?” Sesshomaru’s eyes bored into his packsister, who smiled painfully. Oh darn it...she was in for it now!

“All of the proper rules were followed, my Lord Sesshomaru. The courting was in all ways honorably concluded. I swear it was so. Lady Kagome chose to accept my Lord of her own will,” Myouga said carefully. He had never lied to Lord Sesshomaru...and wouldn’t now. Both youkai, inu and flea, knew that.
“I see,” Sesshomaru tossed the flea to his master, and while Myouga perched on Inuyasha's shoulder holding his hair for balance, he turned to study his half brother. Finally, after a moment, he inclined his head. "The surety is released," he said flatly, and gestured for Jaken to return their weapons, strapped to Ah-uhn. As the Imp did so, Kagome frowned. He should technically wait until Inuyasha...what was he doing?

“Come,” he said coldly to Kagome, and his packsister gripped Inuyasha’s arm.

“My Lord-” Kagome began tightly, and he frowned.

“We must speak,” he told her, and she looked worried, letting go of her hanyou and frowning at the tone and odd behavior. He always followed formalities at times like this.

“Sure, but-” her hand gestured to Inuyasha.

“He will remain here,” he ordered, and Inuyasha nodded stiffly. He’d want to check on her. He hated it-that Kagome was in part his brother's...but understood.

“I’ll stay here and help Sango and Miroku, Kagome,” her mate told her, eyeing the humans worriedly. They looked exhausted, if Sesshomaru had hurt them...Kagome wasn’t going to be able to save his brother.
Kagome smiled at him as she turned, and led her pack leader deeper into the valley.
“Ah, that was a less pleasant trip then I expected. But I have to offer my congratulations!” Miroku said with a smile, tucking a cloth wrapped stack of ofuda into his sleeve and gripping his staff like an old friend as he looked around the valley from the canyon mouth. Kirara mewed tiredly and yawned, turning into her smaller form.

"Eh...couldn't have done it without you two, you know. Thanks," Inuyasha said with a shy grin that was returned by both humans, even as he glanced in the direction they’d gone.

“I’m sure they...have a lot to discuss,” Miroku reassured him tiredly. They'd seen the keep go on alert when they left but didn't know why. From the shouts, it wasn't because of them or Inuyasha. The hanyou scowled as he looked them over.

“Damn it! Sango, Miroku, are you alright? This is our fault, we forgot the damned packbond would alert him when that thing came at us!”

"We'll be fine, Inuyasha. It's been...a hard few days, but-" Sango flushed and smiled at Miroku, "mostly good ones," she finished, sheathing her blades and holding Hiraikotsu and a cloth bundle containing her tajiya tools tightly. Sango had felt naked without them.
Inuyasha got a good whiff and stared from one to the other, wide eyed. What had happened while they were together?? Their scents were all mixed together on the surface! Like his and Kagome’s now...

Sango looked down and her blush deepened, so she missed it when Inuyasha-held two fingers out a moment at his side and raised an eyebrow at his best friend. Miroku grinned and returned it, and then flicked his in a quick sequence. He seemed to be tallying something. The hanyou grinned back.
“Um...a lot happened while you were here, my friend. It seems like everything will be alright, that’s a relief at least. You know my lovely bride, Sango,” the monk said with a delighted grin that was returned as Inuyasha congratulated them, exchanging a look. Oh yeah, they’d talk later.
“Come on inside, you can rest up and tell me what happened. I’ll get you something to eat,” he offered, eyeing the strange kid and the imp that belonged to Sesshomaru. “Along with you two,” Inuyasha added with a frown. What was his brother talking to her about? And what was up with the girl he kept with him? Miroku was sure she was meant to be his mate...

“That sounds good. We could use a rest,” Sango agreed as the girl came to her side. Rin knew Sango at least, and she was the only one not looking towards the two who had left. Normal little girls would be whining about now. That they were hungry, and tired, and hadn’t been greeted by their distracted aunts...but she was the daughter of Lord Sesshomaru. Aunt Kagome and Father would talk, and return. She would wait for them. It was simple.

“Come on, Jaken.” She told the imp on Ah-uhn before she looked up at Inuyasha. Her proper uncle, she supposed now. Aunt Kagome was undoubtedly correct to choose him. Rin had limitless faith in her family.

“Thank you, Lord Inuyasha,” Rin told him with a smile, making him wince. Damned title.

“Don’t call me that, kid,” he said shortly, and Rin simply nodded her understanding.

“I don’t need rest!” Jaken fussed, and the hanyou scowled.

“Then you can tend Ah-uhn, Master Jaken. Guests are supposed to be polite,” Rin told him seriously as an irked Inuyasha lead them inside. People all over his well hidden lair...great. They’d have to camp outside, he figured, it was more of a two person place.

“Uh...don’t mind the mess,” he managed lamely as Miroku poked some of the debris away with an eyebrow up. The hanyou swore to himself...and grabbed the broom.


“No! I don’t believe it!” Kagome was shaking her head in denial as her Lord filled her in on Yotogi’s news, after getting reamed in Sesshomaru's cool, incisive style for her actions with the Dokueki. She’d thought she caught a faint whiff of wolf on the one that had come after them here...but not Kouga! He wouldn’t do it.

“Then provide me with another explanation,” Sesshomaru said, sitting on a rock with a frown as she knelt at his feet, looking up with grief in her eyes.

“I...I don’t know! But-” she gestured helplessly.

“I require your assistance, packsister. Your insight,” he rose, and so did she.

“We have to investigate. We have to make sure. This is the worst time, though, we have other things to see to. But at least we'll have-” she broke off, and he noted Kagome was touching her mating mark.

“He is not yet pack.” She winced and looked away, seeing his plan. No! Sesshomaru looked at her intently, and asked it. “Your choice. Was it the right one? Are you...certain of it?”

Kagome looked into his eyes, ran her arms up the inside of her sleeves, and sighed.

“It was the only choice,” Kagome said quietly.

“Was it?” he asked, and considered her. She was thinking hard, he saw, and deeply troubled. As troubled as he was at the moment. Sesshomaru had the feeling events were moving around him, beyond his control.

“For us...yes,” Kagome told him.

“For the Clan?” She didn’t answer right away. She knew what he meant. “Kagome-” he began, and she heard his tone, making her snap as she interrupted him.

“Sesshomaru.” He lifted an eyebrow as he saw...ahhhh...his packsecond. Not the newly mated and much in love female who’d met him at the canyon. Here was the frequently innovative and devious female he relied upon these days. “We need him. The Tetsusaiga alone makes him too valuable to allow loose, if that is the reason you need to hear. That fang belongs within the Clan. With him, with Sango and Miroku, Rin is safer. I am safer. The pack and the Clan are stronger. With him, with them, we can protect that which is ours better.”

“You dare suggest we are weak? That we need mere humans to assist us?” he growled.

“I’m not suggesting, I’m saying it!” she challenged, and his eyes hardened.

“You say I have failed my Clan, allowed us to falter and sink to that point.” There was a bitterness under the correct tone, one that cut to her heart as he looked away.

“No! Never. We wouldn’t be here if you had. Sesshomaru, listen to me. No Lord could be more devoted to his people, but you've said it yourself, we are weakened now. Too many assaults over the winter, not even you and I could stop all of them! Sango helped then, didn’t she? My Lord and pack leader is not such a baka he’ll turn aside the truth! Not the one I know. We can‘t afford a prolonged conflict. But with Inuyasha, with the others, we can stop it now if we have to,” Kagome told him, laying a hand on his arm.

“Perhaps. But Inuyasha-you are his now,” he broke off and felt his empty sleeve. Sesshomaru could not ask it...but had to know. Know where her loyalties were now.
“My place is with you. So you must complete the ritual now, adopt him, and we all go.” Sesshomaru frowned and didn't respond, but did look at her.

“Your-darned pride! We’ll need help! Who knows how many Dokueki there are, even if the wolves are innocent and no one’s controlling them or something? I know you, my Lord. You planned to drop off the surety, make sure I couldn’t follow you by not having him present himself yet, and go after Kouga alone once you saw our marks so Rin, Jaken and I were out of it. Not happening. I won’t let you, we fight together, stand together. We are pack. No one comes between us. You trust him enough to protect us, you can do this! I'll be there too, at both your sides where I belong,” Kagome said fiercely, tightening her grip.

“No one?”

“No one. I promise,” Kagome told him after a moment, sighing gently in understanding. This would be very hard on him...both of them. But she believed they could do it.
“If you insist on this course, I...will accept your advice and act accordingly,” he said slowly. Kagome grinned up at him, and he winced as she impulsively hugged him. An arm went awkwardly around her, her unseemly displays...even so, he hugged her back, taking in her scent again. He would not lose her. She had given him a promise. One he needed.
Now that he had a pack was not as it had been. He had more than mere Clan who followed and depended on him never to err...who feared him and obeyed out of that fear and the fact that he was stronger. He now had a packmate who was willing to speak the truth, supported him out of affection and loyalty...cared for him as a brother. It would be too painful to lose her because she gave in to her heart’s desire. But he could never have asked her outright.

The Lord of the Western Inu could not admit to such fears...but Sesshomaru, Inu youkai...he had to know.
“Oh, Sesshomaru! I’m so proud of you,” Kagome said happily, and he frowned again in warning before he detached her from his side.

“Do not expect all to be perfection, packsister.”

“I don’t. Believe me. But...this is best. For all of us. Come on. Time to do this,” Kagome took his hand and tugged.
“What? We have discussed your humor, Kagome. I must consider-”

“I’m not watching you both poke at each other. You’ll end up going at it, and I can’t let either of you hurt the other. Best to do it now! Before you two get cold feet. Come on,” she smiled and led the fearsome youkai Lord to his appointment with his brother.

“Inuyasha...he will have much trouble dealing with you. You are intemperate, stubborn. Not submissive as a mate should be,” Sesshomaru commented as he-was not dragged. Merely walked more slowly.

“Yep. I’m his wench, you know,” she winked, and he shook his head.

"You are a magnificent bitch, Kagome," he told her, and she growled."A female Inu, of course. Only a human would take insult from it," he told her dryly.

"Ha ha. Very funny," she shot back. Sesshomaru smirked slightly.

"Undoubtedly, you have not been practicing as well. That will be rectified," he commented, and there was a groan.
Sesshomaru smiled behind her back.
(To be continued...)

Revised Author’s Notes-It was kinda disappointing to have to leave so much of the way Sesshomaru and Kagome’s relationship developed out, but putting it in would have made the story extremely unwieldy and unbalanced. It was a bit of a worry of mine that readers wouldn’t feel I had gone into how it started enough. I have a companion piece going up here soon, ‘Blood and Snow’, where I finally get to go into how it came to be.

I hope you’re enjoying so far! Thanks for Reading!-Namiyo’