InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts part 2 ❯ What Hides Within ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: Well I guess it is time I updated again. I will make this chapter extra long for my loyal
fans. Thanks for putting up with my short chapters, but at least I don't take months to update!
Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I must say I am a little disappointed in mediaminor
and its lack of reviews but I guess I can't be picky.

Ashlee: Glad you like it and thanks for reviewing.

KagomeResurrected: Don't worry about it. I am just glad that you write reviews often. I will
write a longer chapter for you. No promises on the others though. Hope you like this chapter.

SakuyaTsuki: Hopefully this chapter is long enough for you. Glad you like it so far.

Raya the Review Queen: Wow thanks for the compliment! I love reviews like yours hehehe.
Glad you like it so far.

Lil'Inu: Thanks for updating again. Hope you had a fun cinco de mayo! Glad you like the chap.

Well that is it for the review responses. Sigh! Maybe more will review next time. People
probably don't like it as much as the first one because of the original characters. Oh well as long
as I keep getting some reviews I will finish it.

Chapter 4 What Hides Within

Koryu was sitting on a fallen tree with silent tears running down his face. ‘I don't know

why I am weak!' *sniff sniff* ‘I just don't like to fight. She said she would protect me. But

she's right. Daddy is ashamed of me. I can see him sometimes when he thinks I am not looking.

He is disappointed, I know it. I just get in the way. Maybe I shouldn't have been born at all.

Daddy even told me that I wasn't inside mother with Ryuki until we were born. That I was

supposed to be born in another world as a hanyou. It's not fair!' His body began to shake as a

sob escaped.

A twig snapped behind him and too late he smelt another demon. Koryu looked around

wildly trying to find were his hunter was hiding. His weak senses failed him. Suddenly blinding

pain shot through his body as he was struck on the side and he was flung into a tree. Regaining

his senses he ran ignoring the pain. He tried to run back to his uncle's house but the other demon

kept steering him away. The predator wanted to play with his prey.

Running as fast as his small body could take him, he tried to outrun the enemy. He found

himself airborne after his foot got caught on a root. The hunter closed in and bite his leg.

"Aaaaahhhh!" Koryu did the first thing he could think of...he poked the demon in the eyes. It

worked; the other demon let go....

The wind shifted bringing the smell of Koryu's blood and tears to the village. Ryuki was

closer to the forest and took after her brother. Guilt and rage coursed through her body. It was

her fault he was hurt and she swore to kill whatever dared to hurt her little brother. Sesshoumaru

also smelt it. He decided to see what Ryuki could do. If all else failed he could revive the

children if anything went wrong.

Ryuki came just as the demon let go off Koryu's leg. She ran in front of her brother and

positioned herself for attack. The hunter recovered and noticed he had gained a sidedish for his

meal. He ran in for the kill. Ryuki jumped on the hunter punching, kicking, and biting anything

she could reach. It surprised the other demon but didn't have much effect. Koryu watched the

fight in shock. ‘No, you weren't supposed to save me. What if you get hurt?' His fear became

reality. The demon reached back, grabbed Ryuki, and flung her to the ground. Ryuki slowly got

up swaying. She stumbled back and fell in front of Koryu with blood running down her face.

"I'm sorry Koryu, I guess I am weak too. I can't even protect you." ‘I don't wanna die! I don't

want Ryuki to die! I don't want to be weak!' Anger pumped in his veins. And somewhere deep

inside of him something snapped.

Koryu's eyed turned red and looked upon the one that hurt him. His youkai rolled off

him in waves and a low growl resounded in his chest. "Now you die!" he told the hunter.

"Hahahaha, that is my line little puppy!" Koryu smirked. Ryuki watched in awe and horror as

her brother ripped the other demon to shreds. The other demon had begged for mercy, but Koryu

only smiled and went back to ripping him apart. Ryuki thought she was going to be sick. There

was blood everywhere and Koryu was covered in it as well. Finally she heard the demon breath

his last shuddering breath. Koryu started walking toward her. ‘That's not Koryu. There is

someone else looking through his eyes.' And for the first time in her life she was afraid of him.

"What's wrong sister?" he dragged her to a tree and leaned her up against it. "Isn't this

what you wanted?" he whispered in her ear. "For me to be strong, a warrior, covered in my

enemy's blood, no longer shaming our father!" he licked the demons blood on his hand. "Now

you have it. Shouldn't you be happy?" he growled. He caressed her face smearing blood on her.

"You are not my brother! Give him back!" she struck him. Koryu stumbled back and fell on the

ground. When he opened his eyes again they had turned back to gold. "Ryuki? What happened?

Are you ok?" he tried to get up but the pain was too much. She ran to him filled with relief and

hugged him close. And for the first time in her life she cried.

"I'm sorry Koryu! You don't have to be a warrior. Please just stay the way you are. I

will protect you so you will never have to fight again!" she cried out as she rocked him back and

forth. Koryu was confused. He had blacked out and didn't remember anything, but he was glad

that his sister wasn't angry with him anymore.

Sesshoumaru had seen the whole thing. He was just as shocked as Ryuki was when

Koryu had transformed into a killer. He didn't know what this meant. In his other form his

youkai was intense but as he is now it is barely noticeable. He walked up to the twins and lifted

them up carefully. He didn't care that the blood was ruining his beautiful clothes. Sesshoumaru

decided to let Kagome bandage them. If he were to heal them with the tensaiga then their bodies

wouldn't get stronger from the battle so as long as it wasn't fatal they would have to endure the

pain. He didn't trust himself to speak on the walk home. He was angry enough to kill

something. He had wanted to slaughter the demon that dared harm his pups but they needed to

learn to fight there own battles and not rely solely on him.

"There you go! All bandaged up! Now you both stay in bed and don't move," Kagome

put on a false smile. Ryuki had only suffered a concussion but she had never seen injuries like

Koryu's on a child and still live through it. His demon blood was probably the only thing that

kept him alive. She also steered clear of the demon lord. He looked so tense right now one

wrong word and she may not have a head. She decided to leave them alone now that she had

done everything in her power.

Sesshoumaru walked over to where the twins lay. Ryuki still had tears silently rolling

down her cheeks. He caressed Ryuki's hair. Ryuki looked up, "Father..." he turned away. He

didn't know it was he that had killed the demon. He still believed he was weak and was

ashamed. Sesshoumaru picked him up gently and held him as tight as he could bare. He inhaled

deeply as if to remind him that he was still there. Rin had come in after Kagome left and picked

up Ryuki. Together they stayed that way for hours. Seeking comfort with each other.

End of chapter 4
Did you like it? I did make it longer. I would write more but I have to go to work soon. Please
read and review.