InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts ❯ Nightmares ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: Hello everyone! Just to let everyone know (as if they didn't) Inuyasha and co. don't
belong to me. Waaaaaaaah! This is my first fanfic so be gentle.

Title: When a Heart Melts
Chapter one

Sesshomaru, Rin, and Jaken walk down the worn path. Well Rin is skipping, and Jakken

is wheezing but you get the point. "Lord Sesshomaru, where may I ask are we going?" Jakken

croaks. The taiyoukai looks at the toad with disdain. "We are going home." Rin giggles as a

butterfly floats around her. Sesshomaru inwardly smiles. He never tired of her. He knew he

shouldn't think that but he couldn't stop himself. He thinks back over the past two years with

her. So much has happened. He saved her life and took her in, his half breed brother killed

Naraku, and peace was settling over his lands once again.

Jakken wondered what his master was thinking but knew better than to ask. He cracked a

smile when the butterfly landed on Rin's nose. The disgusting human was growing on him too.

The little toad was wrapped around her finger and didn't even realize.

Later that evening they stopped to camp. The only reason they walked was to show Rin

the scenery, but they stopped so they could all rest. Rin's breathing became erratic in her sleep.

She began to whimper and sweat. Sesshomaru walked over to her and placed his hand on her

forehead in hopes to soothe her. He didn't expect her dream to flood into his mind. He saw it

through Rin's eyes. Sesshomaru looked around. He was obviously in a carriage with three noble

humans. He looked at himself and realized that he was Rin and that he was dressed in similar


"Rin, stop squirming, you will wrinkle your kimono," the human woman said. "Yes

mother," Rin/Sesshomaru whispered. Sesshomaru suspected that the older male human was

Rin's father and the little male was her older brother. "Where are we going?" Rin asked her

father. "We are going to the Western Lands where it is safe. Don't worry little one we won't let

anything happen to you." he smiled. Sesshomaru noted that he looked like a warrior. The father

had long jet black hair tied in the back and a large samurai sword strapped to his waist. As he

looked around he noticed the woman and boy also were armed.

‘This is strange.' Sesshomaru thought to himself. Suddenly the carriage came to an

abrupt stop and a scream came from the driver's seat. The mother looked out the window. "No,

wait!"the man yelled. Too late...there wasn't even a cry. Her body came back into the carriage

but not her head. Rin was covered in blood. "Mother, noooo!" she sobbed reaching to hug her

mom. Her father took her by the shoulders. "Rin listen to me. Stay in the carriage with your

brother. I will distract them while you two sneak out of the other side. Aki you protect her no

matter what! Understand?" "Hai! I will protect her with my life father."the boy looked not much

older than Rin. The man ran out of the carriage closing the door behind him. Rin peeked out the


Her father was fighting several large demons and holding them off fairly well. Aki

grabbed her hand. "It is clear on the other side. When we get out you run like the wind. Don't

stop no matter what you hear ok?" Rin nodded with tears streaming down her eyes. She didn't

understand what was happening or why it was so important that she was safe. Aki cautiously

looked outside. Finding the coast clear he opened the door and stepped out. He drew his katanas

(I think they are shorter than swords sorry if I misspelled) and motioned for Rin to come out.

Once outside Rin immediately sprinted into the forest. The sounds of metal slowly

fading. The branches of bushes cutting her kimono and flesh. She didn't care she just kept

running. But one sound made her stop dead in her tracks and her blood run cold. She heard her

brother's pain filled scream and the awful sound of flesh being ripped apart. She wanted to cry,

to scream her pain and fury into the night but found she couldn't even whisper a sound. Sounds

of feet coming her way started her flight once more. She kept running until she fainted from

exhaustion. Sesshomaru vision of the nightmare suddenly faded. He could smell the salt from

Rin's tears. He slowly picked her up and held her close. Her breathing eased as she drifted into

another dream, one that wasn't so painful.

Sesshomaru had always wondered what had made Rin mute. But seeing her memories

only left more questions. He just hoped that she didn't have that dream anymore.

Fireash: Well that is it for Chapter one. I am not good with details and dialogue. But this idea
has been stuck in my head for a while so maybe turning it into a fanfic will help. Please review
good or bad.