InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts ❯ Losing Her ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: Figured I'd be nice and update. I am going to see if I got rid of the apostrophe problem
this time. If it isn't I am sorry. I now have a total of two reviews. Better than none I guess.
Anyway...time for the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha and company.
Chapter 3
Losing Her

The demon slowed as it came upon them. Sesshomaru could feel his claws filling with

poison. "I come in peace. I am only here to collect what is mine," a voice said. The demon that

spoke walked into the clearing. I was another inu taiyoukai. He also had long white hair like

Sesshomaru, but his markings were yellow and orange instead of the red and purple. "Lord Sun-

Lin of the East. What brings you to the west?" Sesshomaru relaxed. His father made a peace

treaty with him years ago. "My daughter in which you have been protecting."pointing towards

Rin. Sesshomaru raised and eyebrow, "A human daughter?" "Let me explain. The last 100

years the east has been at war with the north. They managed to kill some of my children so to

protect her I put a spell on her. Right after she was born I used a spell that would make her

human temporarily. The north wouldn't be looking for a human child. The spell would break

when she came of age, mated with another demon, or if I broke the seal. If she were to mate a

human she would remain human. Let me show you. Rin, come here child." Sun-Lin extended a

hand to Rin. Rin looked questioningly to Sesshomaru. He nodded his head meaning it was ok to


Lord Sun-Lin knelt in front of Rin. "Do not fear me Rin. I am your father. The ones you

thought were your family were my servants. They were to raise you as their own until it was

safe." "My father?" Rin asked hopefully. It would be neat if he was her father...he looked a lot

like Sesshomaru-sama. "Mm hm, I will show you" he raised his hand and cut his finger with a

claw. He placed the bleeding finger on her forehead. Sesshomaru watched with awe as her scent

changed from human to youkai. Her hair faded to white, her eyes to silver, fingers to claws, and

yellow marks on her cheeks. She was most definitely an inuyoukai. "How do you feel Rin?"

Sun-Lin asked. "Funny and neat at the same time." she smiled.

Lord Sun-Lin rose and looked at Sesshomaru. "Thanks for taking care of her. Ready to

go home Rin? Your mother is anxious to see you again." Rin was suddenly afraid. She wanted

to meet her new family but she didn't want to leave Sesshomaru. Tears in her eyes she ran

towards Sesshomaru. Rin hugged a very shocked demon lord. "Will I ever see you again?" she

asked. "Maybe." his face betraying the emotions he felt inside. He didn't want her to leave

either but he couldn't do anything. "Promise you won't forget Rin!" He couldn't resist those

tear filled eyes. "I promise."

The Demon Lord of the West watched as the two disappeared from sight. "Come Jaken.

We are going home." "Y-yes my lord." the toad scrambled to catch up. Jaken had to wipe a few

tears from his eyes. He would miss that little girl. ‘She managed to break a few of the barriers

that Lord Sesshomaru put up around his heart. But now that she is gone...'
Here is a good spot to end this chapter. Sorry it is so short. About my future Rin/Sess
pairing...that is why she had to go home. That way she is not a daughter figure to him. That
would be sick. Now she has a father and is free to be with him. Yea! Anyway please R&R.
The only ones to review did so because I asked them to. Please review. Thank you for those
who do. Fireash