InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts ❯ War ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: Hello once again. I want to thank the three people who reviewed. I will try my best to
make the story interesting. Well here is the 4th chapter. Yea!

Disclaimer: I don't own them. You don't have to rub my nose in it.

Chapter 4

"Jaken, gather my generals. It is of the utmost importance." Sesshomaru turned to his

servant. "Yes my lord, but why?" he saluted his lord. "There will be a war soon and I don't like

to be unprepaired. I will be at the castle in three days. You have until then." Sesshomaru turned

and ran off into the forest. ‘Is he going to attack the East?' Jaken thought. ‘...three days I must


Sesshomaru headed in the direction of Kaede's village where his half brother and mate

lived. He would kill his brother some day but not today. He needed him in this war. As always

he made a grand entrance and made his half brother nearly jump out of his skin. "Oh hell! What

do you want? I am not giving you the Tetsaiga. Want me to cut off your other arm?" Inu Yasha

spit out to try to cover up that he had been caught unawares. "I will someday pry the sword from

your cold dead fingers but for the moment you are more useful alive. There will be a war here

within the month." the demon lord said without expression. "Oh is my big bad brother asking for

my help. Can't defend your lands and need a half breeds help? I must have died and went to

heaven!" Inu Yasha laughed. "I don't need your help weakling. But when the war starts no

mortal can escape unaffected. You can do nothing and watch as the mortals you love so much

die or you can join my forces and keep the damage to a minimum. Plus you get to kill as many

demons as you want. Keep in mind to kill only the invaders and not my men. I am having a

meeting at the castle in 3 days. You are invited to attend." and with that he left.

The generals eyed Inu Yasha warily. The half breed had been cracking his knuckles and

baring his fangs since he arrived. They knew not to underestimate him. They had all heard what

happened with Naraku. Finally the meeting began. Sesshomaru stood in the front of the room.

"My generals, you have my thanks for arriving at such short notice. As you know I have been

patrolling my borders for the past few years now. The north has been restless since their loss

with the east. They think that the west is weak since I am a young taiyoukai and my brother and I

are the only children my late father had. The north wants blood. Even as I speak they are

attempting to push through my borders. I will not allow this. We will let them through and give

them the war they are looking for. They won't forget this war for centuries." the taiyoukai

grinned one of his rare smiles. If anyone ever saw him smile they never lived long enough to tell

about it. It made the general's blood run cold. Inu Yasha just roled his eyes but wanted to be in

the war nonetheless. After killing Naraku life had gotten a little boring.

The attack came a week later. The northern ruler was a tiger youkai. The villagers in the

area all ran to safety. Dark clouds rolled in to set the atmosphere. Sesshomaru watched all of

this in excitement. His blood itching to transform. He raised his sword as a signal to attack and

the blood bath commenced. Inu Yasha wiped out hundreds with every swing. The generals led

their men into strategic positions mostly to get out of his way. Inu Yasha looked to his brother.

‘Why isn't he fighting? What is he waiting for?' He didn't have to wait long. The northern

taiyoukai transformed into his larger demon form challenging Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru

answered the challenge. It seemed that Sesshomaru was at a disadvantage. Since he was still

young he had not grown as large as the much older northern leader. The tiger taiyoukai laughed,

"Hmph, you think you can beat me? You are just a puppy. Still wet behind the ears. Ruling the

west must be a hard job for someone weak as you. I will take the burden off of your shoulders as

well as your head!" Sesshomaru didn't respond to the insult. He charged at the larger demon

and ducked at the last moment. Being smaller and quicker he gained the upper hand.

Sesshomaru bit into the northern youkai's legs. The other demon was too slow to react as the inu

taiyoukai darted for another leg. They snapped from the force of his powerful jaws as he pumped

toxic poison into him. The tiger youkai let out a cry of pain and astonishment as he collapsed

onto the ground. Sesshomaru saw his chance and went for the throat. The northern taiyoukai

was dead. The war if it could be called that only lasted for one day.

His generals looked at him with awe and fear. Inu Yasha wondered what would happen

next. What was left of the enemy fled for their lives. What happened next left everyone

speechless. Sesshomaru pulled out the Tensaiga. He revived all of his fallen men and even a

few of the enemy. He growled a warning, "Tell your people never to enter the Western Lands

again. This Lord will not be so merciful next time. Leave now." The demon lord thanked the

generals for their efforts and dismissed them until they were needed again. ‘I would have

thought the north would have been harder to beat. It took the east 100 years and they had heavy

losses. Perhaps they are why the north were weak.' Sesshomaru thought.

After the war Sesshomaru decided to stay at his castle for a while. It had been years since

he stayed there. He had wondered his lands for so long. Perhaps it was time to take care of his

home. If he ever settled down they couldn't just live in the forest like common youkai.

End of chapter 4.
I know I know I am not good at battle scenes but it has to do with part of my story. Plus it makes
Sesshomaru look cool. Maybe someone will review and not have to be asked. Hint hint. Flames
are welcome but they do make me feel bad. I know the story isn't the best but it is my first fic
and I am trying. Well that was definitely a run-on. Anyway gotta go. Fireash