InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts ❯ Think of Me? ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: *Gasps* I got reviews!!! Yea!!! Thank you so much. Don't worry it is not the end. It
is going to be longer than I originally planned with a few twists.

Angel186- thanks for reviewing and sorry I didn't see your review til just recently.

Animefluffyaddicit- thank you very much. I will try not to leave so many cliffhangers. They are
just so fun:) Don't worry I am going to add a few twists to the plot. Thanks for the luv!

SESSHY-chan- I will update more often now that I know people like it. Thanks for the review.

Sesshoumaruluver#1- don't worry I am not offended. I will try not to leave too many cliffies.
Thanks for reviewing.

PunkSeshoumaru/Rin-rocker- Thanks for the love! Glad you liked the battle scene even though
it was too short. I hope I will get better. I will try to write more often. I got my motivation with
all of the new reviews. But alas I do have to go to college and work.

ANIMEluverFREAK- the best one? Are you just trying to butter me up? Thanks for reviewing.
I will continue my story. Hope you like the new twists.

Disclaimer: I may have forgotten this in the last chapter but I still don't own Inu Yasha and Co.

Chapter 6
Think of Me?

The two stared at each other as the tension thickened. Rin was the first to break the

silence. "So how is Jaken and Ah-Un?" She had missed them as well. Although Jaken had

always scolded her for playing. "They are well. Jaken is keeping watch at the castle, and Ah-Un

is here on the grounds." This relieved the tension between them and they began to talk about

what happened in the others absence. Rin had heard about Sesshomaru's war from her father but

that didn't contain her excitement as she listened to his side of the story. The youkai part of her

knew he would be a good mate, strong and smart. She told him of her many suitors in their quest

to make her their mate. She noticed the look of anger on his face before he hid it. ‘Is he jealous?

Maybe there is some hope for me after all.' she thought with a smile.

Sesshomaru's blood began to boil when Rin told him about her potential mates. He

quickly masked his emotions. ‘What do I care? She is not mine.' ‘No but you want her to be.'

‘She is but a child.' ‘Rin is no longer a child. You are not her father. Sun-Lin took care of that
She would be the perfect mate.' ‘Shut up. I do not....' His train of thought was broken as a

servant came and announced diner.

During diner Sun-Lin noticed that the Rin couldn't keep her eyes off of Sesshomaru. Her

brother Yoshiko noticed this as well and decided to tease her about it. "Rin-chan stop drooling.

You are embarrassing yourself,"he smirked at his younger sister. Rin blushed furiously at being

caught. The eastern lord noticed that the western lord hadn't taken his eyes off Rin either. He

would love to play matchmaker, but his mate made him promise not to interfere. ‘She just won't

let me have any fun.'

Sesshomaru noticed Rin's blush. He decided he would ask her about that later. Did she

see him as a potential mate? ‘That would make things easier if she did.' ‘Even if I did want to

become her mate and she mine it is impossible right now. There are rules that even I as a

taiyoukai must follow.' ‘That has never stopped you before. Whatever Sesshomaru wants

Sesshomaru gets remember?' ‘Although female youkai can mate at adulthood males must wait

until they are 100 years old at least. I have 15 more years to go.' (Author's note: don't know

how old he really is or if there is any rules but hey just go along with it k?)

Later that night when everyone had retired to their rooms, both had dreams of each other.

The dreams were the same...

Sesshomaru walked towards Rin. She was trembling in anticipation. She shuddered as

he slipped the silk robe off of her shoulders. The red material pooled at her feet. He brought his

hand up to caress her face. "You are mine." And with that he captured her lips in a fiery kiss.

Soon he was undressed as well. Her eyes raked his nude body from head to toe. The moonlight

making him appear godlike. He picked her up and carried her to the bed. She nodded to his

unasked question in his eyes.

Sesshomaru cursed as he jerked awake. He had almost claimed Rin in his dream. He

could hear his inner voice laughing at his arousal. Sesshomaru would almost bet he put that

dream in his head. ‘But wait. He is me. I must be loosing it.' he sighed.

Rin likewise had a rude awakening. She almost pouted at the sudden pull to reality.

‘Almost. That dream was so real. To bad I woke up. Now I know I won't be able to stop

blushing in front of him with a dream like that.' She was going to have a hard time looking him

in the eyes.

Both of them were really quiet at breakfast, and Rin was red as a beet. As the days passed

Sesshomaru began to see Rin as more than just a child. He couldn't stop the dreams at night.

The night before he was to leave he approached her in the garden. She turned and smiled up at

him and his breath caught. Rin decided to take advantage of his silence. "Lord Sesshomaru, I

know you haven't chosen a mate yet, but when you decide to choose will you promise me

something?" Coming to his senses he responded, "And what do you want me to promise?"

She leaned and whispered in his sensitive ear causing shivers down his spine, "Think of me?"

End of chapter 6.
I know I know...still really short. But hey if I write a lot of short chapters in less time will that
make up for it. Did you like the dream sequence? It is a taste of things to come. Don't worry I
won't get too graphic I am not that experienced myself with these things. Anyway thanks again
for all the wonderful reviews. Fireash