InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts ❯ The Challenge ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: I updated for my reviewers. I had promised them a long chapter but was cut short
because I had to go to work early the next morning and had to go to sleep. Sorry I jump years
pretty quick but nothing happened in the gaps.

Aurora thorn: Wow I am honored to be put on your favorites list. Glad you like it so far. Hope I
don't disappoint you.

animefluffyaddict: Thanks for the review. Glad you anticipate the next chapter. Don't worry
there will be a lemon soon. :)

SESSHY-chan- Aren't cliff hangers great? They make a story I think. I didn't think my writing
is all that great. I know it is a good idea but I have a hard time putting it on paper. Thanks for
the review and the luv.

Disclaimer: Sigh do I still have to say this? I DON'T OWN THEM! Was that good enough?

Chapter 8
The Challenge

The suitor agreed to the challenge. He thought that it would be easy. Not knowing who

he was against he confidently walked into the courtyard. Word spread quickly and soon the

occupants of the castle were swarming outside as well to see the bloodbath. Sun-Lin came out to

see it as well. He had heard of Sesshomaru's skill but didn't know how much was truth. If it

was even a fraction of what he had heard the hothead didn't stand a chance.

"Since I issued the challenge it would only be fair if you set the rules."Sesshomaru

smirked. "Alright then, rule number one it is to the death even if the other begs for mercy. Rule

number two there are no other rules. Let the battle begin." At that he charged at Sesshomaru

with fangs bared and claws extended. Testing his opponents skill he did not attack. He merely

defended, memorizing his opponents attacks. ‘Ha! He is so scared he isn't fighting back. Now

for the final blow.' the other thought carelessly. Sesshomaru sidestepped the attack. The

taiyoukai whipped around behind the other stinking his poison fangs into his shoulder. It wasn't

a lethal. He still wanted to play with his prey for a little more.

‘Ouch so the puppy can fight back.' Still not realizing that he wasn't landing any blows

he continued his onslaught. ‘Inu Yash fights better than him and he is only a hanyou. How

pathetic.' Sesshomaru started to become bored and started to fight back with a little more force.

He was hoping to get him to transform. The taiyoukai wanted to see how his size compared to

the older youkai's. The other youkai began to become weak with the poison spreading through

his body. ‘I'll just transform. Being older will make me much larger than him.' Sesshomaru

almost laughed when his plan worked. He waited patiently till the other was completely

transformed. "That's it? That is as big as you get? Tsk not big enough I fear." The demon

lord's fangs started to protrude from his lips and his eyes turned blood red. Green poison swirled

around his body as he began to transform. It would seem that the more a youkai fought the

stronger and larger it became. Where as the other youkai rarely fought, Sesshomaru had been

fighting his whole life and the difference showed when the poison cleared revealing his

transformed state.

The people watching gasped. Sesshomaru towered over the other youkai. He wasn't as

large as his father was when he died but larger than what was expected. He wouldn't normally

be that size until he was 250 years old. When he grinned his gleaming fangs dripped poison.

The other finally realized he had greatly underestimated him and began trembling in fear. Still

holding on to blind faith he went for Sesshomaru's only forearm. The taiyoukai reared on his

hind legs and struck the smaller demon. Rin winced as she heard a sickening crunch. The

smaller demon did not get up. His head was crushed. Sesshomaru untransformed and looked

rather bored. "That was rather un-climatic. I was expecting a decent fight from someone older

than I am." he sighed. Sun-Lin stared at him in shock. He wasn't expecting the fight to end so

soon. The hothead was one of his better fighters and he was beaten to death in a matter of

minutes. No wonder he had so much trouble with the north. He was surprised once again as

Sesshomaru walked over to the deceased suitor and pulled out his sword. ‘What is he doing? He

just sliced the air. Is this some kind of ritual?' His jaw nearly dropped as the other demon

started to breathe once more.

"It would be unfair of me to kill one of your warriors, but if he ever calls me weak again I

will not be so merciful." With that he held out his hand to Rin. She was thankful that he was

merciful especially after he had been insulted. Rin quickly ran up to Sesshomaru and placed her

small hand in his. A cloud appeared at their feet and they began flying towards the west. To her

new home.

‘Now to claim that which is mine.'
End of another short chapter. But hey two short chapters make a long one right. Well maybe a
medium one at least. Warning lemon in the next chapter. Read and review and thanks to those
who do. I really appreciate it. Fireash