InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts ❯ Mine ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: Sorry it took me a while to update. Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. This
chapter has a lemon. It may be disappointing. I have very little experience in that department to
be honest so I am using my imagination.

Lil'Inu: Yeah I kinda made him stupid. Who hasn't heard of the Lord of the Western Lands?
Hehe. Glad you like my story so far. Thanks for the review.

PunkSESHOMARU/Rinrocker: Did you get it to work? I read in someone else's reviews to hit
the view button twice to see the updated chapters. Glad you keep reading the story. :)

All of those who read my story and don't get an alert when I update and would like one I will
email you an update if you leave your address in your reviews.

Disclaimer: I have to do one every chapter? Waaaaah!!! I still don't own them.

Chapter 9

Rin started to get excited as they neared the castle. She was so warm pressed up against

Sesshomaru. She felt a blush rise to her cheeks as she thought about what was to come. She had

waited for this for so long. She was a little nervous at the same time. Rin had never been with

anyone before. Her mother told her what was expected, but since her mom wasn't good with

talking about that issue she didn't get a lot of details. ‘Oh well, if we don't do it right the first

time we will just have to practice' she smiled.

Sesshomaru glanced at his soon to be mate. ‘I wonder what she is thinking about?' He

was excited as well. His dreams had given no reprieve over the years. He would control himself

though. He didn't want to hurt her. It wouldn't be good in the future if he was to scare her their

first time. Just thinking about it made his blood boil. ‘Soon Rin...soon' With that he sped up

smiling as Rin squealed in delight.

Rin looked up at Sesshomaru as he sped up. ‘He must be excited too. He's even smiling

and it isn't one of his I am going to kill you smiles.' She turned back to watch as the scenery

flew past them. She shivered as the wind caressed her face. Sesshomaru felt her shiver and

pulled her closer. Rin was only too happy to snuggle closer to him. He smelled of rain and

forest. (A/N: not a wet dog smell!)

Both seemed to tense in anticipation as they saw the castle appear. He slowly descended

to the ground. "My lady, we are home." Rin loved the way home seemed to roll off his tongue.

‘Home...yes I am finally home.' "Hai, my lord, we are." And they walked towards the entrance.

Rin had never seen the castle or what treasures lay inside. She didn't see much as she

was whisked into the bedroom. ‘Oh well, I guess I will get the tour later.' she giggled.

________________-Warning- -Lemon-___________________

Once inside the bedroom Sesshomaru started to kiss Rin. He had always wondered what

she tasted like. ‘Mmmm this is heaven.' he thought as he explored her mouth. He reluctantly

broke away and decided to taste other parts. His tongue trailed down her neck and stopped at her

shoulder. ‘Hmmm she is wearing too many clothes. I must help her with this problem.'

Rin shivered as her silk kimono slid off her shoulders. His tongue was driving her wild.

‘Well he isn't going to have all the fun!' She moved closer and started to nibble on his ear. She

was pleased as a shiver ran down his spine. Her small hands moved up to remove his clothing.

Her eyes widened at what she saw. His clothing had always hid his form. She brought up a hand

to feel his very muscular chest. She didn't see this wonderful view for long for he leaned down

to suckle on her breast.

He was curious to see her reaction when she removed his clothing. He saw her eyes

widen. He would've thought it was in disgust because of his missing limb, but was relieved and

excited when he smelt her arousal highten. Her form was too much to resist. He couldn't get

enough of her taste. He leaned down to capture one of her breast. But soon that wasn't enough

for him either. Sesshomaru picked her up and brought her to the bed. Rin's eyes were glazed

over with lust. The demon lord wanted her first time to be earth shattering. He leaned down to

capture her soft lips once more. As he did this he brought his hand down to slip his fingers

inside of her womanhood. Rin gasped against his lips. Once she got used to them he began to

move them in and out of her in a slow rhythm.

Rin moaned as he began to move his fingers. Didn't he realized he was torturing her?

She spread her legs to give him better access but what she really wanted was more. Rin wrapped

her arms around his neck. She whimpered in his ear. "Sesshomaru," she panted, "please I need


Sesshomaru withdrew his hand and repositioned himself above her. "This may hurt

mate..."he looked down at her with a question in her eyes. Rin nodded and kissed him. He

slowly slid inside of her opening. He felt her tense so he stopped till she was used to his size.

He repeated this until he was at her virgin barrier. "Quickly mate..."Rin whispered against his

lips. He did not need to be told twice. He thrust the rest of the way into her. Rin whimpered as

he tore through her innocence. Sesshomaru had never thought twice of hurting anyone before but

he felt something inside his chest tug at the sound of her whimper. Once Rin relaxed once more

he began to slowly thrust in and out of her.

Rin had not realized how big Sesshomaru was till he was completely inside of her. ‘Shit

it never hurt in my dreams.' Finally the throbbing settled into a dull pain that she could handle

and she relaxed. She was surprised at how gently Sesshomaru was being toward her. She felt

him start to move inside of her. Soon she no longer felt pain only pleasure come over her in

waves. She had never felt anything like this before. Something was building inside of her.

Sesshomaru looked down at his mate as he drove into her. He was glad that she was

finally starting to enjoy this. He wasn't expecting her to wrap her legs around his waist and rock

her hips in time to his rhythm. "Faster" she whispered. Sesshomaru drove deeper into her in

quick thrusts. Sending them both closer to the edge. He wanted this to last longer but it was

hard to keep his control. She felt so good around him. As they both climaxed he bit between her

neck and shoulder to mark her as his. He licked the blood away and nuzzled her neck. "You are

mine...Rin." "Hai my lord, I am yours and you are mine Sesshomaru."

Hey it is finally longer. I must be a pervert. My lemon chapter is longer than the rest. Oh well
hope you all liked it. Like I said I don't have much experience in these things. I just read a lot of
fanfiction and romance novels. Well please read and review.