InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts ❯ The Real Threat ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: Hi everyone. My story is now at and You know what? I
love my story at It got five reviews in one day. That is so cool!!!! This update is
for all of my new fans at :D responses---

keni p. : Sorry about the cliffhangers. You will get used to them though. If I don't leave a
cliffhanger people think it is the end. Go figure. Glad you like my story so far. Thanks for the

RShield16: Thanks. This story has been in my head for a while. I tried to put it on fanfiction
earlier but it didn't like my format. I finally fixed that. Umm...let's just say that he left Jaken in
the west. He was in a hurry and wasn't paying attention. I'll add Ah-Un for you. Thanks for the

sugafaeriegurl: Thanks for the review. Glad the lemon was ok. Hope you enjoy the rest of the

Silverninja: Thanks for the praise. I do plan to finish this don't worry. There will be a few more
twists that noone is expecting. After this one is done I will try to write more. I love them
together too. :D

Manslayer-of-Hades: Thanks for the warning. I'll keep that in mind. Glad you like the story so
far. Sorry about the cliffies. They help keep the suspense up. If everyone knew what was going
to happen next why read the story. I understand though, I hate reading cliffies but I love to write
them. Please don't flame me. Hehe. Thanks for adding me to your favorites. It is an honor. :D

Nikkler: Do you really think Sesshomaru would kill over that easily? He's too cute to die. Hehe.
Glad you like my story so far. responses----

Lil'Inu: Thanks for being consistent with your reviews. I really appreciate them. I did put angst
in the description. They aren't fighting though but there will be some sad parts. Alas this
chapter is one of them so you are warned. I don't like Kikyo when she is made of clay. She was
ok in her human life (sorta).

Thanks for the reviews and see...I updated really fast. They motivate me to finish typing this.

Disclaimer: la la la la...sigh still don't own them. Not today, not yesterday, and not tomorrow.
Too expensive :)
Chapter 11
The Real Threat

Rin walked back into the castle to rest. She had to trust that the warriors would take care

of everything. ‘I am worrying over nothing. Sesshomaru can handle himself. But why won't

this uneasy feeling leave?' She glanced towards the window and sighed.

It was a few days later when Sesshomaru reached the area thought to be the threat. His

army was having trouble fighting them off. The southern rulers where dragon youkai. They

were cunning and had a tough hide. His father had died sealing away the previous taiyoukai of

the south. It didn't appear that the new taiyoukai was in this battle. ‘Oh well. That just makes it
easier for me to get rid of them.' Within seconds he stood in his transformed state. A few of the

southern youkai hesitated. They knew that the Demon Lord of the West was not to be

underestimated. Slowly easing out of their fear, they did something that Sesshomaru wasn't

prepared for. They all stopped fighting with their opponent and turned. He paused, waiting for

them to make the next move. In a flash they sprang upon the western taiyoukai. His generals

charged in to remove the dragons from their ruler.

Hours later the battle was over. For some unknown reason the dragon youkai stopped

fighting and ran away. ‘Why would they leave? The battle had barely begun?' Sesshomaru

thought confused. Neither side was losing. He got a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach when

he heard a vicious chuckle. The taiyoukai looked down at a dyinging dragon. "Ha hahaha... you

left your mate unprotected. You have been deceived. will be your downfall." The

dragon was about to laugh again, but the laughter died on his lips as Sesshomaru withdrew his

sword and cut off his head.

The dragon was correct though. It was faint but he could sense a large amount of youkai

near his castle. He transformed once again. He had been injured but he didn't care. ‘How could
I have been such a fool? Please, if anyone is listening, let me make it back on time.

Meanwhile back at the castle, Rin was being hidden by the servants. The castle grounds

were overrun by enemy youkai. They were from the North seeking revenge. They had made a

deal with the dragons to cause the fall of the west. While the taiyoukai was away fighting the

dragons, they were going to capture his mate and rid him of his heir. They would take care of

Sesshomaru afterwards. One by one Sesshomaru's warriors fell. They had made a valiant

attempt though. Each fought till they gave their dying breath. The tiger youkai flooded into the

castle killing any servant that got in the way. They found Rin and decided to have a little fun

with her first. Sesshomaru would regret killing their ruler and humiliating their race. "Come

here little puppy. Don't you wanna play? Hehehehe!" one of them snarled. He pulled her

roughly out of the hidden closet and dragged her outside. ‘I am not going without a fight.' Her

eyes turned read and she transformed into her dog form. Motherly instincts to protect her pup

and just woman hormones in general fueled her anger. It made her quicker and stronger than she

would normally be. Before they got a chance to transform as well she began to crush them with

her jaws. Her poison killing those that survived the initial bite. Unfortunately there was too

many to kill them all before they transformed. Rin managed to kill a few in their demon forms as

well before she was knocked unconscious thus reverting her back to her humanoid form. "She'll

regret doing that. She will die slowly...hehehehehe! Sesshomaru you have probably figured out

our plan by now but you'll never make it in time." The tiger youkai picked Rin up and placed

her on his shoulder and headed north.

End of chapter 11
Ack!!! I know that was a huge cliffy. Sorry!!! No one is dead yet. Well except for the extras
but they are just there for the blood shed. Still nowhere near the end. Maybe the middle of the
story. I have a lot of twists to add. Please read and review. I think I should expect a few flames.