InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts ❯ Rage and Fury ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: Oh how I love my reviews!!!! I want to let everyone know that this may be my last
update for a while. I have my animation finals due next week and then I go home for Christmas.
My parents don't have internet. If I have time I will try to update one more time before then if
not it will be in January. Sorry.

Review Responses for

aNiMePeRfEct: Glad you like my story. Thanks for reviewing. Please hang with me till the end.
It will get very interesting. Sorry but I am afraid that this chapter will probably leave you
hanging again. I will email you when I update when I am back if you want.

anhimals: Sorry but I just love cliffies. Glad you like my story. I am afraid that I won't be able
to update till I get back from Christmas break. Please hang with me.

RedN.BlackAngel: Glad you like my story. And thanks for reviewing.

IYUltimateFangirl: This one will probably drive you insane then. Glad you enjoy my story.
That's ok about you being weird. I am pretty weird myself. Isn't everyone? Hmmm maybe not.

Review Responses for

Lil'Inu: Sorry about your writers block. Oh yes...Sess is sooo pissed right now. Hehe. Well no
he isn't going to ask the east for help. He doesn't have time. Every second counts right now.
Sorry I won't be able to update till after Christmas break.

punkSESHOUMARU/Rinrocker: Glad you got the problem fixed. Nah I don't think you are a
perv. Hell I wrote it if anything I am the perv hehe. Anyway glad you like Rin's kickass scene.
Thanks for being a consistent reviewer. Your opinion means a lot to me.

punkWo1F: I think Kawaii means cute. Glad you like my story.

animefluffyaddict: Glad you still like my story. I will keep updating till it is finished but
unfortunately I will be taking a break for the holidays.

Sesshoumaruluver#1: Thanks for updating again. Don't worry, although it will have sad parts I
am a sucker for happy endings. Glad you liked my lemon.

Wow I didn't get any flames. Yea!!!
Disclaimer: Arrrrgh! Not this again. Read the earlier chapters and figure it out.

Warning contains strong violence
Chapter 12
Rage and Fury

Sesshomaru was bruised and bloody from his fight with the dragon youkai but that didn't

slow him. He didn't feel any of his injuries as he flew towards his home. The trip that had taken

him days to reach only took him hours. His emotions were leaking out from the walls

surrounding his heart. The walls could hold no more. After years of being worn down by

thoughts of Rin added to the rage and fury he felt now, the walls crumbled until they were no

more. Now he understood why Inu Yash always got stronger when his miko was in danger. The

smell of death and blood was overwhelming to his sensitive nose. He couldn't find his mate

among the carnage. The few tiger youkai that were foolish enough to stay behind quickly

snapped out of their shock. ‘He wasn't supposed to get here this fast!' They transformed to

delay the taiyoukai. Their death was quick and painless. Sesshomaru noticed the remains of

tiger youkai that he had not killed. His chest puffed out with pride realizing that his mate killed

them. ‘Rin, hold on...I am coming for you.' The demon lord growled and let out a tremendous

roar that could be heard for miles around. The ground trembled as he raced towards the scent of

his mate.

When Rin awoke she realized she had been tied down. She tried to break her bonds but

they glowed. ‘A spell huh? I have to find a way to get out of here.' Her captors notice her and

laughed. "Ah you are finally awake. I will enjoy this a lot. I'm afraid this will hurt you more

than it will hurt me. Hehehe." The tiger pulled out a dagger and held it to her cheek. "You really

have a beautiful face. Do you think your mate will have you after I am done?" She gritted her

teeth as he dug the blade into her skin. Warm blood ran down her face and down her neck. He

leaned down to lick the blood. Rin seized the opportunity and arched forward. She sank her

fangs into his neck before he could react and ripped. "You BITCH!" The tiger punched her in

her face. He grabbed his bleeding neck to stop the flow. She merely looked at him in disgust

and spit out the flesh she had bitten off. "See how you like this!" Rin's bonds started glowing

again. An intense pain shot through her body. ‘I will not cry out for them. Please let my pup be

alright! SESSHOMARU!' Her thoughts swirled around her. She tried to transform but her

bonds somehow sealed her youkai. She could only wait for her mate to come.

Sesshomaru tensed as he felt her distress. As he neared he could smell her pain. This

infuriated him. The rage and fury intensified until all he could see was red. The beast within

him, always wanting release, broke free from his internal prison. He only relaxed when he smelt

his mate and heard her call his name. When he could see again he untransformed. Around him

hundreds of tiger youkai lay dead. Their bodies were beyond recognition. Everything was

destroyed. He looked around for his mate and felt the pain in his chest lift when he saw her.

"Sesshomaru, you came!" Rin choked out. He ran to her and gently embraced her. Sesshomaru

smelt her injuries and relaxed noting that they were not fatal and their pup was still alive. "Rin, I

am truly sorry. I should have been there to protect you." (A/N: gasp! Sess apologized) He

pulled back and unsheathed tensaiga. This was the second time Sesshomaru used it on her. Her

wounds instantly healed just like before. She ran into his arms and hugged him fiercely. Only

when she was safe in his arms did she cry.

Sesshomaru was a little shocked. He had not smelt fear or tears when he first got here.

Why did she cry now that she was safe? The demon lord wasn't sure how to handle this. She

had never cried before. So acting on instincts he pulled her closer and kissed her softly. "Sorry

Sesshomaru, I meant to be strong for you." "Shhh, Rin you are strong. More so than I had ever

imagined." ‘I love you so much Sesshomaru!' she thought. "I love you too Rin." he whispered

into her ear. She tensed. Had she said that out loud? ‘Wait he loves me? HE LOVES ME!' She

pulled back to see his face. Her heart quickened. The smile he wore now was not one of blood

lust but of love.

The two were unaware of their audience. Sesshomaru found himself alone in darkness.

"Rin!" "So," a mysterious voice whispered, "you finally admit your love, but would you love her

even if she were human?" Sesshomaru tried to find the source of the voice but it was in his head.

He could smell no other being around. Not even the bodies of the youkai he killed. "We shall




Sesshomaru was falling now. Into the sea of darkness.



The taiyoukai jerked up to a sitting position, "Rin!..." he gasped. "Hai, Sesshomaru-sama?" Rin

came running up to him. His jaw dropped as he looked into the brown eyes of a human girl.

_______________________________________________________________________< br /> End of Chapter 12
I know I am evil for leaving this a cliffy. But it is a very good cliffy no? Please don't flame me
for this. I told you guys there were a lot of twists. Well read and review. I will try to update