InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts ❯ Struggling to be a Lady ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: Well since I turned in my finals early I got to take the day off. I am just waiting for my
cloths to finish getting clean so I can pack. But in the mean time I will update. *cheers in the
background* Oh and thanks to those who wished me luck on the finals... I got an A-. I was so
happy. Now for the responses...

Lil'Inu: Sorry it is still confusing...I tried to answer some questions but I didn't want to give
away the whole story. It will get interesting. I am not sure how many chapters are left. I am
writing from my head. Oh yeah his pup(s) is/are going to be sooooo cute.

iy lvr: Thanks for reviewing! I didn't think I was that good of a writer. I think I need to learn
how to add more details or perhaps dialogue. But thanks for saying so :D Well I hope you
continue to read my story and I will keep reading yours.

RShield16: Thanks for being my proof reader. I know I said I would send you this one too but
since I leave tomorrow and everyone wants me to update one more time I will send it to you after
I get back from the holidays. I will send you the first few chapters to be revised though if you are
still interested.

Touchi-sama: Thanks for reviewing. Glad you like the cliffhangers too. Please keep reading.

KagomeResurrected: Glad you like the story so far. I have at least one more twist to add to the
story. I hope you like it. No problem I love to review stories and add my two cents worth. I try
not to be nasty about it either. I don't do flames. Please keep reading.

SessRin2003: I thought it was good too. Don't worry. I love happy endings.

anhimals: Sorry it is confusing right now. Well I am not promising you will understand
everything but the story will end happily.

new reader: Hehehehe glad you like the cliffhanger. Sorry I did have an author's note explaining
some things but fanfiction won't let me have an author's note. I had to replace it. But if you
want the info it is on under the same title and pen name. You will have to read
to find out.

Well that is all of the reviews. Shame on you mediaminer readers. You are letting the fanfiction
readers give more reviews than you per chapter. Tsk tsk. My story hasn't been on fanfiction as
long as it has on mediaminer. Most of mediaminer reviews are from Lil'Inu and me checking my
reviews. Thank you Lil'Inu for being a faithful reviewer.

Disclaimer: If you guys think I own them you are crazier than I thought. But just in case the
lawyers are reading I still don't own Inu and company.
Chapter 14
Struggling to be a Lady

"Sit up straight." "Don't talk with your mouth full." "Ladies don't play in the mud."

"Why can't you be more like your cousin Lang?" "Stop running." These words echoed in Rin's

head. She didn't want to be here. She wanted to be with her Sesshomaru-sama. ‘Where is he?

He promised to visit Rin.' She looked longingly to the west. Rin was having a hard time

adapting to her new home. She had been here over a year with no sign of the demon lord. ‘Has

he forgotten Rin?' A tear slowly slid down her cheek. She quickly wiped it off. She didn't want

her family to see her crying. They would see her as weak and find another reason to complain

about her. Suddenly her skin prickled. It only did this when Sesshomaru was around. ‘Could it

be? He remembered!' She held her breath as she turned around. "Why were you crying? Did

the humans hurt you?" He was exactly like she remembered him. A huge smile broke out on her

face. "Sesshomaru-sama you came!" "Of course, this Sesshomaru does not lie. You did not

answer my question." He raised an eyebrow. "No they did not hurt me. I was just thinking how

much I wanted to see you again." They moved to sit on a bench in the courtyard. Curious eyes

peaked out of windows and around bushes. The onlookers were too frightened to venture nearer.

"So how do you like your new home?"he inquired. Rin looked at the ground. "I don't. I

don't fit in. They keep telling me not to do this or that. They say I should act like a lady. I try

really I do but it is so hard. I want to be with you again. I always had fun, even with Jaken." "I

am sorry Rin but you must stay here. This is where you belong. One day you will understand."

They sat like that for a while. Catching up on the past year. As the sun began to set he got up to

leave. "Come back soon please." "..."he looked at her hopeful face. Placing a hand on her head

he replied "I promise."

He kept his promise over the years. It was always unexpected but always welcome. They

would talk on the bench in the courtyard. She would tell of her schooling and her hobbies. He

would tell her of the wars. Sesshomaru had visited the east to help them with their war and then

pushed the north out of his lands. He knew he could do this because he had done it before, but

he didn't tell her this. He never told anyone about the other life. Rin did notice that although he

tried to act like his cold distant self she saw a hidden sadness in his eyes.

Her life with her family didn't get easier. She was always a little clumsy and very loud.

Whenever she talked to them the conversation would be filled with Sesshomaru's name. They

worried that she was falling in love with him. They would not have this. Although she didn't

appear to be a lady it was in her blood and soon it would be time for her to marry and bring honor

to her family. It was expected of her. When she was of age they started matchmaking. Rin was

angry. She didn't want to marry the suitors. Her friendship with Sesshomaru had intensified her

feelings for him. She knew that he would never choose her but she wouldn't have any other. It

would destroy her to marry one that she didn't love. She would rather be alone and love

Sesshomaru from afar than to be trapped in a loveless marriage that would slowly kill her heart.

So when her suitors came she would act very obnoxious so that the suitor wouldn't want to marry

her. She told Sesshomaru of this on his next visit. "Why do you chase off your suitors? Don't

you want to bring honor to your family?" he asked. "I have never felt welcome here. I am

always teased and ridiculed. They are only marrying me off so that they can be rid of me. I do

not love these men and they don't love me. I can' I won't marry them."she said

passionately. She looked him in the eyes and pleaded for his understanding. He saw the plea and

also her unspoken love for him in her eyes. She was never good at hiding her feelings like he

was. "I do understand..."he seemed to want to say more but hesitated. The sun began to set. "I

should go. I will visit you soon."

Sesshomaru looked back at Rin as he was leaving. She looked so vulnerable on the

bench. Although he had built walls around his heart and tried to stop loving her because she was

a human...his heart wouldn't listen. After being set free it refused to be chained once again. His

heart loved Rin no matter her appearence. She had been and would always be the only one for

him. Although it was believed that he was under a hundred years old, he was much older. In this

new reality, the years he aged in the other one stayed with him. As proof his arm had started to

regenerate. This only happened after at least 50 years. It has been a little over that since it was

cut off by his brother. He would ask Rin to be his mate in the next visit. Perhaps they could

make the pup that was lost in the other reality. His heart still mourned the pup that never had the

chance to be born.

"Lady Rin? Your grandfather wishes to speak with you." a servant informed her. She

walked cautiously into the study. "Rin why must you be so difficult. We have done everything

we could for you. We've fed you, clothed you, educated you, and tried to teach you how to be a

lady. Now that we try to marry you so you could bring honor to the family you scare them away.

I was hoping that you would like one of them but since you are getting older and not many want

an old maid for a wife (an: she is around 18 but that is considered an old maid back then). You

leave me no choice. This next suitor you will marry. You do not have a choice. He is coming

tomorrow. This is your last chance to bring honor to your family. Do not shame us. You may


Tears welled up in her eyes. ‘No this can't be happening. I won't marry him. I love

Sesshomaru.' She began to run down the halls to her room. The tears streamed down her pale

face. Sobs shook her body as she collapsed onto her bed. Exhausted she fell asleep. Even in her

sleep crystal tears cascaded down her cheek.

As the sun rose the next day the sky shone blood red. The forest surrounding their castle

was silent as if anticipating what would happen. Rin slowly made her way to the bath house

silently praying that Sesshomaru would come. She knew this wasn't to be. He left yesterday and

was usually gone months in between visits. She would have to take matters into her own hands.

Goosebumps raised on her skin as she slid into the cold water. She would be a lady today.

Beautiful as a doll. She scrubbed her skin clean. The perfumed water calmed her spirit. The

servants were curious about her strange behavior but said nothing. Perhaps she was accepting

her duty. They quickly dressed her and combed her hair. Her black tresses gleamed after it was

dry. She went back into her room. She applied her makeup very carefully. Rin never wore it

unless her family made her. The pale powder hid the shadows under her brown eyes. The paint

made her lips red as a rose. Next was the black eyeliner. It made her eyes itch but she would

tolerate it today. When she was done she looked just like a porcelain doll. She started on her

hair. It was very long going to her knees. She twisted up and grabbed a pin to stick through it. It

was made of gold and steel. The handle had a ruby in the center. It was very pretty. She slid it

through her hair to secure it. Afterwards she called a servant to eat breakfast. She didn't want to

see her grandfather yet. When she was finished she headed to the gardens to wait for the arrival

of her last suitor.

Sesshomaru had smelt her tears shortly after he left. He smelt the despair in them as well.

He turned around and waited just beyond the walls until morning. He had a sick feeling in his

stomach that something bad was going to happen. A few hours after the sun had risen he saw

Rin head into the gardens. Her appearance shocked him. He had never seen her wear makeup

before. She looked beautiful without it. He was about to approach her to ask why she was crying

the night before but stopped when her grandfather came out. He was with another human man.

The other man was older and appeared to be a noble. Rin stood up and greeted them. "Rin this

is Akiro. He is to be your husband. I take it by your appearance that you have accepted this?"

her grandfather seemed relieved. Sesshomaru was shocked. ‘She wouldn't!' "No, Grandfather. I

dressed like this because you tried so hard to make me a lady. I told you once I would never

marry a man I didn't love. I love Sesshomaru. Even if he never chooses me I would never betray

my heart."she eyed him defiantly. "Insolent girl! You act like you have a choice!" he yelled.

"Oh, but I do." With that she grabbed her hair pin. Her hair fell around her in waves. Before

they had a chance to stop her she stabbed herself in the heart. As her blood flowed from her

heart she smiled at them. "I was never yours to give away. I am Sesshomaru's." she whispered.

Unable to stand any longer she collapsed onto the ground.

Sesshomaru watched all of this too stunned to move. As she fell he snapped out of it. He

was by her side in a second. "Sesshomaru, you did come. I'm sorry..." Her eyes closed and

didn't open again. Angry Sesshomaru turned to the men. "Leave us. I left her in your care and

now she is dead. Get out of my sight!" he growled. They ran into the castle fearful of their lives.

Sesshomaru pulled out the tensiga. It seemed to sing at his touch. It wanted to revive her

as much as he did. He removed the pin from her heart and then cut the soul takers with his

sword. In a flash of light her wound was healed and she began to breathe again. He sheathed his

sword and picked up the sleeping girl. Forming a cloud around his feet he began to fly home.

The walls no longer necessary now that he had Rin again, he broke them down. His heart

seemed lighten now that it was no longer bound. Hearts get hurt but they heal and become

stronger. He would protect his Rin from any danger, even from herself.

End of Chapter 14
That has got to be my longest chapter yet. I promised didn't I? And it wasn't a cliff hanger.
There is still more to the story though. This isn't the end. But I can't write anymore till after the
holiday break. I better get a lot of reviews though. I worked really hard to make this one long for
you. Hope you liked it. REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!